More Photos Of My Walk

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)

It's a bird! No, it is an airplane!.
No. It is Francis "high and lifted up." Ha ha
Just kidding Friends. I was on the Route 41 bicycle "overpass" and took the photo.
But, back to the work and context of this post.

We all have so much to share for everyone on Steemit. I don't care where you are. There is so much to see that is interesting to all of us. That is why I show this to you. Even though I may have seen this a few times before myself.
I know that most of you haven't. And there is so much to show. It will take me months and years to give you even a glimpse of what I see in my "little town."
And I hope the building and development stops around here at some point. Just too much.

If you remember from my last post. I had stopped showing my walk with the girl learning how to skate on the trail.
That day she had lots of room to learn. No one was on the trail around her. Yes, Friends. It can be that empty of people at times. Unbelievable. I look for that to change though. When people find out. The trail will filled with people.

This little park, "Legacy Park," was recently added to the local attractions. Such a lovely place. It has only been two or three years ago since it was completed. Anyone would love to visit such a place. Good for the children and for picnics. Plus the "Legacy Trail" is adjacent to it at the end. Next to the little creek named "Hatchett Creek." I will show it to you later.

The sign at the entrance. Do you remember me saying that the people brought their money down here with them?
Ha I love it.
And some of them spread around the love. You can see it when you are down here.
Charitable giving by large donors is quite common down here.

This shows to you what I mean about charitable giving. We are living on "fiat money."
Why not invest it in your community while it still has a little value.
Friends. That day will end. We here in the United States hand out "fiat" to the peoples of the world for their labor and goods. Think about that. Your blood should boiling now thinking about such nonsense.
That should be a major reason for being on Steemit.
Getting ready for the inevitable. The downfall of the "almighty dollar."
Position yourselves in good cryptos. The time is short. The "almighty dollar" will not last another decade.







This is at the end of the park. Your journey can begin here. It is so lovely. I cannot adequately describe it for you.
I can show you what I have seen though.

Looking back to the park.

Friends. We are at the end of the park next to the trail. You can see Hatchett Creek in the photo too.



Now we go back up on the trail ready to cross the bridge. We always look down while we are on the bridge to see if we can see any fish. Why? You had to ask. We put good fish in the skillet. Ouch, says the fish. Sorry

Friends. This is just the start. I have some amazing photos to show later. I don't want to wear you out with this post.
We will add more for you to see on another work and post. All of this takes some time.
But you and Steemit are more than worth it to me. It helps me to do this for you too. I will explain later.
Steemit Logo.png
Keep in mind what I have written above. I know that we get discouraged. But I have looked for years for something on the internet that I could do to earn a little something for now and the future.
Steemit to my way of thinking is the best. Imagine seeing your .10 cents turning into $10 dollars maybe this year.
Could that get you excited? Doing what I am doing now. Posting what you see and do in your life.

Now Friends. We must understand. Life isn't always going to be a "bed of roses." It can be very difficult and sad at times. And I know what I am talking about. Experience is the greatest teacher of all. We never forget some of our experiences. Since I am human. I am no different.

So today I want to add a song that symbolizes a little of my life. It has been a life of twists and turns. And this day and time is no different. But we continue on. We all have no choice. But the past will be fondly remembered.
You can fit your life's description in here as you wish.

Added to Youtube by: BeautyfulDawn--Published on Jul 11, 2009

"Now we have to go." I heard those words in a dream one time.
But I will return. We have some beautiful photos to show you later.
Thank you



Place looks so beautiful and peaceful , where I live it’s people pushing others to walk. Always crowded

It is rarely crowded here. But it is on the highways. So many tourists come here in the winter.
And that is a good thing. They get to enjoy a beautiful place and the locals get the added benefit of increased commerce in our area. Everyone wins. I like that.
I have a semi-secluded place where I live. So I really like it here. You are welcome to live in our area. Everyone else does. Why not?


I love your sense of humour Francis!
We do put good fish in skillets and I liked the weight limit sign. LOL!

