The Downside to Being Responsible for Yourself; Construction in Playa del Carmen

in #walkwithme6 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone,

One of the things that I love about living in Playa del Carmen is the simplicity of life we enjoy here and the fact that unlike Canada or the US, this is not a litigious society in any way shape or form. If someone is hit by a vehicle, it's their own fault for not watching close enough, if someone falls in a large hole on the sidewalk (like I once did :), it's their own fault for not watching where they're going. I was busy watching a cat. I know that seems funny, but I was lucky to have not really hurt myself because the hole was a good 2 feet deep and had rebar sticking up at the bottom. No one considers suing the city or the transportation department; the locals simply laugh and say "mira donde estas caminando" (watch where you are walking).

There's something really refreshing about being responsible for your own behavior, for not blaming others for your mishaps. But sometimes there's a downside to that also.

This is a tourism-based economy here, which also includes an abundance of new construction, especially condos. While walking today past a regularly bustling construction site, we found it to be usually quiet, eerie even. Very quickly we noticed the crosses on the roof. We later walked by a different site with a similarly unfortunate view.

Whenever there is a death on a site, it is shut down for a few days in honor of those killed. We have laughed before at the lack of safety standards here, seeing construction workers teetering on edges 5+ stories high, on "scaffolding" that is no more than two empty pain cans with a warped board joining them, but today, we were not laughing.

Unfortunately , construction workers are among the highest paid workers here, so there is no shortage of workers to take the place of those fallen.

There's something to say for being responsible for your own behavior, for not blaming others for things that go wrong in your life, but upon reflection today, I'd say there should be a happy medium between here and home.

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we were amazed at the low standards but we always help those we see injured or in need as that is what we do. right my Babylooo.........

You said it baby! :)

That's really sad they don't have much protection for the workers. I can imagine that the jobs are attractive, even if there's a danger. People have to provide for their families somehow. If they get hurt or die though, it's difficult to provide, so I think you're correct and that something could be done to protect the workers more. At least they shut down the site for a bit and don't just keep working.

At least they shut down the site for a bit and don't just keep working.

Wouldn't that be so horrible if they didn't? I'm so glad you're back by the way; didn't seem 'right' without you around :)

Glad to be back. It's been nice. I haven't been as active as normal yet. Still lots of things to catch up on. It's nice to check on people though and see how things are going. Thanks for the welcome back balloons again. :D

I tried to have a few ponies bring the balloons to you, but they were all booked up.

It's ok. I've tried to hire them as well and they were booked then as well. I'm fairly certain that it could be a front business and the man just says they're booked so he doesn't have to do anything. I know he's selling illegal burritos in the back. I just didn't want to say anything... until now! ;)

Right??!! I thought I was just being paranoid and suspicious ;)

Construction / safety standards could be cut back here but how will the lawyers make their money and continue living in the lap of luxury .
The pendulum always swings in one or the other direction never in the middle . There is no money in it . and that is what it always seem to boil down to .
Even personnel responsibility is something we pass of to others . After all nothing is my fault because I can blame someone or something else . You would never have fallen into that hole if that cat wasn't there purposely distracting you . Damn cat !

haha it's always the damn cat! And that's funny about the lawyers too. But you're right, everything seems to boil down to money!

or tomatoes . good thing there is a phone both to call for help LOL I hear there are towns at least one that even have a tomato parade . can you believe that .
I would have way more Steem if it wasn't for money being in the way . Damn cat !

hahahaha you saw Brian's post! I grew up with that craziness :)

That's why you're so spontaneous after your mind is made up

I totally agree @lynncoyle1, a happy medium is what's needed alongside some personal responsibility.

It's got to the point nowadays where there seems to be no such thing as an accident. It is always someone's fault.

Sadly, the UK is beginning to copy the American model and is getting more litigious.

It depresses me just thinking about it so I'll move on . . .

Hope you and Brian are having a good week. Have you done any more i your balcony garden? 😊

It depresses me just thinking about it so I'll move on . . .

Sometimes I'm more than happy to do just that!

We are having a pretty good week, thank you. And my balcony garden...a couple of dead plants unfortunately, but some are really taking off too. It's so different in this climate because it's so damn hot, and we are now entering 'the hot season' haha I think I may buy some cacti :)

Regardless, I climbed in my hammock and napped today...none too worried about the plants haha

I climbed in my hammock and napped today...none too worried about the plants

Definitely sounds like the best plan to me @lynncoyle!

