~ 44 ~ Walk With Me in Hacketts Cove, Canada (Photos & Video)

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)

Brrr...I've been back home for hours yet my nose and fingertips are still freezing!


Some of you arsholes (you know who you are lol) will be happy that we finally received a dusting of snow here, and freezing temperatures. The wind this morning was a pure assault of ice. That's why I decided to get out of the house right away and go for a brisk walk. I walked as fast as my little legs could carry me, and boom, soon as you know it, I was warmed right up (well...except for my fingers and nose...it's time to start wearing gloves for these walks...and a tiny hat on my nose).


First things first, I always have to feed the chickens their scratch around 9 am. They get all sad and pouty if I don't. Chickens are ruled by their stomachs, they live for food. Scratch time is one of the highlights of their day.


Mr. Pendock (the one with the shining blue and black tail feathers) is the dominant rooster. He gets to feed with the girls and watch over them when they eat. Poor Big Smokie (below) isn't allowed to go near them. He will be chased off by Mr. Pendock if he even tries to come over. Pecking orders eh?




"The Puddle" on our driveway. I will start featuring the puddle more hahha! We measure a lot around this place based on "The Puddle". This morning for instance, I knew it was shit out because I looked out of the window to check The Puddle. It was frozen. When we start getting our winter flooding I know how flooded the basement will be, based on how huge The Puddle is with water. We're really fucked when the puddle spills over the driveway!


Kale flowers, still refusing to wither.

Headed Down The Highway



I love that morning light!


The tide is quite high.





A Lobster boat coming back in.


Some kind of a Fishermen traffic jam. This is the first traffic jam I've seen in 3 years living out here hahha! I love my life.


A little pond that will be frozen soon...


Winter food for deer and squirrels.


Chilling On A Shore Listening To The Water

(Video 1:26)


It's just me, the Water and the Birds...










Bullrush beginning to burst.


Back Home


Another Kale plant that is still thriving :)


Unlike the Sunflowers lol!



Thank you for coming on another "WalkWithMe" I hope you enjoyed today's unedited shots! I'd like to go on a walk where you live too, so if you get out there for one, take a few pics, and post about your walk using the tag "walkwithme". I'll check the tag regularly to upvote and give encouragement. Let's get fresh air and fitness together!

Check out the latest walks by fellow Steemians who got out there in the world, and took us with them!

See life through their eyes.

Walk With Me At Ferringer DSC By @davedickeyyall

A Walk To Shamrock Park: Part 2 By @francisk

Photo on 2017-11-21 at 11.01 AM #3.jpg

Rosy Cheeks. Feeling Amazing. Mission Success!


Haha, as soon as I saw this I knew you were talking about me 😂😂😂

Some of you arsholes (you know who you are lol) will be happy that we finally received a dusting of snow here, and freezing temperatures.

Another great post and pictures babe, I love the sound of the ocean in the video too. Nice one Lyndsay 😉

Yep you know you were one of em! HAHAAA!! Glad you saw my jest buddy :) :) :) Sending you some frozen hugs across the North Atlantic!

Brrrr. Sending English drizzle back.

I've said it before and I'll say it again! What a stunningly beautiful place you live in!! You really seem to have captured the essence the area, equally I can almost feel that cold winter breeze blowing through my screen! I love the weather worn look of some of those buildings, in their own way they're incredibly beautiful. I must admit I am looking forward to some more snow pics, but I hope they don't come at the expense of your basement :(

Ive been incredibly busy and also away but I haven't forgotten and I will take a walk then load some pictures of my local area for you to take a look at :)

YAY!! A @perceptualflaws #walkwithme?!!! I cannot wait to see this :) :) :)

And thank you so much for your kind words about my walks, I'm so happy I can aesthetically please!!

hahaha. I'll consider myself in the "arshole" group too! Talk to me when the trees are bent over with snow and the temps are pushing -25C. bwahahahaha. Frozen puddle. That is hilarious! My runny nose in this cold temperature makes bigger frozen puddles than that!


