My Firts Walk With Me Inspiration by My Brother / Perjalanan Pertamaku Inspirasi dari Adikku

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)


Hai steemian, aku ingin kalian selalu tersenyum, menikmati hidup yang indah ini, jangan pernah bersedih teruslah tebarkan senyumanmu itu kepada setiap orang, jangan kau ragu karena dunia pasti akan menyukaimu.

Hi steemian, I want you to always smile, enjoy this beautiful life, never grieve keep your smile to everyone, do not hesitate because the world will surely like you.


ini adalah perjalanan pertamaku yang aku postingkan di steemit, aku sangat senang karena hari ini aku masih diberikan umur dan sehat selalu, seperti yang kalian lihat sekarang aku sedang jalan jalan kecil menikmati suasana yang disini, kami sekarang sedang berada di waterbom lhokseumawe.

this is my first trip WalkWithMe that I post in steemit, I am very happy because today I am still given age and healthy always, as you see now I'm walking a little way enjoy the atmosphere here, we are now in waterbom lhokseumawe.


Aku kemari bersama keluarga tercintaku, kami ke sini mencoba wahana yang sangat menarik dan menyenangkan, aku bersama anakku bermain dan berenang bersama, di saat seperti ini aku sangat bahagia karena aku telah membuat mereka tersenyum bersamaku.

I am here with my beloved family, we are here to try a very interesting and fun rides, I with my son play and swim together, at times like this I am very happy because I have made them smile with me.




Mereka adalah adik perempuanku dan ibu kandungku sendiri, ini adalah perjalan yang sangat indah karena di sini pun di kelilingi banyak orang, mereka sema baik sekali dan juga perhatian.

They are my sister and my own mother, this is a very beautiful journey because here also surrounded by many people, they are very good and also attention.


Aku menghabiskan banyak waktu disini bersama orang yang sangat aku cintai, sungguh ini perjalanan yang sangat menarik, semoga kalian di sana juga demikian.

I spend a lot of time here with people I love very much, it's a very exciting trip, I hope you guys are there too.


Cerita ini terinspirasi dari adikku @au7ia dialah yang mengajariku menulis dan berbagi semua cerita ini, katanya dia memberi salam buat seorang teman yang belum pernah dia jumpai, namun dia sangat baik , sangat perhatian, dia tak pernah membuat orang putus asa, dia selalu membuat orang terus terinspirasi dengan kebaikannya, terima kasih @lyndsaybowes.

This story was inspired by my brother @au7ia who taught me to write and share all these stories. He said greeted to a friend he had never met, but she was very kind, very considerate, she never made people despair, she always made people continue to be inspired by her kindness, thanks @lyndsaybowes.


Aku cinta kalian semua.. .
Jangan lupa vote dan follow me ya..

I love you all.. .
Do not forget vote and follow me ..


This was beautiful! I love your happiness. A wonderful day spent with family enjoying the water!

thank you, I am very happy to communicate with you, although only through the comments field, I really want to meet with you and can spend time with the same with you, and also can have happy together, and I feel very happy to this day, thank you so much,😘😘