Walk With Me: The Return Of The Springeye Part 2 .. The Bluebells Bite Back!

in #walkwithme6 years ago (edited)


The Bluebells Bite Back

Ok so I admit, although it's taken by me .. the picture above is not from this walk, but hey who doesn't love coastal flowers? Anyway, today I'm walking in an ancient riverside forest and I'm hunting for the bluest bells in the wood .. that's bells not belles!



On my journey I happened across this really tall, strange old building in the middle of the wood .. not sure what it was used for, but it was definitely worthy of a picture.



Right lets get back to the task in hand .. via some wild garlic



It's a hot day and the sunlight is streaming through the trees so it's time to take a stroll alongside the river.



I think someone is glad of the opportunity to cool down.


So let's get head back into the forest and continue our bluebell hunt .. I love this time of year, it's full of promise and expectation for the summer ahead and I have high hopes for what it may bring.



Ha can you spot the bee? Don't worry,my dog is under strict instructions not to eat it :D




So I really should be getting home but it's such a beautiful spring day that I'm finding it difficult to drag myself away. I think I'll take some more snaps for the road ;)




I can't tell you how good it felt to be out and about, fresh air in my lungs and enjoying natures bountiful beauty and profound inspiration. I may never be wealthy .. but on days like these, I feel like the richest man alive. Thank you for joining this #walkwithme.



Written by perceptualflaws
Original pictures by perceptualflaws

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Great pictures dude.
It’s a late spring this year, the wild flowers coming out in your area and on site here now are outstanding.
That tall building is intriguing, any idea what it was?

Hey dude .. always good to hear from you! Yes the lateness of spring seems to have boosted the flowers, everything just feels so suddenly alive .. a real contrast. The wildflowers are some of the best I've ever seen them so I felt blessed to be out and about.

No idea what the building was .. it was really strange .. really tall and creepy. I shall have to go back and take some more pictures to get a better idea. It's not far from a great big rambling old manor house .. the owners have obviously been hit by inheritance tax over the years as it's dilapidated but you can see how lavish the grounds (boating lake) and building once were and that gives it a charm of it's own. Thanks again dude

That is the epitome of an enchanted forest...no doubt you didn't want to leave. I love how every photo I've ever seen of your dog is just the cutest damn thing in the world, his (I'm pretty sure a He, and what's his name again?) expressions are just amazing. He's running towards you in so many photos I've seen and just looks like the happiest Soul in the entire world...I'd love to see what's on the other side of that camera one day... <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

The moss, the ferns, the abundance of flowers, the dappled light...just surreal beauty...thanks so much for bringing us with you.

Oh, and PS yes that first photo was incredible!!!!!!!! Belongs in a magazine.

Hey @lyndsaybowes thank you for stopping by my friend .. I always find it difficult to drag myself away lol Ha I'm glad you appreciate the dog because I love her :) she is the happiest dog in the world so full of life and joy .. in fact she is never less than 100% happy, such a zest for life .. I tell you people can learn a lot from animals .. she knows exactly what mood I'm in and if I'm ever pissed off about something she comes and sits in my lap and makes me feel better. I have another of the same breed but he is a problem dog, given to me as a last chance saloon because people couldn't control him (I'm pretty experienced dog handler) otherwise he'd have been put down so I have to keep him close to me.

It was such a stunning day, and you're right it really is a beautiful enchanted forest .. you almost expect to stumble across some pixies playing in a glade :) Thanks again my friend.

Aww, so she is a SHE okay, I will remember that from now on!

Bless you for taking in the other guy too, aww...you're such a kind soul!!

You may never be wealthy? you mad man, you have so much beauty around you, and so much insight to share, you are a wealth of information, and a superb human, you are as rich as any man I ever met, be loud and proud about it, time to big up you yourself, as we all know how rich you are, and excuse the language here "fuck fiat paper" be you, you are 1 in a billion, and talented.

Thank you for the kind words @deliberator I really appreciate it. I'm a pretty humble person so I find it difficult to rate what I'm doing .. but the comments and support of people like yourself keep me pushing forward and sharing my thoughts. In a strange way, I feel as though this is exactly where I'm supposed to be so I guess we shall see what comes of it all. Thanks again my friend .. I'm truly humbled by your generosity!

There is one way you truly can be at home here, and I can assist in a way, it requires you doing more you, posting more posts, and I can give you a guide on how you can cash the crypto as and when you need it, it would be a win win, we get more posts from you, you get some money out of it, what says you?