HAHAHAA!!! Runny nose puddles bigger than mine, heyyyyyyy now hahahahaaa!!

Cool rainbow tree there :) :) That's a neat trick!

I've never seen it go below -15 here heh heh heh. I don't miss Alberta yet, I deserve a few warm winters in me old age hahahaa!!

Well, if you do miss it, you are welcome to come visit whenever it is -35C. That would help! hahaha. We got dumped on this week. Over a foot of snow. In for a wild winter for us old people! bwahahaha

Heh heh heh...our last winter there was the one where it snowed in October and the ground stayed white until April. I remember one winter even with my new suv plugged in, it wouldn't start in the morning cause it was -50 with the windchill...

Still kicking myself that we didn't get up there before we moved out here!! We'll let you know about that tiny home idea though eh, get you out in NS with us, hire you for the project :) :) :)

Ahhhh, yes. The year we had snow for 7 months! I remember it well. It was a very long winter but we got through it.

I'm sure one day we will meet each other face-to-face. Of that I have no doubt. Too back you could not travel to Windsor when we were 'closer' to you. lol I know, it is still a very long ways away. I was in NS when I was 18 for a 4-H exchange trip. Visited Peggy's Cove, the Citadel, tidal power station, etc. I loved it there. It is beautiful!

As for the tiny house ... careful what you say! May have to take you up on that offer! <3

God Willing...it will happen!!! Perhaps Steem will play a part in it <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

You continue to amaze with your pictures. I'm glad you got out there even with the dusting of snow. Thanks again for starting the @walkwithme posts. It was a fantastic idea to bolster your own commitment, and to encourage all us other slugs to get off our arses.

HAHAA!! SLUGS UNITE!!!!!!! :) I love it SeaReader!!!

that gold picture with morning light is wonderful! and i could see one of the crows you like so much ^^

Thank you so much for enjoying the photos Sis! That golden plant was my favourite as well <3 <3

Thank you for showing my post on your blog.
I really enjoyed your "walkwithme" post today.
The air looked so clear and clean.
The cold has a way of clearing up the air it seems.
While you may shiver some from the cold.
At least you don't have to deal with mosquitoes. I still have them
trying to bite me at this late date.
It will get colder though and they will vanish. I would like that.
Thank you for your wonderful "walkwithme" post.
I rate it number one for today.


ah ha ha..I love that dusting of snow..so I must be one of them..you know arsholes...however....I am a Canadian girl that loves winter, but I am also equipped with every piece of winter clothing that ever was created for winter. Also scads of winter running clothes. So what ya need is layers, and layers, long underware (preferably Helly Hansen) a balaclava--very important...and my most recent wonder , a Buff. A buff is awesome as it is very versatile. You can use it as a scarf, it will cover your face or you can use it like a headband in the heat. Warm toasty socks and thicks gloves and off ya go. oh and by the way. love the photos more and more ..and did I tell you I ran 12 k yesterday on Indian Point Road in the blustery wind. brr..did I say I was hot. ummm too many layers..hee.. soon we will compare photos.

Oooh wow! Good job yesterday, that's taking it to the next level <3 <3 <3 I look forward to reading/watching anything from you @MarionBowes!

Oh no, your basement gets flooded? Sounds like it happens alot. Do you have some kind of pump to pump out the water?

Yes, we do have a pump that we set up when it begins!

Call me an arse if you want, but I'm not happy that anyone has snow. We have however been shoveling for weeks now and todays high is -15°C. Ugh. Enjoy your beautiful weather while you can.

Ewwww yuck yuck yuck! Sorry to hear that Ed, hey you should take us for a walk one day while you shovel your way out of the neighbourhood~ :D xoxo

I'm going to do a skiwithme soonish. Stay warm.

I look forward to that! #SkiWithMe!!!

I always read your walk with me posts and adventures and I ABSOLUTELY love the fishing area. The lobster boat... the piers... so scenic
I don't know... just seems like a little fishing village and area that good books are written about.

Keep on walkin' @lindsaybowes!!

I'm so glad hearing that you love the photos so much and that they set a mood for you! <3 <3 <3

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