Icy Running in Seabright

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)

Today was my first run after our snow and ice storm. Running after a snowfall has it's very own challenges but running after freezing rain and lots of ice takes running on a whole new level. Even though my winter running shoes are equipped with these

It was still something to be cautious about.

The sun was partially shining but the whole world still took on an ominous tone with everything looking black and white. This was not the day to discover a new Personal Best. However it felt so good to get out there, just me and the crows and the odd duck here and there.

It actually looked like dusk yet it was high noon. It's a good thing today was Steemit Post a Picture day as it made me take it slow and easy.

Ah..I might just see that sun peeking through.

That water looks dark. Whenever it looks like this something is brewing up the bay.

I think this guy got tired and went in to Lunch. Can't miss this shovel even if you tried.

Ah...the lonely forgotten Sailboat. Waiting for the better days of summer to come, yet once again.

Now the icy run takes me over to Beech Hill. Now that's a complete misprint as I refer to it as Bitch Hill, as in this is
a "Bitch of a Hill." Did I mention that everything in this province is a hill, if not a direct mountain. They always try and trick me and tell me it's a flat course. Ha..never...you see they don't understand flat here. The only flat course here is in the Salt Marsh. The Salt Marshes are my very very favorite places to run.

Now back to the "Bitch Hill" or I mean Beech Hill. It's a whamy of a hill. One whole Kilometer of sheer incline. I was really only able to capture a few photos as my phone died. Tackling the hill this year in 2018 is my goal. By tackling it I mean running up the whole thing. I have yet to figure out the incline but I will report back with images and details of how I make out. Today it was all I could due but to walk up and very carefully run down,

Now I can see my photos do not due the hill the justice it deserves. So we will figure out a new way to show you the mountain. Now if you like when you are done running you can always drop into the Gallery. Seabright is comprised of Artists and Galleries are everywhere. This one happens to be on my road. All beautiful handcrafted work. So take a breath from the running and dip into the Cove Gallery.

I hope you enjoyed my run today through Icy Seabright.


Thank you for sharing your adventure of icy running! You are very brave. What could have happened when the water looks dark? (Whenever it looks like this something is brewing up the bay.)

Well how it works is that the water is in charge. If the water is cold, we are cold, if the water is stormy we are stormy. If the water is warm we are warm. Almost like the Gulf Stream. When the sky is blue, the water is bright blue. If its cloudy, the water almost has stripes. Today the water was steel blue almost grey..Darkish and something is brewing like more snow coming. Then it can quickly change. Sometimes we have 4 weather patterns all in one day. So today a wind came up around 3 then it got real sunny and then a beautiful sunset. So it took its dark self over somewheres else. :)))

Excellent observation! You don't need a weatherperson anymore. Thank you for the lesson :)))

Thank you and I must say it changed again. I knew something was brewing so as the sun set it whirled around again and even though it was dark it turned a steely blue/grey and low and behold we are getting snow. What did I tell ya? lol :)))

Aww, great post! So many pics!! xoxo It's nice to see other parts of the Bay, thank you very much. The shot you took of the boat all wrapped up was a very good one!

Thank you. It was actually harder than I thought. I had to keep taking off my glove. My hand was freezing and the other hand with the glove on was holding my tiny phone...very awkward so I was impressed I got anything at all out of it.

Lovely pictures

Thank you so much

A runner must run with dreams in his hearts.
Emil Zatopek

Resteemed by @runningproject

Despite the ice, is an amazing landscape
Nice shoes btw :-)

aha...you like those Yaktrax eh?

Well i can see they breed em tough over there. You might see me running for firewood to keep warm but that would be it.

yes..strong like bull

Wow! Color me impressed...I have to be cautious running on dry land, forget about ice running! The pictures are lovely. I love grey winter days.

Thank you. It takes a whole lot of training

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