Thanks for the advice dude, but in all honesty at this moment in time I don't think I could do anymore, I'm working full time+, there is homelife and then apart from that I'm either on here or writing & researching .. many of my posts take a pretty long time to think about and put together lol. I would have to go full time and it would be a bit of a difficult transition to make at the moment.

I could break a lot of my posts down into smaller parts, but I feel it would destroy the narrative .. I also have so many different things I want to write about that it would hold me up getting to them ;D ..

That said I'm looking to change my work over the next few months which will free up a lot of time and that would certainly help .. so watch this space ;). Cheers dude

Watching and waiting, cheers my friend.

wow, very beautiful photo @perceptualflaws, I really like to see the beauty of nature, like mountains, I think, the beauty of nature has many benefits to our lives. When we are stressed, and have problems in the life we experience, with our holidays enjoying the beauty of nature, surely our body will be refreshed, and our soul will feel comfortable. Do you agree with me?

Thanks for sharing @perceptualflaws, and hopefully you have a wonderful day... :)

Thank you for reading and looking at my pictures @reynakarina .. Yes I'm a big fan of the mountain landscape but at this time of year I'm always drawn towards the forest :D Nature is amazing for alleviating stress .. like a shower for the mind and soul. Thanks again my friend

Beautiful shots! I'm glad you're getting out after that long and miserable northern hemisphere winter! What breed of dog is that? He looks incredible frisky:)

Hey thanks for stopping by dude .. I get really affected by the lack of sunshine etc so it's great to see life returning. The dog is an Australian Cattle dog which is a cross between a wild Dingo and a couple of domestic breeds .. awesome dogs, you can see one in the clip above ;)

I knew I knew that breed from somewhere!
We should compare notes on this winter malady. I've come to call mine Low-Pressure Syndrome. It flips the melatonin cycle so that I'm sleepy all day and wide awake all night. It goes away when the sun and hi pressure come back and I get into a 'normal' sleep routine. But it's miserable when it happens and this winter was bad. Meditation all night long helps me cope other wise I'd be a basket case..
I don't know how this happened and it seems to me this is new to me since 2000...Have 'they' done something or am I just an old fcuk?lol

Yes it's pretty similar here, I think I suffer pretty badly from vitamin D deficiency .. my brother has the same problem so we're not alone, it really messes my sleep routine and I end up looking like a panda by the time sping rolls around, plus I don't gel too well with the damp winters in the UK. I've honestly been thinking about moving to warmer climes .. if I had the money it would be six months here and then six months in Portugal or somewhere like that.

so nice .. from my bed I journeyed into the forest through your beautiful pictures and captions of the forest. You truly are rich from the inside out and so am I. thanks

Hey @wallpaperflower thank you for joining me and I'm glad you enjoyed my walk .. it was such a beautiful day and you're right .. riches come in many forms. Thanks again my friend.

That’s some beautiful scenery and landscape... where is that?

Hey @hrissm thank you for stopping by my friend and I'm glad you appreciated the landscape .. these pictures were taken in the Southwest of England .. on the foothills of Dartmoor. Thanks again.

Beautiful! I made a quick impromptu stop in Southampton a few autumn’s ago to watch a football match while I was on holiday in London and then Ireland! I didn’t get to see anything like this though. I’m sue for another trip across the pond. Cheers.

There are some stunning places over here .. you just have to know where to look/go. When you come over give me a shout and I'll point you in the right direction.

Thanks will do!

I can smell the wild garlic. That tall building is a strange contraption. Bluey still has his winter coat but having a ball. Thanks for the pics of your part of the world. Lovely to see.

Hey @izzynoel Yes I love the smell of wild garlic in the morning :) The building is strange eh? I'll have to return and try and grab some more pictures .. seems to be some form of pully at the top. Yes both my dogs (blue & red heelers) winter coats are late to go this year. No problem, thank you for stopping by and I'm glad you enjoyed.

Thank you for a very beautiful walk with your noble canine companion! Bluebells and mystery mills forevah

"Bluebells and mystery mills" .. ha I like that :) and yes I agree .. you gotta love the bluebells! Thank you for taking the time to look at my post @creationofcare

It was a joy and I intend to peer in more often

Wow. I absolutely loved your walk and these beautiful wildflowers.
The house was quite strange.
Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed it.

Thank you @joalvarez I'm really glad you enjoyed my walk and pictures .. it was such beautiful day and in truth I felt blessed to be able to enjoy it. Although you're right .. the house was very strange! The picture didn't really capture the height too well but it was really tall! Thanks again!

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