~ 41 ~ Walk With Stryder And I To Bring Dad Cookies At Work

in #walkwithme7 years ago

I Had This Little Sweetie Home With Me All Day

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It was just one of those days where Stryder wanted to stay home, so we hung out making oatmeal raisin cookies and had some bonding time.

I would love to homeschool all 3 of our sons. They enjoy school though and don't want me to unschool them, go figure!! They are really social boys and love the friends and activities they get to do there. I don't force my will on them about the homeschooling thing. As long as they are having fun and being good friends to others, that's all that matters to me. I know they're smart, we do a lot of educating at home even with them being in school especially with them being in school.

Perhaps the children might like school so much because we live out in the country. The two youngest go to a school with under 50 children in it! Wow hey? The classes are so small, it is truly amazing. Perhaps it's because of the lack of pressure @hendrix22 and I give them about grades and performance, that makes them enthusiastic for going. Today was one of the rare days where Stryder wasn't feeling it, so be it. Missing a day here and there is fine in my books.

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Stryder's favourite ingredient, BROWN SUGAR :) (Yes I let him eat a pinch)

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That's his smile after the sugar kicked in lolololol.

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Okay, maybe it's time to turn off the beater there you crazy dude!

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Dreaming of what's to come next...

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Mixing the wet and dry ingredients together, I gave up on the spatula, hands all the way! Gotta get that love into those cookies. (Yes our hands are clean hahaha!)

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Now, to make the biggest cookies possible!

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Switching from my laptop to my camera now...



Should we put them in the oven?



Okay all cooked, time to eat a whole bunch and then bring some to Dad @hendrix22




Dunked, of course!


The Walk

Brendan's work was slow this week so luckily our neighbour has some work for him to do. Stryder and I went to surprise him with a treat :)


Always have to say goodbye to the Chickees...


Down the Way


Low Tide.


For My Daddy!


There he is, literally doing the daily grind lol!






Brendan loved the surprise of course :)

Back Home


We always have to stop and look at everything interesting. I love it :) Walking with the little ones really allows me to slow down and take it all in.


One of the reasons why I know children don't need school to learn and be creative is from my own experience. Our children always want to learn. They love to do art, play music and they have endless questions that we find the answers to together if Dad or I don't know the answer. Stryder started colouring on his own. I didn't have to force him to, he wanted to.

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He also made this today on his own, totally unprompted. He called it "The Christmas Ghost" lolol! I love it!

Thank you for coming on another "WalkWithMe" I hope you enjoyed today's shots, none of my photos are edited except the black and white. I'd like to go on a walk where you live too, so if you get out there for one, take a few pics, and post about your walk using the tag "walkwithme". I'll check the tag regularly to upvote and give encouragement. Let's get fresh air and fitness together!

Check out the latest walks by fellow Steemians who got out there in the world, and took us with them! See life through their eyes...

Sun @ Reservoir By @cognoscere

#WalkWithMe Bazaar at Bencoolen Street | 跟我走到明古连街的市集😎 By @ace108

Evaluating Trees To Find The Sick Or Dying By @wwf



How heartwarming to see Dad, hard at work, getting an unexpected YUM treat from two of his very favorite people...

"This Little Sweetie" had a great 'unschooling' day.

He learned how to bake cookies.

He had a science lesson studying the changing colors of autumn, and the "weathering" of rocks on the walk to/from the delivery.

He had play time in the dough (too cute, lol!).

He had his arts/craft day with the really cool Christmas ghost...love it!

And, he even got energized enough to take on a few worksheets ;+)!

It's so wonderful that you are available to home-school your children should they want. I am really a fan of the unschooling style of teaching.

As usual, thanks for sharing this delightful post!


Another totally heartwarming comment @spiritualmatters, thank you for encouraging our lives, our lifestyle. You are a beautiful Soul.

You are a beautiful Soul.

@lynsaybowes Always inspired by a knowing when people have their priorities Divinely Ordered in a way that would be pleasing to God.

Many women put working outside the home (not out of necessity; but, 'greed') ahead of the time-consuming, and sometimes ‘thankless’ 24/7 job of mother/parenthood.

You remind me so much of the Bible’s Proverbs 31 woman, with your servants being the mixer, blender, etc. (lol).

You (and hubby, too) are an inspiration and a conviction to many.


