Spring In Our Neck of the Woods: Local Mills, Baby Goats, Wildflowers!

in #walkwithme6 years ago (edited)

Our friend’s few day old baby goats

Local Mill with incredible spring

After the long slumber of winter, the earth starts to shake off the dormant season into an eruption of vivacious color and a symphony of sounds.

Join us today as we walk through a nearby forest charting the timing of morels (a fantastic mushroom) making their appearance. We keep an eye out for "indicator species", which as the name reveals indicate when certain species come out. When mayapples are up, we know morels are close.

Today we journeyed into the woods to see where spring was at in our neck of the woods!

Hope you enjoy the run through of some familiar and joyful:

Sights of Spring

Trillium Flower

Unfurling Leaves

Swollen Waterways from Spring Rains

If we have to characterize Spring with one word, it would be:


Spring is life unfolding and abundant.
Waking up and peeking through the leaves.
Bright flowers unfurling unto the light of day.
Babies being born and rains falling
To create more life!

Large-Flowered Bellwort

Unfurling Ferns

Rue Anemone

We visited a local spring as well called Blue Spring, which is one of the largest in our region. It pumps out 90 million gallons a day.

The waters weren’t so blue today (they usually are) because of the copious amount of rainfall of late.



It’s incredible to watch water come bubbling out of the earth with such force!!


It’s such an incredibly lush time!!

Redbud blossoms

Large Trilluim


And yet, coming full circle to the “indicator species”, we see the mayapples are just now peeling out and unfurling their umbrellas. Morels are like a week or two away still!!


Thanks for waking with us as we take you through Spring in our neck of the woods!

All of these sites were seen today as we took ini’s Mom and sis, who are visiting from Canada, around our local haunts!

I’d love to see a spring walk through your area! Please tag me if you make such a post 😊


So beautiful. I'm sure Ini's mom and sis loved the hike to the springs. The spring wildflowers are so cheerful!

Wow! You have almost the same wildflowers as we do here. I was just walking around looking around for morels yesterday with no success and found almost all of those flowers. I am in southern middle Tennessee.

Beautiful photographs! I especially enjoyed the flowers. Thanks for sharing the little delights of the start of spring. I am also waiting to see morels showing up nearby... down further in the valley they are already going, so I expect to see them any moment now :)

Thanks for a dose of my neck of the woods spring fever. I am hoping to see all this very soon. So beautiful! The large trillium I believe is a Wake Robin. We have those and they are a very dark red almost burgundy. They are the biggest of trilliums. Enjoy!

Hello! We just posted a #walkwithme at the same moment, haha! Spring there is quite a ways ahead of us, Ohhhhh. all of these spring wildflowers and woodland plants are so beloved, I can't wait to see them again in our neck of the woods! We are slowly coming along.... And my, that spring looks amazing....

haha that's amazing. i must've felt that because i was just thinking of you! as i was finishing up this post ;) i'll go check yours out, too. yes the little woodland wildflowers are such a treat <3! it is an incredible spring, we'll have to post a photo of it in summer too when it's bright blue!!

How lovely @mountainjewel. Spring really has come to your neck of the woods. Thanks for sharing your photographs. You've got so much going on there.

We've just had a really grey Easter but the sun is out this morning. Sadly, I am going home today so there won't be any opportunity to take advantage of it and take some nice shots. 😢

If I take a spring walk through my area, once home, I will try and remember to tag you! 😁 Although where I live, is very urban.

Have a wonderfull day! 😍

You had me at BABY GOATS, oh my goodness what loves. Such a lovely spring post--flowers are popping here too and I can’t wait for summer and all the adventures that come with it.

You're about a month ahead of me. Spring still hasn't decided to wake up over here up north. The buds of the early bloomers are starting to swell a lot, but only the most early flowers are starting to poke through the ground. The flora and waters in your neck of the woods look beautiful!

All of the photos were EPIC!!! I can't wait to be seeing the same thing here...

This one really stood out, I loved every part of it, especially the pink buds hinting at a very near future splendour...

Just wonderful! Thanks for sharing your bit of spring with us!

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