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RE: Walk With Me to Meeting House Cave

in #walkwithme6 years ago

You guys do have the best caves! I've been in a couple of them that have commercial tours. My mom and dad had one down at the base of their little road and at one time it it functioned as a speakeasy I was told. They had that one blocked off with an iron grate so that you could no longer go inside it. This looks like a wonderful hike! *waves at heathur!


We do have some incredible caves here in Missouri!!! I’ve been through a couple of the commercially guided tours at Fantastic Caverns and Meremac, which are super cool! But we prefer to explore off the beaten path ;)

And a speakeasy Cave?!? What a neat tidbit of history! A lot of our caves are barred up now because of “white nose syndrome” that affects the bats because of human contact. Meeting House has a wide open “mouth”, so it’s easily accessible and we are able to poke around a bit without disturbing the wildlife. I was so happy to go have a nature day with Heather!! Thanks for stopping by, Melinda. Hope you’re doing well! :)

I've been through Meremac and the one that takes you through in a Jeep. I had my four year old grandson with me and I thought the Jeep Tour might be a little more manageable for us! He loved it. He's a teenager now and he still talks about it. Do you ever worry about snakes when you go into the caves? that would worry me.

Was the Jeep tour at fantastic caverns (just outside of Springfield)? We’ve taken our girls a couple times and they loved it! Lots of neat history there too, about the women that explored it and marked their names on the wall :) They also had a piano in one of the bigger rooms and people would gather in the cave for music!

And yes, I constantly worry about snakes since I am completely terrified of them. But I can’t let them stop me from enjoying our beautiful Ozarks! We have a couple venomous breeds out here and see them almost every time we are out and about. The golden rule is: If you don’t bother them, they won’t bother you. I’ve been doing this since I was a kid and it seems to work. Although one time, we were chased by a very aggressive/ angry cottonmouth and my brother ended up chopping its head off with his machete. As much as I hate snakes, we try to leave them in peace because we are in their territory. But I’m that particular instance, it was more or less self-defense :)

Yes I think you might be right about Fantastic Caverns it's the one that has all the Billboards for Miles along the highway. I do remember the piano. I am so glad that we do not have venomous snakes here in southern Wisconsin! I can understand that you still go out and explore all the beauty that surrounds you. Do you take any precautions? I probably be wearing knee-high boots!

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