Is Love Lost

in #walkwithme6 years ago (edited)

As I start this post.
The thought came to my mind if we can always be young and pretty?
In the physical?
Maybe not. But in the realm of the living and being healthy.
That is a big step in the right direction.
That is what I want and try to be everyday.
Much like the beautiful flowers above and below.

While I see many flowers that are pretty and nice to look at.
The eye is never satisfied. The search continues.


I know that everything I see and do will not always be bright and beautiful.
But, if this is as bad as it ever gets. I would be very happy. lol


How do I explain the phenomenon of all this that I do for Steemit and for you?
It sort of grows on us.
We may start out with treidation, but soon we are constantly looking for new and unusual things to add to Steemit.


Will the quest for the biggest, prettiest, most unusual, etc. ever end?
Ask these people who belong to this club.


All of this is what I get to see as I walk along in our community.
Should I leave such a lovely place?

I have more to show you.
But for now. I will have to leave.
What can we do and say that makes sense to me and to you.
Only this.
We are not finished yet. Steemit is always calling.

Maybe writing the way I do is letting you know that I have much to think about over the next few months.
Change is always coming to our lives.
Sometimes it is planned and at other times.
We just accept the change as being inevitable.

This was added to YouTube by: Alejandro G. García Leal--Published on May 27, 2013

How do I add Steemit in all this?
Easy. Without Steemit none of us exist.
Steemit/Steem will do fine in the coming months.
Just be ready.
Thank you



The thought came to my mind if we can always be young and pretty?
In the physical?

My answer, it's natural see changes in all nature, our body is an amazing machine but the meat can't support the pass of years intact so it's just enjoy your life and try to help other to maintain a youth mind :). Regards

Thank you for your good thoughts.
I agree with you.


Dear Sir,
Good morning, it's very beautiful thought to be young and healthy forever although it's not in our hand but when I saw your selection of beauty in your post it's seems like you are an young guy of something twenty years who is thirsty for the love and spontaneous beauty and always searching for better than the last and it's possible for anyone which heart is full of joy and happiness who is still very you g by heart feeling and emotions.
Very very bright and beautiful flowers indicating your beauty of heart and soul.

With live and respect.

Good day dear sir.

It's nice to read your commentary my friend. You give much respect to @francisk nicely. Keep steeming.

I am speechless.
You are such a wonderful person.
Even though you may be young.
Your youth does not hinder your ability to know and to say what we need and want to hear.
(Doth not the good book say: "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength"?)
You are not a baby, but maybe the saying could apply
You give us hope and our determination grows more than ever.
Thank you


Wow Amazing flowers . it is really look . such a great article .
this is great photography and nice work.
have a great day.

WOW, amazing, i like it

Great and fun reading 👍🏻😄

Eyes never satisfied and our mind too .
Nice pics taken, keep posting . Thanks

@francisk, Highly appreciate you coz daily providing posts daily basis. It's important to add value to your followers. I seen Florida's background from you and learnt more about cryptos. I'm glad to listen shared music.

Very nice thought at starting the article .
Beautiful flowers pics posted by you .
Have a nice day

I have much to think about over the next few months.
Change is always coming to our lives.
Sometimes it is planned and at other times.
We just accept the change as being inevitable.

I hear you, Francis. Change is not always our choice but we have to accept it when it comes.

We can hope that any change whether planned or forced is looked at as a good thing as time passes by.
I have this thought that almost nothing happens by chance.
There is a reason for it. We may not know at the time.
But, it will become more clear at a later time.
So, with that optimism. Let the day arrive.
Thank you


Hello @francisk good I achieved my goal yesterday, you smiled with that animal so cute and tender, today the song, lyrics and music are great, I also have a favorite photo

Happy sunday :)

Now you have me "tickled pink." lol
So sorry my song selection in the past didin't pass the "ear test."
I am from the age group of the beginning of good music and songs.
It keeps advancing with each passing year.
That is OK.
Maybe one day we can once again get back to the "good ole days" of sharing a hot chocolate together."
I would like that very much.
Thank you


Good morning @francisk I give you a bit of my profile, I'm very lonely because I choose my friends, not all classify, then I have 2 friends and you, for me the word friendship means that you can count on me, in your sad and happy moments, I hope you have many.
You are a gentleman, you have beautiful feelings and a good sense of humor, I see it in your post, they say that I am very cerebral, the truth is that yes, but I also have my sensitive and humorous side, and I love pamper and pamper.
If you accept me this way, let yourself be pampered and smile with me ...

Oh how glad I am to graciously accept your kind offer to step inside of your very selective and uncompromising circle of close friends.
That is what I want to be. A Friend that you can trust.
And that means even though we may not always see and think alike in every facet of life.
The unshakeable truth of our Friendship will always remain.
We are Friends.
That is what Steemit has made possible for us. Friends around the world.
Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful consideration of allowing me the priviledge of being one of your Friends.
I will hold that honor in high regard.


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