Rebecca Rebecca---Oh my Queen of Steemit.
That weight limit sign could have been put up for me. Normally it would be 10 tons. But maybe I needed an extra ton. Ha ha
Please do not fret though. I have been shedding some tons here lately. Ever since I read your story and have seen you on Youtube. That was enough to shock some sense into my "overeating habits." I no longer dooooo that.
I know that modesty and refrain are not my strong attributes in regard to my claim now. And I do need your help to "guide" me away from being so haughty and proud. lol
Please forgive me for that.
But, I can easily cross the 11 ton capacity bridge now without fear of falling though to the creek below.
Shall we say I am a little on the "thin" side now. You inspired me.
Thank you.
Oh Queen Rebecca. May you live forever. And please let me be one of your servants forever.


Thank you for continuing to add quality to the Steem Blockchain. A financial fiat crisis is coming and I'm glad you are ahead of the game, and also that you are trying to help others too! <3 Much Love Francis!!

Thank you @lyndsaybowes.
I want to do what I can to help Steemit to grow and to be widely accepted as the place to be around the world. I can only imagine that I will be adding content for many more years if it is possible.

The fiat is not going to last. When the bond yields start to go up. That could be the signal for most people to move into cryptos as fast as possible. At first, the dollar will move up against other fiat because of interest rate increases. But that won't last. All fiat will finally crash and burn.
It always has. And it always will.
That is one reason why the cryptos have arrived on the scene at the right time. Without it....
We could have had the "madmax" world that so many have feared.

Thank you for your support and comments. I really appreciate it.
And love? I never had that as a child. I was from a very large family and love was never mentioned or spoke of. So, over the many years of life. I had to come to grips with that truth. It is still hard for me today.
But I thank you for your kind show of care and love for me and others on the Steemit platform.
You are much loved I can assure you.


I have more hope than I've had in a long time, and it's real hope, it's backed by actions. The beautiful solutions and actions we are all creating/taking to change our future to something beautiful.

Thanks for telling me a bit about your childhood, it helps me get to know you better :) I appreciate the vulnerability in your sharing.

It is a great park. Most of it is shaded so it is an ideal spot to walk, run, or bike in the summer...There is also a play area for the kids.Thanks for sharing awesome shots.

And I thank you as well for your support and upvote. Are you local or just making good comments?


That was a beautiful walk, Francis. I like your park and trail. I could spend hours there. Are there fish that you can catch in the river? I love fish that is fresh caught and thrown in the pan quickly! I hope you and Pat had a wonderful holiday!

We had a very good day. Not with the family. But we were on the highway to Tampa.
That is a very good Florida city. All nationalities of peoples live there. I think that a lot of the Vietnamese people moved there from the war in the 1900's. I see them whenever I go up there. They are good people.
Thank you


We did have a white Christmas. @cowboyk was here for awhile yesterday. 14 degrees this morning.

I really miss @cowboyk. I think he can get back onboard if he wants too. I don't know how other than what I had said to you before. He is missing out on the greatest opportunity he will ever have in his lifetime I think.


Wow... great photo clicks with interesting article.

I like the photos myself. It shows that we have a great place for outdoor activity for those that like to be outside moving around.
Thank you


Thanks for giving more pics of your walk @francisk.
Totally gonna be awesome post.

Thank you. I want to make it interesting and informative for everyone.
That is my goal anyway.


Cool and calm place to stay. Interesting one @francisk

Yes it is. Years ago. I only dreamed of a place like this. Now, I am here. What a very good change it has been for me. We have to live someplace.
Those on Steemit that stay and work hard.
I think will be able to live wherever they want to in the future. How good is that?
Thank you


Thank you

nice place photography @francisk . i am going to be with you .so you can see your favorite picture. i like your post and following.

Thank you so much. You are such an encouragement to me. I want and need all the help I can get.
If you ever have a question. Or you get a little discouraged at times. Just remember me. I need you.
We all need you.


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