Will Love Be Enough

in #walkwithme6 years ago

Blue is my favorite color.
We don't see many blue flowers as we walk around here in the community.

IMG_2728 (1).JPG

Red is the color we notice almost immediately. It can mean beauty or it can mean stop. Ha
IMG_2722 (1).JPG


We had red. Now green to go with this bush and palms.

If you like flowers and colors. You get to see some today with this post.
I show you what I see as I walk along most of the time.
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As I approach this item of interest. I am wondering if more landscaping is going to be done with this selected area?
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This one is a very light color. Not white, red, or pink.
Maybe a combination of the colors?
The second photo is almost showing a reflection to me.

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No double vision this time. Just one good view as well as I can make it.
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I thought maybe I had found something to carry me around.
But not this time.
After looking a little more closely.
I will still be looking if riding is what I want. lol

Did I find the dog? Or did the dog find me?
Do you see the "hello man?"


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I think it is time to complete and finish this post.
I see miles ahead of me.
But, not this time. We will another day and time.


Should I end this post without a good song?
I could say goodby and go.

But I like songs. Especially love songs.
Maybe you do too?

This beautiful song was added to YouTube by: LeoraLife46--Published on Apr 3, 2013

Do I now want to find Steemit?
Thank you



Love is the most precious gift of life. In which the most united

Wow Amazing dog . it is really look . such a great article .
this is great photography and nice work.
have a great day.

@francisk, I found everywhere fabulous pictures seeing like art of the creativity. It's stunning much coloring. Awesome love song to listening. Beauty object is cute dog there. Perfect selection.

Hello @francisk, the dog is cute, but I think it's missing teeth, ha ha. ja Well, no
You run the danger ... Francis, I like the song, lyrics and voice of the singer, it's very soft and pleasant.
That the universe embrace you francis, this is my wish :)

Your wish is so nice to me.

(My wish for you is the same and even more.)

It is not easy for us to do well all the time.
But we can try.
With support such as yours.
The goal of good and better work will always be with me.
I want to thank you for the gift of your words.
I will remember.


I am also like blue color very much. Nice pics teken , good color combjnarion in pics . Thanks

Hi sir Sorry I missed this beautiful post😰

Fabulous starting with nice garden and great finishing with wonderful music @francisk. middle of the post perfect with gardens and cute puppy's images.

Nice dog.

Mind blasting photography you founded through your walking. Beautiful song to hear. Have a great day.

beautiful flowers sir! the blue is also my favorite color unusual the flowers of that color

Thank you


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