Walk With Me: Food Truck Square in My Neighborhood

in #walkwithme6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to my second #walkwithme! I'm doing this post to introduce a wonderful food truck square in my neighborhood, Taman Melawati (Malay name meaning the residential area called Melawati), and also as a response to the @SteemitMamas write along challenge. Day One requires us to write with a community, hence I chose #walkwithme.

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My husband and his brother own two trucks, got them 3 years ago when food trucks were firstly introduced in our country. My husband had seen how food trucks were in trend in America and they were thinking maybe it would be a great business opportunity to also hop on the bandwagon here. I remember when they first started, they were probably among the first 20 food trucks in Malaysia.

One of their trucks, Wheeloaf is parked here in the Food Truck Square in Taman Melawati. This is a truck they bought over from a fellow food truckers and has been operating for over 3 years too. I came here to visit the truck, so I thought why not introduce the other trucks as well?

Today, I made my way here before the sun set, for I was hoping to take some better photos with the natural light. The photos may be blurry if I were to take them in the night. This food truck square is located behind two petrol stations, hoping for some crowd to stop by after refilling their petrol.

One of the petrol stations, Caltex

Some trucks here do not have their name displayed, so let me walk with you as I attach some photos of their trucks. All the trucks here operate on their generators. It is quite a nice open eating area with some fairy lights, simple but welcoming.

Firstly, introducing Wheeloaf

One of the two trucks my husband owns with his brother, @iamjadeline's husband

They have sandwiches, paninis and nachos on the menu. There are beef and chicken to choose from, topped with some cheese sauce.

Classic Cheese


I often patronize our own truck as I really like their food. My shuabnd kept the menu from the previous owner because they were already quite good originally. They sold off their truck and went into agricultute. Today, I met some of my friends who came here for their dinner too.

Next, one of my favorite trucks is this - The Boys Food Truck

When I arrived earlier part of the evening, they were not opened yet. It is my first time I noticed the beautiful grafitti on their truck.

It is not my first time being a patron to this truck. This truck is founded by my husband's schoolmate. We used to go for the steak sandwiches after my hsuband's basketball games with his mates, when it was parked in another spot. I had been wanting to try it again because I remember how tender the beef was and the bun was steamed till really soft. I was glad that before I left, it finally opened.

They have sandwiches, pasta and burgers on their menu.

Looks messy, but tastes really good. This was only for RM6!

It still tastes the same, so it was totally worth my wait.

Consequently, there is this truck selling some food on sticks.

In Malaysia, we have this food on sticks, which we call lok-lok. They have nuggets, fish balls, seafood tofu, so on and so forth on sticks. They will serve what the customers choose, with some sauces. This truck also serves chicken chop and barbequed grilled lamb.

Next to it, there is a truck that imitates the 7-11 on the go!

This is quite an interesting truck which is like a 7-11 on the go, selling some convenient food, toys like surprise eggs etc. Its logo was also similar to 7-11 but I think it is named W-11.

Munchiez is up next!

Staying in Melawati, I have seen this truck driving around in my neighbourhood. This was my first time checking out its menu.

It has coney dogs, jumbo dogs, Zinger Chicken and beef nachos.

The Mango Milk truck!

One of the reasons I came here today as to try out a mango milk that my mom-in-law told me about. Besides having just the mango juice and milk, it has a generous amount of mangoes inside. Truly, it did not disappoint, and it was only for RM5!

There were even more mangoes in the drink!

There were also other things on its menu such as what is shown below:

I called @iamjadeline to know which truck it is selling the mango milk and she told me to look out for the photos.

Besides that, there was this food van named Qastro!

Qastro has been around for quite a long time too. I heard that the van owner pulled strings to gather all the food trucks in this food square. They sell one thing that I know my friend's son has been looking for - FRIED CHICKEN SKIN! Unhealthy, yeah but I think he may want to eat it as his occasional snack. I got thrilled when I saw that and I know who I need to inform!

They too sell burgers, wraps and pasta.

Another van selling Teh Tarik (the local pulled milk tea)

This van serves coffee and tea. I did not go near it because I drink neither but looks like many customers patronize from them.

There was a dessert truck too, SundayDo Truck!

I knew about this truck for some time, simply because I was looking for desserts in my neighbourhood. They have very beautiful cakes and tarts, such as the Nutella tarts, Victorian sandwich etc. They even have signs explaining why they are called SundayDo Truck! It is because everyday can taste like Sunday.

I thought it was not open and was a bit disappointed at first.

I actually follow them on Instagram since I knew they existed. The cake photos are always very mouthwatering.

The Fried Rice Noodle (Char Kuey Teow) Stall.

This is a little red stall which only sells Char Kuey Teow. It looks kind of cute but I haven't tried it yet to know how it tastes like.

Among all trucks and vans, I love this the most, because it is transformed from a school bus! Introducing Cubanos!

Cubanos has a light pleasant shade of green. It sells fruit juices as well as some local Malay dishes.

Maybe I will come over for their food and beverages one day. I do go for Malay dishes sometimes. They have turmeric fried chicken, fried rice and fried noodles.

Now, some photos of how the place looks like with the seats and how it is like when the sky turns dark!

Overall, the food and drinks here are quite affordable and the environment is simple. It should be a good place to hang out with friends at night.

I would like to apologize for the quality of my photos. All photos are taken by my phone, which isn't having too high specifications. Hope this post is good enough for me to participate in the @steemitmamas' write along challenge!

Thank you for walking with me through the Food Truck Square today and reading my post about it. I am returning to try some other food another day! I am surely glad it is situated within my neighbourhood and it is probably just 5 minutes drive from my place.





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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://happycrazycon.vornix.blog/2018/08/07/walk-with-me-food-truck-square-in-my-neighborhood/


Already I skipped dinner. Looking at your photos I'm really getting hungry again.

I know, I was looking at those taco fries and wondering if they were the same as Carne Asada Fries.

Wow, they're all so different! I really like it when cars and buildings are painted (not to be confused with vandalism). I probably would not depart from the one that with desserts)))))))

Around here we have a huge pink food trucks with a HUGE cupcake on the roof and they sell all different kinds of cupcakes in different sizes. Ive never been... but this post makes me want to try it.

I love food trucks. lol. My favorite truck was up the street from me when I lived in San Diego. They sold Mariscos, which is Mexican Style Seafood. If you would buy fish tacos, they would give you a broth first, and chips to go with them Me and my kid used to eat a full meal there for less than 5 bucks.

Thanks for bringing me back.

Yeah me too. I have seen how the food trucks in US and Mexico can be so interesting. I have watched then on Food Network a lot. If I ever go over for a visit, your food trucks are a must place to go!

What a fun thing, to try all those different foods at once! Love the colorful trucks and their menus! Thanks for sharing this simple-but-charming spot with #steemitbloggers 😋

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