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RE: Walk with Me in Stony Swamp

I've never understood why people would sit in their car waiting for a close parking spot when they could just park a little further away and walk. Walking is good for you! Glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks so.

The "alvar clearing" looks like an old parking lot that is being reclaimed by nature. That's cool.

There are a lot of different ecosystems there. It seems you made a good call by choosing the longer path.

Those lime kilns are interesting. It's strange how something like that could be forgotten after being so critical to the area for so long. That's how things go sometimes though. Everything changes... although it's neat that parts of the kiln are still around for people to see.


You sound like me. I park far from the store so I can walk further. I think we walked out there for 3-1/2 hours, and walking on uneven ground has you subtly twisting and turning in ways you don't normally get on even ground.

The alvar clearing is completely natural. You see some of it around the Great Lakes, not the prettiest. I have been limiting myself to a dozen photos or you would have seen more of the nice bush on the second path.

When you think about when the kiln was built, it was off in some remote bush. Now the city has grown closer. The swamp is in the greenbelt that surrounds Ottawa.

Thanks for dropping by.

Yeah, I normally park in the middle of the parking lot. Then I still have a good walk to the store.

A dozen photos is probably good. I tend to overwhelm people when I go on trips and show them pictures. I like to take a lot.

That's sort of nice there's that natural greenbelt to keep things from expanding too far. Still, it does seem like it was a long way out. Maybe because people didn't like the smell.

I took 56 photos and the trip seems rushed to me. Actually, the greenbelt will be surrounded some day.

56 photos isn't bad. I'm sure you could have taken many more. It just takes a lot of time if you go back and edit them before posting.

Hopefully they don't build into the greenbelt, even if they surround it. Greenbelts are nice for remembering what nature is like.

They're not doing too bad at preserving the greenbelt but when they created it, there were already farms there, so they're leased farms now. I don't think it's ever a bad idea to have farmland close to the city.

Oh yeah, editing photos is a pain.

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