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RE: Holidays and walking.

in #walkwithme6 years ago

The exercise is a done deal, the business was the reason I went there today, they angled a carrot with the new park and all, and as much as I appreciate them taking the time to make the park I am still at a time in my life I want to dedicate to family.

You have seen the movie/film with the arsehole/arrogant (business minded) dad or mother, that was never there for the child yes?

Well that was me before I came here. They stuck with me, I changed, and I have a big debt to pay, in time and love. :-)


Yes seen movies like that and what is the point just working your life away. Top choice mate on being there now for your family. When we are on deaths door we will not wish we worked more. Have a good night :)

P,S. I hate bankers.

Banks are just a big con to steal our money:(

And they charge you a fee when you are broke and go overdrawn, oh the irony.

Oh yes they close in for the kill when you are down and out. I ended up getting overdrawn once in my late teens. As a payment i made weeks before unkown to me had not been taken out of my acc. I had to make another payment checked my acc had enough money in there made the payment. Next communication with the bank i had a $30 overdraw fee. As the earlier payment was taken out just before the next went through. So down to the bank i go and demand they pay me the $30 back and i got it to :) Oh and i was only overdrawn about $5

Yes I have had that done to me also.
I now bank with 2 banks, both do not charge me even if I should happen to go over a little.
Sometimes getting the balance right between my UK bank and the one here can be a little tricky as the timing of transfers is in no way guaranteed and quite costly.

Luckily I make enough via eBay to be able to take cash out daily, most days and never worry about the folding stuff.

Cheers bro, in a battle at the mo with a freak on here that thinks he is a banker lol

I just bought some btc to sort it out. You are correct, life is too short to work,

I just checked that link out. Looking forward to how it goes.

Had to stick some cash in here as he went after my posts also, and then other people lose out which is not fair.

True and i upvoted one of your comments but still not enough to get it positive value.

He downvoted it with 7500 sp, and my post with 75,000, not easy to fix that.

Yes that will take some SP to fix those down votes.

I fixed my post so others get paid, ish, and to be fair, I am so close to quitting this place, it is beyond a joke, I like the small people, I hate the big peops, reflection of life? maybe, yet I own more land than these fruit cakes. what a weird world eh online.

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