An Evening Walk Through My Village...

Well hello my fellow Stemians! I got two walks in this weekend Yeeeow! 

First an Evening stroll last night (Saturday) for you, Enjoy!

My apologies that some photos are blurry; not sure what happened there. Its great to get out again as recently we've had a lot of rain and I mean a lot. So after work I have been stuck inside, well not stuck as I've still found wonderful things to do like Steemit. But its never nice walking in the pouring driving rain. Anyways off we go...

We turn right and head through the village (a wee tour for you today).

You may recognise this from my walk to work down my road to the cross roads.

Instead we turn right and come across one of the greens.

Around the edge of the village now

I love this corner the way the house sits on it; cracking spot!

And then we hit the main road, busy this one!

My favourite house in the village, check out the lantern above the door. Must get to know these guys soon; have a peek around ;P

So then I decided to take a walk up to the nook, it was getting dark and I had no torch but I figured I knew it well enough. I still have about thirty minutes of light; loads of time I hoped!

These tree roots are amazing. It always make me think of that image where the tree is symmetrical'ish above and under ground?

I love this tree (sorry its getting a bit dark). Time for a quick meditation with the tree. 

Hello Ms Sheep, there are sheep in every field round me. I think some recognise me, well they don't run off anyhow.

I really like this silhouette.

More sheep! Were nearly at the top of the nook now!

A view from the top of the evening lights in the valley.

Yay the woods, nearly home.

Yet more sheep; settling down for the night. 

The path down. Just in time, the light is going. Need to get a stomp on now.

The last rays of light through the trees.

These trees connect together creating a perfect frame of the lights in the distance.

Thanks for walking with me in the dark. A little night time adventure :). Really had to get a jog on here as this path was very slippy in the day and worse when you can't see. Kept my balance though, just. Home and a nice cup of tea and bath. Cracking Saturday evening!


I loved it, and rarely to folks take us out at night. It was great to see the twilight...

If I had to pick a favourite, I'd say this one:

Thanks! Its an amazing time of day as all the light is changing. So great shots to be had! 💯🐒

Beautiful <3 I love the look of the buildings there, like they have so much history. Here in Canada there is a lack of that feel, and I want to visit europe and see it first hand badly. Also, beautiful photos!

Many thanks. Do it meet the UK Steemers I'll show you around here, so great history in these parts! I hope to travel to Canada soon. I was going to emigrate years ago but never happened.

Thanks for sharing a part of your world with us. I wonder if the house on the corner has ever been hit by a car ? The last pics of the sun setting were perfect.

Thank you! Yer i've only been here about 6 months so don't know, but looking a the photo looks like the wall has been repaired in some way.But they are quite windy roads and no one really goes fast. Kids tend to race on the dual carriage way up the road so thats good! 💯🐒

Nice little village you live in. Quaint and quiet looking. I like your comparison to the tree roots being like the trees themselves. Good photos all of them. 🐓🐓

Thanks, I love it nice a peaceful away from all the hustle and bustle! Not always the best focusing but its not a bad camera for a phone. Need to get a proper one again at some point, but this one does the job and it also works as a phone bonus! 💯🐒

I usuallly end up using my phone too. That is when all of the good things happen. If I took the camera I wouldn’t see a thing! That’s just the way it works. 🐓🐓

That's a really pretty village, I love the houses. Great idea to show the places you see everyday!

Thanks! I enjoy seeing other peoples locality so thought why not. 💯🐒

great skies! I always like seeing where people are from. Looks cold though!

I know great tag this! Not too bad about 2 degrees I think.

very nice place for a walk :)

Great walk thanks for taking us. Lovely colours as the sun went down.

Thanks for joining me 💯🐒

A winter walk in good ol England, not sure if I miss it or not....let me think... Not, but a beautiful sight from afar. Thanks for the walk will check out some of your other tours. Thanks

I've make the most of what I got. Plan to escape soon! 💯🐒

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