A Cracking Winters day Stroll...

A Sunday stroll in the winter sunshine, join me...

Being a Sunday and the first one in ages it seems without a typical British downpour I slipped into the new (bought with Bitcoin) boots and headed out. I have had this walk in my sights for a while now with a clear day and a free schedule it is time. Lets get going!

First we go along the usual path and up the very wet and muddy path (but I have nice waterproof boots today, bonus).

Wow it a clear blue sky today. I just love this time of year with the frost on the ground.

A quick stop a Willow's tree :)

Dam I love the views around here. Hope to take you up these hills at some point.

Nice and crisp under food. I just love that crunching sound on the frozen grass, cracking!

Its proper cold today the puddles are still frozen.

Ahh no the path is blocked !!!

This is were we are heading hopefully!

Well this is a change a nice clear path to follow. A rarity these days, I often spend hours wondering around fields looking for the path.

It all clear so far. A lovely field; a bit like a mini shire!

Look at this a prefect path all sign posted. And we are nearing the woods, great!

A very quaint bridge!

I got a little philosophical when I took this shot. I was thinking its a perfect representation of life; if one option is blocked you simply reroute and find another way around :)

Fantastic we made it too the woods my favourite place to be!

What a path this is, vey scenic hey?

Might earmark this as my first wild camping spot a cracking view to wake up to. Dont you think?

Out of the woods now, these are new views for me, kinda nice hey. 

Still cold but checkout these pattern in the ice!

This is the hill we walked down. Now to find out way back up!

A odd structure in the middle of a field, I guess it something to do with herding animals?

Ok a bit lost a this point?

We need to heading right quite soon. But there is no path ummm!

Found a path through a farm with some cracking view of where we have just been.

I don't know if their doing this up, but it looks quite empty. Potential here me thinks?!

A little artistic shot of some frosted leaves!

Were back on the road for the last stretch. Some incredible trees along here. Its an old Roman road you can imagine there Roman stomping past these trees.

You may recognise these trees from a previous #walkwithme. 'The New Boots' and this my Steemian friends is where I leave you today. 


I love the traffic jam hahaha!!

I know what I have to put up with. And the pollution from these fellas! 💯🐒

The traffic jam is cute. Nice looking sheep. Much better than jammed by cars. Use the pollution from them for your garden...

Indeed I like you thinking. Still building the garden front. Need to get on it really 💯🐒

God its amazing where you are. I would certainly venture out too far and get lost

Thanks! lad i moved here still plenty to explore yet! 💯🐒

That was a great walk. The country side where you live is really pretty. That photo of the ice is excellent. Your friend🐓🐓

Thanks much appreciated! I love it a good move for sure ;) 💯🐒

So lovely your world. :)

Thanks very much, I love to share it :) 💯🐒

Beautiful photo essay!

Thanks to @chiefmappster, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Thank you I gave you enjoyed it and big thanks to @chiefmasppster 💯🐒

haha I love the traffic jam, we get lots of those around here too! hehe we do live in a beautiful country don't we! ;)

True I do love England when its not raining. Haha and if you had freedom ;) 💯🐒

lol yea, well we can make our own feedom ;)

Indeed and that is why I live in the country, just wish everyone else would make their own freedom then the power that be would loose their grip :) Hundredth monkey time 💯🐒

Nice post, reminds me of being back home- where do you live? Looks just like South Wales and Gloucestershire area.

Keeping going north past Gloucestershire to the other end of wales and swing a NE for a few more hundred miles ;) 💯🐒

Beautiful walk! It looks a lot like my area (Staffordshire Moorlands). There’s a place called Beresford Dale near me that has a bridge just like this.
Thanks for the vicarious tour around your area and into your woods. 😄

Thanks for coming. Yep a little bit further north from you. Hope you'll join me again soon :) 💯🐒

I will 😄. I’ll take you for a walk round my way too 😄

Sounds great, i'll look forward to it. Beautiful part of the country ! 💯🐒

Darn! Just been to the roaches and forgot to take photos! Argh! Next time!

Ahh just means you'll have to go again Bonus 💯🐒

My dog Aoife will be thrilled 😁

Haha he'll be pestering you now! 💯🐒

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