Glad you're having a pretty good week. Mine went seriously downhill yesterday when the computer shop wiped all my photographs off my computer. 😢

I've got a lovely weekend ahead of me though so I'm counting on that picking me up again.

Oh nooooo! That's is truly such a loss!!

What's the lovely bit about the week ahead?

My son is coming home for the weekend. We haven't seen him for months.

Were looking after the grandchildren all day Saturday and then, in the evening, the adults are all going out together. I can't remember the last time we did that.

The plan is to go for a drink, then to an Escape Room, and then for a meal. Can't wait! 😁

That sounds like so much fun!! I haven't seen my boys for a year now and am missing them a lot. Have a great time!! :)

A year? Oh my goodness!

Prentice is currently still in bed (even though he is no longer a teenager) but no doubt will be up soon when his dad gets him breakfast. 😁

Yes, a year is way too long! I have a brother in Texas, so my parents, who won't come here, suggested we all meet at my brother's boys included. I hope it pans out, but the thought of travelling like that makes Brian tired :) We'll see!

A good medium is indeed what’s needed. I don’t like the idea of people suing the supermarket because they slipped over a leave of lettuce, but there are simply some (safety) standards that have to be met...

hahaha a leaf of lettuce! That's funny, but so true right? !! :) These people are poor and willing to take the risk; that's the crappy thing about it all.

It’s terrible that people are playing with lives of other people who are willing to take up the dangerous jobs because they simply need the money... :0(

Yes it is terrible, and it's something that happens frequently unfortunately.

In Asia, construction workers are lucky if they have a helmet or shoes, NEVER BOTH!

Namaste, Jaichai

I wish you were kidding @jaichai, but I know you're not! It's horrible to see the poor taken advantage of like that!

I enjoyed your message here lynn. I've always said there's a balance to life! But that's scary that there are so many deaths in the work place! People say safety has gone mad, but that's only because some dipstick has gone and hurt themselves before.

Hey @raymondspeaks, thanks for coming by! :) It is scary to have so many deaths, and now that I know what the crosses mean, it terribly amazing how many I see!

are there no safety regulations?

I don't know honestly. There must be, but there's a lot of "good enough" here, so perhaps that extends to the regulations also. Everyone has a hard hat and work boots, so maybe that's considered "good enough". Seriously, wish I was kidding.

Where are you might I ask? I don't think I could see that in the post

A little spot just south of Cancun :)

@lynncoyle1 Oh wow :) Cancun I hear is amazing, although loud in summer

@raymondspeaks we are about 40 minutes south and truthfully, I steer clear of Cancun only because it's a tourist trap. We like to immerse ourselves in a little more cultural authenticity. But the beaches etc all around here are absolutely stunning!!

In my country construction workers do not use security standards.

That's so sad! Where is that?

I agree about the happy medium. There really ought to be self-imposed building and safety standards. It shouldn't require a government or anyone else. It should just be because it's the right thing to do. So, for me, it's on the company and the individual workers to decide enough is enough. I doubt seriously that it would be that hard to implement safety precautions that were cost effective and practical.

That said, I've seen how construction goes here. I can only imagine how it goes there. Too many people think that they're just going to go and do something and it's going to work out just fine. Not the best way to live your life if you expect to live a long one.

So, for me, it's on the company and the individual workers to decide enough is enough.

I agree, but when someone is waving that kind of money in front of you, it's difficult to turn down. And I have a feeling that if one turns it down, there's plenty behind him ready to accept it. You know the "need" is a sad state of affairs I think. Interestingly enough though, many of the workers are single and 'drink' their paychecks away on the weekends.

Right, which makes a whole lot of sense, too. Make the best money, risk your life during the week just so you can drink it all up on the weekend. I know it's tough to turn down the money. I guess necessity creates values vacuums.

Not trying to be judgmental (but I guess it's coming off like that nonetheless). I know what conditions are like down there. My wife has plenty of family still in the suburbs of Mexico City. I don't know how they do it. Frankly, I don't know how most people do it anywhere anymore.

Sometimes judgement is warranted.

Frankly, I don't know how most people do it anywhere anymore.


Too free they ignore safety standards. Sometimes in my country too many construction workers ignore safety standards. but the workers in my country are very careful, let alone work in high buildings. Thank you @lynncoyle1 good information.

Thank you for your response @ilyasismail :) Where is your country?

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