<3 <3 <3 You've really warmed my heart! Sending a tonne of hugs from us to you!


You're doing what is right for your kids babe. Unschooling is good however a mix of the two is probably better considering they are getting to be social. The small classes will help. Did you know parents get fined here in the UK now if the kids don't go in to school without an illness. It's horrendous as the holiday industry has upped the prices of school holiday flights and hotels etc to cash in on govt oppression. Your kids always look happy in your blogs which shows what great parents you clearly are. Also teaching a kid to cook is a great thing to do.
Nice one Lyndsay. How about sending me a cookie care package?

You know what, I think that's one thing I could send food-wise, to the UK without it spoiling! I'd have to send it express though :) :) :)

I didn't know that about the UK but I am hearing some very strange stories about Europe not allowing folks to homeschool in certain places. What is happening to us ... this world makes no sense to me.

That's because the world is run by psycopathic control freaks. Trying to opt out of the system must be stopped at all costs starting with education. If more people don't wake up soon these bastards are going to get the hunger games society they crave so much.
Politicians in the US have already stated that children belong to the state not their parents which is horrific control freakery in action.

And the saddest part is that all the power the so-called 'state' has, is derived from the consent of the governed. Folks need to stand up and say NO.

They certainly do, however most people are just frightened sheep too afraid and broken to stand up for what is right. Geez Lyndsay most are happy to drink fluoridated water and let their kids be damaged by government mandated vaccine programs. If they won't stand up to that they're hardly going to stand up for the right to chose how their children are educated. Sighs

Yes, that sounds nice to take Stryder out of school to teach him in a personal home ec baking class.

I like how his dad gets the delivered big cookie.

Oh, that is another lesson. Production and delivery.

HAHA!! Yes, you got it David!!

That was a fun post! :-)
Makes me want to go and get some oatmeal cookies. :-)
It looks like your greenhouse sustained a bit of damage to the roof in the back, did a branch fall on it or something?

Ahh good eye there with the greenhouse, actually the damage was from last winter, and we managed to patch it up enough to save the poly for this last summer's growing. It has since been torn to shit hhahaa! We're gonna let the winter snow and winds finish it off, and next year it's getting a wooden frame and new poly. The metal frame was made out of fencing, and it just couldn't take the weight of the snow last year, we got a good dump overnight and that was it, totally bent out of shape :D

No wood??? Cool you let him stay home tho. I think kids can learn a lot more real world shit by staying home once in a while.. but public school will help develop their social skills..

HAHA!! I had double wood in yesterday's walk Dave! You shoulda been there, it was epic lmao! :) Hugs!! xo

I was there..

Oh shit, my bad, my bad...

on a cold day like today, I'll love it if someone bring me hot cookies.
i won't mind a soup too. :-)

Mmmm...yes...I would love some soup now that you mention it :)

I love your and Brendan's take on school, nice approach. How cool for Stryder to just "not be feeling it" today and then get to hang out and have a special day with mom. Those are the kind of moments that to many folks don't allow to manifest.

Kudos for creating the space for that to happen. Awesome pics from what I'm sure was an awesome day!

Thank you very much for the kind, reaffirming words @raised2b <3 <3

Good post. Loved looking at Stryder's happy face. :) Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures. :)

I'm glad you could feel the Joy FirePower. Hey, did you want to try naming one of our chickens? I'm having another contest right now!

The best cookies are made when you have an enthusiastic helper! It's nice that he wants to spend time with his mom. So he misses a day. What he learns at home is more important. Walks are always more fun when you can share them with someone. Even better when it is someone kid sized! They take in everything like little sponges!Thanks for sharing.

Awww...you said it so well Ceci!! Thank you for being a part of our lives!!!

They do look tasty cookies.

Luckily I work from home so when I smell cookies in the oven I can just take a stroll to the kitchen. Or if I don't smell them cooking I can take a break from work and go and make some.

We have experimented with both homeschooling and state schooling. We tried to work with the school for 'halfway schooling' but they wouldn't have it. It was all or nothing for them - too complicated for their administration.

That was strange as their mantra was always 'The Pupil Always Comes First'. Not sure about that at all - it has seemed to me to be their bureaucracy comes first...

Yeah, we know what comes first.... $$$$$$ and control.

But on the bright side, I'm so happy you are able to work from home!! Did you end up fully homeschooling then?

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