Trees And Much More

in #walkwithme6 years ago (edited)

Friends. To start this walk and post for you. I wanted to show the advantage of being out of the "gated communities." You can build what you want. And look for the natural settings that are still available here in some areas to fit in with your ideas and plans.
This one has been here for a few years now. It is in a natural setting of trees and the landscaping is not as disruptive as some that are being built today.

In my walk. I see some places that are hidden from view by the natural habitat that surrounds it.
The greenery of it can be so pleasant to look at.

Contrast the above with the open view that we can see with the metal canopy structure for the boat and other items being stored under it. Big difference.

This area where I have been walking is well shaded by trees and bushes as you can see.
In the hot summer time. This shade is appealing to us.

This is a large tree for our area of Florida. It took many years for it to grow to this size.

You can see how the branches are located and growing out from the huge trunk of the tree.

Here is the trunk of the tree. It is a strong and healthy tree from all appearances.
It is not the only tree of size in our community. There are others located on empty lots.
The shade in the summer is nearly priceless. Building to save the trees makes very good sense.

I see signs such as this all around our large community. It is so sad when the pets stray away from their homes and the people that love them. I like some dogs. Katie likes cats. I don't really to like have animals in the house. But I can see the advantage of protection by the dogs. But cats. Not so much. Ha
Remember. I grew up on a farm. The animals stayed outside or at the barn. But you guessed it. Katie will bring her cat in with her. What can I do? lol

More tree trunks to see. They could not be moved very easily. They are so strong looking to me.

This post is beginning to turn into a tree post. The people that live around here must like trees.
Otherwise they would have cut them down a long time ago. They know and understand the value of the trees.

See how well the house fits in with the natural look as I approach the dwelling?

This is another close up look at this house that has so much charm to it. I like to look at this setting.

This is toward the backside of the house. A ditch or large drainway for moving the water away during heavy rains.

A lot of water could be moved down through this ditch. While the state is called, "sunny Florida." It is also true that a lot of rain and water can be associated with the state. It is not a desert by any stretch of the imagination.

These plants are nearby and are very pretty. Green and growing.

And so are these added to the scenery as well. It all adds up to something very lovely in the nearby neighborhood.

Stop. You have went far enough. There must be a message in here for me in this work and post.
I will heed the signs. Tomorrow is another day. We can always start again as we move along in our neighborhood community.

Trees are nice. But so is this little flower very pretty. Don't you agree?

Dogs, cats, trees, and flowers. That has been much of the theme in this post.
It has mostly been centered around "trees."
So, let us see if we can find something that will fit in with our theme.
See if this is what most of us can agree is very nice for this work.

Added to Youtube by: Barry Desaine--Published on Oct 29, 2011
It is a very good "tree song" I think.
We will go back to our loving ways later. You do know I like "love songs" don't you?

This is posted for you because we have Steemit. Without Steemit. We see and hear nothing.
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Can we over emphasize Steemit? I don't think so. That is why I work so hard.
And I know that many of you do the same.
Thank you



Trees pics are awesome , plant with colorful leafs is also awesome .
Keep posting such blogs

Thank you for your kind comments. I will continue to post as long as I have a place to walk.
Steemit will provide the platform for us. For that I am thankful.
Thank you


The tree maintains the balance of the environment. Trees are very important for our environment. We should plant more and more trees.

I agree. Tress are such a comfort to us.
Here in Florida. Most of them have green leaves all year.
That is good for producing oxygen and cleansing the air.
Florida has some of the cleanest air in the nation.
Because of the large bodies of water on each side of the state.
Thank you


Oh yeah, it's nice to see your beautiful photo of nature that surrounds you, these trees are quite powerful and they probably are very many years old, and also pleases the abundant vegetation near houses and on the streets of your city, it's so beautiful and cheerful, especially when it's winter! Thank Francis and tell us more about your beautiful land!

We have a lot to see and to show to all of you.
It all takes some time. But as I have said so many times
It is worth it. Over this year and next.
We should all be very happy we did what we could for everyone
and for Steemit.
Thank you


This is again an interesting walk through the neighborhood. I liked this huge tree. Surprisingly. I wonder what his age is. You have a very rich nature. For a hot climate it's nice to have a cool shade. Thank You Francis

It does get cool here at times. We had a light freeze once this year. Just for a day.
Since then. I has been warm or even hot. So, who knows what we will see temperature wise?
Thank you


Excellent star-up with awesome home pattern and beautiful finish with nice environmental song @francisk. Songs really helpful for build-up our life and mind. But It's not a rock. Classic one is best. Excellent photo captures of massive trees. Background scenery outstanding.

Thank you for your support. You are always helping me.
Thank you


Beautiful photography during your walking session . Keep posting . Thanks

Tree post. Some trees make good posts such as locusts and cedar.

I would prefer locusts posts over the cedar.
It would last longer I think.
But, some might disagree.


Wonderful #walkwithme post. You every time most attractive me. Beautiful ever-green back-grounded photography awesome. Pretty beautiful plants here. Deserve to home gardens. Red coloring flower bring me calm looks. Classic music marvelous one. Thank you for sharing.

I loved the song too. It is a tribute to trees in general.
Thank you


@francisk,This huge trees showing Florida's proud condition. Also they balance nature every-time. I saw more huge trees from every posts. Its great coz Florida protect their environment very well. Beautiful plants and beautiful flowers indeed. This is very cool area to walking and jogging. Every time has cool winds coz back-grounded trees. Thanks for inspiration.

Shade is nice in the summer time. That is what we walk to in the summer.
The trees are good to have around.
Thank you


Wow excellent photography
100% like and resteem

Thank you for upvoting my post and for the Resteem.
I do appreciate it a lot.
Thank you


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