Walk With Me - Rymer's Access on the Jacks Fork River with Anita!

in #walkwithme6 years ago (edited)


A few weeks ago I went on a walkabout with @melodyrussell and her brother @mikeyatez at Rymer's access along the Jacks Fork River here in the southern Missouri Ozarks. We were exploring when we heard a vehicle approach and park right next to ours. "Great. That's the end of our fun," we thought. I walked down to the parking area and was pleasantly surprised that the person who pulled up was Anita and her youngest daughter Dani! They are wonderful friends of mine. Anita is the mother of another great friend of mine. She's absolutely the best lady to hang out with to find yourself. She's pulled me out of many a funk. I was so happy to see them. My heart about burst.

A late pink bluebell

The pups having a good old time.

Willie Nelson in his little backpack.


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So after we explored a little around the usual area Anita asked if we had ever explored Johnny's Hollar. I had heard of it from her before, but never gotten opportunity to explore it from the bottom. Mel and Mike had never even heard of it and soon we were driving over to the camping area of Rymer's and walking along a disused 4-wheeler trail. It opened to the most beautiful valley (or what we call a Hollar).

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Johnny's Hollar

Snail shell number 1

Snail shell number 2


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I liked this funny looking grumpy rock. Do you see the face too?


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A slug friend

Devil's Urn mushrooms


More Devil's Urn, these got a little flooded.

Wild Phlox

Emma Jane

We searched for morels and found five of the buggers! It was my very first time finding any on my own. I was so excited!

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Then Dani found the prize of the day...


That's right. Elmo was hiding in the woods. CREEEEPY!!!

Then it was time to go home and get ready for our camping trip that weekend. We used the Elmo to scare our girls. We're terrible parents. We know. ;)

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I love to hike through the woods too.

That was such a fun morning with all of you guys!

and it all rolled in to one great weekend! I'm so glad we get together like that. My soul needs it.

It was perfect. I couldn’t have possibly asked for a better weekend!

Omg the punchline at the end there, hahaha!! Elmo, WTF!!!

The woods looked very serene...I love the colour of the earth there, it's definitely unique to your photos. Great score on finding mushrooms!!

Pretty unsettling to find a children's toy abandoned in the middle of the woods.
Thanks so much, @lindsaybowes!

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