CRANBERRY BOG / Nature Preserve
Walk with me* at Cranberry Bog Nature Preserve. Part of the Suffolk County parks. A lot of these unique wild areas have become accessible to the general public in resent times. This walk was outstanding in my opinion and a good time to go with no ticks to worry about.
There is just enough room for 4 or 5 cars to park so makes it like you have the park to yourself. Nobody here today but me.
The trail starts as a wide former road headed straight towards Sweezy Pond.
This area we are in is part of the Pine Barrens, where most if not all of the trees are Pitch Pine. So we have some green to look at as we walk along.
Finally the pond appears, looking much as it once did 100's if not 1,000's years ago.
This is one beautiful setting. The Large conical shaped trees near the shore of the pond are White Cedar. Rare on long Island. They grow in wet areas only such as this.
I took over 100 pictures on this short jaunt. I'll try not to make this post to long, but I probably will. :-) At the pond there is a narrow path going around it. So lets go follow me.
But first a look at the pond.
Come to a fairly new trek made bridge over the inlet to the pond.
Getting around to the far side of the pond we walk through bare deciduous trees with small American Holly giving us some green to look at.
This is one of the large White Cedar that I was anxious to see up close. There were loads of them growing in the wet boggy areas.
We are now crossing the north outlet of the pond.
Looking toward the pond.
Looking towards the outlet and where the commercial cranberry bogs once were.
I think I better end it now my cats are getting restless, looking for attention. End it with a few shots of the pond.
#walkwithme was inspired by @lyndsaybowes *
google map of Cranberry Bog ....,-72.6721929,806m/data=!3m1!1e3
Nice pond and I love the odd looking bird. : )
Thanks ...and I returned in one piece.
That is good to hear. And tick free too!
Really beautiful photographs @manorvillemike!!
What a awesome walk with you! Especially lovely
Egret photo with nice reflection. I use to see those
birds in California, but none up this far north in Alaska.
I do enjoy seeing different places. Thank you!
Amazing what can be found near our doorsteps :-)
When the leaves come out on the trees you will get a totally different perspective. Only trouble it will be worth your life to get pictures due to the heavy tick infestation.
Oooh you take us on such awesome walks, I always love the shots of the paths through the woods that you always include, really gives the sense that we are right there with you. The white cedars are brilliant, do they get very tall?
Lastly, who is this? Beautiful sighting and capture!
Thanks @lyndsaybowes The W. Cedars grow 30 to 60 feet according to wikipedia. These were every bit of 60' or more. They are at their southern most range here on Long Island, maybe that is why they are so tall. I think I will do a post on them. I have 70 or more pictures from this walk I didn't show. A lot of boring path photos to some :-). I was warned by a county worker that the path had many root tripping hazards. Boy part of it sure did. I believe the bird is some kind of Egret but could be wrong.
Looks like a beautiful place to visit Mike!! I love the reflections on the water and the bird shots and pretty much everything else too!!
Yeah thanks @deerjay blew me away. Pass these places regularly, didn't know what I was missing.
You're very welcome! I think those kinds of places are really good for the soul! ❤
Yes as long as you don't trip and brake a leg, then take 3 days to drag yourself back to your car. :-)