Walk With Me🏃15🏃The Traders In Traditional Markets

in #walkwithme6 years ago (edited)

Here We Go!!!!

There is always something interesting if we want to see the things from own point of view even though they are not special but for me every moment has to be captured and that's what I did today, this time I want to see the market in my place and see how things are even though I often go to this place because every cook that eats at my house starts from here, this is where the wheel spins very sharply, when we are still asleep early in the morning this market has been alive with spirit and smile person.

Selalu ada hal menarik jika kita ingin melihat suatu hal dari sudut pandang kita sendiri walaupun hal itu bukan special tapi bagi saya setiap momen itu harus di abadikan dan itulah yang saya lakukan hari ini, kali ini saya ingin melihat pasar di tempat saya dan melihat bagaimana keadaan tempat itu walaupun saya sering ke tempat ini karena setiap masakan yang makan di rumah saya bermula dari sini , disinilah roda itu berputar dengan sangat tajam , ketika kita masih tertidur di awal pagi pasar ini telah hidup dan semangat dan senyuman.



This market is not a modern market and every buyer can bargain here, this is the art of trading however, in modern market we buy like the price already written but here it is not applicable because the traders and buyers will try hard to the price of goods in accordance with they want it. Although the market is not too clean but the spirit of this market that I like. Hopefully this market continues to grow and provide the best for its customers.

Pasar ini bukan pasar modern dan setiap pembeli bisa nego harga disini ,disitulah letak seni dalam berdagang jika di pasar modern kita membeli seperti harga yang sudah di tulis di barang tersebut tapi disini itu tidak berlaku karena pedagang dan pembeli akan berusaha keras agar harga barang sesuai dengan dengan keinginan mereka . Walau pasar ini tidak terlalu bersih tapi semangat dari pasar ini yang saya suka . Semoga pasar ini terus berkembang dan memberikan yang terbaik bagi pelanggan nya.


Salt Egg


Asam Sunti , Special flavor from Aceh

It's time to go , see you soon


This is my WalkWithMe today, I hope you all like it

Don't forget to Upvote - Follow - Resteem


You know nothing John Snow.

What is the Salt Egg?

This is duck egg with salty taste, egg like this is very familiar here .

I was just going to ask!!!

Is it preserved in the salt?

Eggs coated with salt-covered soil, wait for one week and than open the cover. taraaa Salt Eggs is ready @princessmewmew

sounds so interesting. The egg is cooked before it is covered in the salt crust?

No. After covered then cooked

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