Walk With Me: Woods & River Walk

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)

Messing About On The River


Now I've been promising @lyndsaybowes with a #walkwithme post for a while now and after being ill over Christmas & New Year today was the day! I was staying with a friend for a couple of days and so we planned on being out for a good few hours. The night before I thought I'd quickly search for a weather report and the first thing it brings up is this! Radiaton fog. What the hell is radiation fog!? as luck would have it radiation fog is actually erm ... fog! just with some added drama to scare the reader. On top of that when I woke up the next morning it wasn't even foggy! It was actually a beautiful day and so we decided to head to the woods & river!


After some winter storms the bank here is eroding, in fact a little further downstream (sorry I coudn't get it in a picture) there is now just a thin section of land with a pond on one side and the river on the other. One day the pond will fall into the river, which is sad but you know time waits for man nor .. pond?




The Two Lovers

Now the romantic in me thinks of these trees as two lovers frozen in time.




Into The Woods

There is something magical about about the woods at this time of year. The leaves may have fallen and the air may be cold but on a day like today as the winter breeze gently pulls at your hair you could be forgiven for hearing the first whispers of spring.




I couldn't resist one last quick detour back to the river before we left.



The Long & Winding Path



Thank you for taking the time to #walkwithme it's much appreciated and as the year moves on I'm looking forward to sharing & joining many more walks with you.


Nice one buddy.
With you and Lyndsay doing walks now I'm getting even more vicarious excersize 😂
Cheers mate, I feel healthier already!

Thanks for the support dude! Haha, I must admit this was the first long walk I'd taken since the flu so I wasn't feeling too healthy by the end of it lol I'm liking the @tremendospercy fitness regime though, I could work with that!

WOwwww!!! I am so happy seeing this!! :) You promised and you followed through brilliantly, I'm very happy that you're feeling well enough for a hike in the woods. The dogs looked like they were having a great time too.

I loved the Lovers...it reminded me of my favourite tarot card from the OSHO ZEN deck "Friendliness"

Thanks for detouring back to the river...it was so beautiful sparkling in the dappled sunlight!! xoxoxo Big Love @perceptualflaws!!!!!

Hey @lyndsaybowes Thanks for the kind comments my friend, I really appreciate it! It was such a beautiful day and it was so nice to get out and enjoy it, I felt blessed! What I didn't say was that the river was flowing pretty fast in a couple of places and I nearly had to rescue one of the dogs from a current! Luckily I got her out without getting wet but they're nutters and will go through, over and swim in anything and so I have to keep my eyes open and protect them from themselves lol

Ah the trees are just so beautiful, frozen in time and held within each others warm embrace .. I'm loving the tarot picture, it's uncanny! Thanks again!!

Wow, you are a real Super Hero! I'm glad you saved the dog!

Thank you for taking us with you on your journey into nature and the woods people. Great photographs. x

Thank you for joining me @innerstellar & I'm glad you enjoyed.

You're welcome. It was lovely! x

The way you captured the sunshine on the first picture is more like a sensational pancea for beautiful and talented artistry, it's beautiful

Hey my friend, thank you for noticing and yes when I turned the corner to be greeted by the sunlight cascading through the trees I just had to reach for my camera!! Thanks again @josediccus

That's also because you have a knack for brilliant photography 🔥🔥🔥🔥😀😀😀

Thank you, I only had a point and click camera on me and I took loads of pictures, but I do love that one!!

Nothing to beat a bit of winter sunshine to banish that radiation fog! Nice wandering weather.

Haha yes my friend, radiation fog!! what are these people going to think of next! weather bombs? actually I think that one is already being used!! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

Looks like a really nice walk! Hmm maybe I should take photos of the walks I go on when I'm not playing stupid phone games XD


You really should!! :) :)

Hey @ ryivhnn Thanks for the great comment and support, I really appreciate it! And yes don't play phone games next to the river! :D But seriously I'm sure many of us would love to see your walks so please share!

The stupid phone games are usually played around the neighbourhood :D I haven't been down to the creek walk in a very long time partly due to time constraints and mostly due to snake paranoia (I love snakes but not so much accidentally stepping on one).


Medicine is in our body, releasing endorphins strengthens the immune system

Yes that is very true my friend, healing comes from within and long-term healing is not found in a pill.

Thank you for a beautiful walk by the river. would really love to know what part of the world this is. Cant wait for the next installment.

Hey my friend, Thank you for joining me on my walk, I appreciate the company :) this river is in England. I will be sure to post some more walks soon .. thanks again!

Beautiful pics, I love those two lovers trees <3 Where are you that it's so green?

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