in #walkwithme7 years ago

After brutal temps and having to run the heater in the greenhouse 24/7 for a week it was time to check them.

Tropical trees do not like temps below 40!

All of these are in the ficus family:

We go thru a lot of Kerosene!

Weeds are ignored during winter to not disturb the roots of the trees.

I hope you enjoyed my walkwithme thru my greenhouse...

How are your trees doing?
Is winter still holding them hostage?

Come chime in and chat!
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All in all does everything seem to be doing ok? The only tree I have is an indoor lemon tree and it is doing fine inside! :-D

Yes they all look good! I have seen a few lemon trees do well indoors for short periods of time..

I have grown a few from seed. I will try to get a picture of it to share!

Awesome! Each time I have grown them the axis deer come eat them and it is not worth a 12 foot fence to keep them out.

Here you go! This is the biggest one, a little hard to see with the back lighting. The other plant to the right is another one I have growing.

Awesome, now do another blog on them! ;-)

HAHAHAHA!!! We'll see but I am making no promises!

Those look great. We aren't too familiar with using kerosene. I am really excited about the walk with me tag.

They look pretty good considering how long they were under that heater.

Very cool, thanks so much for taking us with you to the greenhouse. I liked it.

That was only a very small section of the entire greenhouse (picture a 2 car garage size and you get an idea of the size).

''Tropical trees do not like temps below 40!''
Neither do we ;-)
Love the looks of your little trees, nice trunks!!
Hope all are snug as a bug 🐞 in a rug ღ
Do you have one them indoor outdoor temp
things can see from inside what the temp it
is in greenhouse?

I have 2 zone alarms so yes I can tell at a glance if the temps drop.

congrats on taking such a good care of your trees!

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