Better Love Next Time--As We Walk Along

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)

Friends. Our walk today will be somewhat different than the "Banyan Tree" walk of yesterday. The excitement of seeing such unusual displays of nature is well worth it to most people.

But today we concentrate on what we see and what is in front of us. We move forward.
Not many people want to go back into a regressive life style of repeating the same ole of the past?
Even thought it may be OK. The tiger above or the tiger in your tank is the order of the day for now.

And a little greenery along the way is very good. Is this "ground cover?"

As we move along. We see improvement. Yes, it is the "same ole", but with a new and different look. That is what the human spirit yearns for. New or improved. Such as the white room. Someone took the time to improve this area of the house by stripping off the old and replacing with the new. It looks so much better. See for yourself.

And this place sports a pool of sorts. It is good enough for what it is needed for. To be able to cool down in the hot summer months. It is so refreshing to have a pool on your place to just jump into. And we have never had that. We have always had to go someplace for that.

Could this be the year for us? With Katie coming down in a few days.
I know that she likes swimming pools. She grew up having one around most of her young life. In the cool North I will add. Ugh on that for swimming pools. Not many months of the water being warm enough to swim in and to enjoy. Are you beginning to like Florida a little better now. Ha

Why do I show this to you? This place is now or will soon be for sale. And it should be reasonably priced? No guarantees of that though.
The renovators many times have stars in their eyes. Dollar sign stars. Ugh on that if you are looking for a place to live.

One more look at the place before we walk along again.20180108_150247.jpg

Since this is a neighborhood walk. We will see many different attractions that will appeal to us.
Should I grab one of these? Ha. Just kidding. Even though the lovely lady that takes care of this wouldn't care. What belongs to you is yours.
If you choose to sell it or give it to someone is your choice and decision. That is how I think anyway. And with that kind of thinking and life approach. I can make new friends. We all needs friends.

As we move along in our walk. We met this man who claims to be a "handyman."
So, just in case he would be needed to help us. I keep a record so I can contact him.

Can you see how you start to get ideas of settling in for the year/s where you are?
What about the land Francis?
Land? What land. Oh, that land. Hmmm
You had to ask didn't you? Ha ha. Just kidding here.

What do we see here? Another "Banyan Tree?" I see them scattered around at various places in our community. This one has been around for a few years we can see.

These are always interesting to look at.

Not everyone rides on the bicycle trail. We don't have a lot of traffic in our community.
So we can safely walk or ride a bicycle in our community most of the time.

The high overlook is very nice to have to see the water that isn't too far from here.
That is why we have always kept our extra lot open. We have the option of building a new house or renovating ours to include a 2nd or 3rd level for viewing.
I do like it. But, if we don't stay here a lot of the year. The costs can't be justified.
My thinking anyway.

I like palm trees. I think I know the name of the one you can easily see.
But I will play it safe. Ha Sorry.......................
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So much to see.

Maybe you like the jungle look?


Friends. We have a tendency to "hang on." That isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Just a longing for the "good ole days."

Do you like dogs? If you do. My guess is that up to 50% of the homes have dogs living with them.
Sure. It could be a lot less than that percentage. But to me. It seems that way.
I see dogs everywhere in our community. Some are for protection and some are for companionship and pets.

And with that. It ends our walk and showing to you what we have seen.
Maybe you didn't get to see what you wanted and would like to see.
Do not fret, my Friends. There is always hope.
How do I know?

Let us listen to this song and see what it is telling to us.
Maybe it will speak to you- If -you have a need?

Added to Youtube by: Stage Parades--Published on Nov 12, 2011

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People hang on in Canada too...change can be hard for some. I think if you are going to invest in a pool, you should only do so if you and Pat think that you will use it. Katie may not be staying with you forever and it's a huge expense to merely look at and then have to maintain. Enough said. A person is allowed to dream...:)

Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca
You rock. You are so sensible. Where do you get that kind of wisdom and common sense.
For years. I have held off for the very same reasons you wrote about.
We live our whole lives trying to save for abundance in the later years.

Pat has been trying for a pool like forever it seems. She really loves them.
I have denied and denied. Shame. If she is worth anything. She is worth having a pool.
It could even extend her life. The exercise is so good for us.
I can never say that she isn't a good woman. Not perfect, but as sound as anyone can get.

Can you see the two in the pool together? I could just sit on the side and be happy about it.
As we say so many times. "Finally."
And I like pools too. I have always watched spending. Can we do without it?
Could this be the year???
Thank you so much


Thank you for another incredible contribution to #walkwithme :) I wanted to pick that orange...I wouldn't though, just like you.

I wish all streets were lined with fruit and nut bearing trees, and gardens on every block too. Everyone would be fed in a world like that.

Wonderful idea. I have 4 trees not too far from the road. I haven't ever shouted at anyone for getting some fruit when I had a lot of it.
Most people would ask me. That was nice.
Thank you


My friend @ francisk
Greetings to you
And wish me more love in your wonderful life

Thank you. It is a good life.


That was wonderful, very clean water in that pool, Thank God It's Friday!

Yes on Friday.
But cryptos live all week. Never a day off.
I am hoping our Steemit may have found a bottom.
If it did. We should see some fireworks soon.


very beatiful and it looks like a fancy place to live :) God Bless

Thank you. May you be blessed too.


Oh Mr. @francisk you sure do walk a lot! You have a beautiful environment to walk in, I love all the trees and landscaping. I wonder what was wrong with the dogs back paw with the brace on it, poor thing :(
I would love to walk my dog if he didnt pull me all over the place. Danny can control the 135 pounds of muscle better than I can, plus he doesn't look at me as his master :(

The winter weather is the best. But in the summer.
A good pool nearby is a big help. Air conditioners are OK too.
Most people stay inside in the summer or go to the beach.
Venice on the beach.
Shade trees help a lot too. I don't mind it at all.
If I have to choose one. Heat over exteme cold for me.


You keep teasing me with pictures of your neighborhood and I think I would like to live in a similar place one day, I just don't know if I can give up some of my other freedoms or luxuries lol. The swimming pool is nice. @carolina-girl's parents have one at their house that we take advantage of during the summer whenever we can.

North Carolina is a good place to be and live. Nothing wrong there that I know of.
It used to be conservative. I don't know about that so much anymore. Maybe?
Florida is the last man standing for conservative and reasonable ideas.
Lots of old people here that worked a lifetime to accumulate and want
sensible ideas.
Here where I am is great. It is a nightmare for traffic a certain times though.
So where I have been saying I l think would be the best. From the UTC Mall and
East toward Myakka Forest . I think there are some raw milk dairies to choose from.
I know one. They deliver to Venice at the Amish vegetable market here.
I grew up on raw milk, When it is cold. It is like my youth again. It is expensive though.


Francis, this is again a nice walk and pleasant pictures of what surrounds You. Pool for the hot weather and lots of palm trees creates a pleasant atmosphere for relaxation. Thank you that you continue to do for us these walks.

Thank you. A pool would be nice too.
Maybe this year.


It's a good idea! I wish good luck in this :)

Good old Dr. Hook And The Medicine Show. I used to play Locomotion that was originally by Little Eva.

The good ole days for sure.


This is one of the best walkwithme serious I have ever seen. Very interesting concept but with my busy life this is not even possible to me. Great work and I am a big fan of it.


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