Showcase Sunday - Open air museum of folklore architecture

in #walkwithme4 years ago

For today's showcase I chose one of my favorite places close to my home. I miss my family more and more each day and these posts make me feel closer to them. I hope that you will enjoy it!

There are a few places that I keep visiting over and over. One of these places is the open-air museum with its exposition of folklore architecture in Humenné. The exposition shows us a very interesting picture of architecture in the region of upper Zemplín, the region where I grew up.

The museum consists of original houses from the region that were disassembled and moved to this location. It is situated in a large park overlooking the city of Humenné. There are 15 objects that can be visited. This museum is an important part of our cultural heritage and every child from the region visits it during a school trip.

It took us around 20 minutes to get to the museum by car. We were a little bit worried as Maxo can get car sick easily, but I drove slowly and he was alright. After we arrived, we purchased our tickets (EUR 2.50 per person) at the ticket office and our tour could start.

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You can decide in which direction you go. It is easy to navigate as each house has a small sign with a short description, so you learn where it was originally built and how it was used.

The first house that we visited is a residential house with water mill from Vyšná Jablonka.

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There are two rooms in the house. The first room is the water mill and the second room is the living room. The entrance to the living room is through the water mill.

At the beginning of the living room is a gate and you can't get into the room. Maxo didn't understand it and tried to get there through the small hole in the gate. He got stuck and it took us a few minutes to free him again. He learned from this experience and didn't try to do it in other houses 😊

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The next object is a granary from Výrava. It's a small object and there a few of them from various parts of Zemplín.

ISO 100 1/160 sec. f/8 32 mm

Some residential houses such as this one from Olšínkov have plants in the windows. You would think that someone still lives there.

There is an ongoing reconstruction of the museum which is done by a few men who use traditional techniques only and they rarely use any machines. They are also responsible for the garden and plant various vegetables and fruits. It kind of feels like a real village...

ISO 100 1/160 sec. f/7.1 26 mm

Zemplínske Hámre is a village that is located right next to my hometown. This house comes from there. It is split into two parts - residential and farming part. It is quite big and belonged to a wealthier family.

ISO 100 1/100 sec. f/8 26 mm

Outside of the house is a beautiful original carriage.

ISO 500 1/100 sec. f/8 36 mm

Inside we can see two big rooms. The first one served as a living room. In the past all activities happened in this room. There is a bed behind the corner too. If the family wasn't working around the house or in the fields they would gather in this room and do various activities there.

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The second room used to be a pottery workshop. Nowadays there is some authentic works by Mr. Halamka from Snina. It's a great display of traditional art with folklore pattern from the region.

ISO 1600 1/80 sec. f/6.3 24 mm

Let's move to the residential house from Olšínkov. Last time we were here we tried their grapes but this time of the year they were not ripe yet.

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Sneak peek through the window...

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A little bit more detail..

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And from the entrance...

ISO 1000 1/60 sec. f/5.6 24 mm

It was a hot day and we enjoyed some shadow behind the house. We sat here for a while and enjoyed the atmosphere while Maxo was chasing butterflies around 😊

ISO 100 1/160 sec. f/8 40 mm

Let's go up the hill to see another building.

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It is a residential three-room log house that was moved here in 1977.

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It doesn't have a husbandry area and it consists of a living room, hall and a pantry. It was built before the WWI in Klenová. Such houses are still present in the village. They are of course renovated inside but from outside they keep their traditional appearance.

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As you can see, we were lucky to have the museum just for ourselves. We saw a big school group leaving when we arrived and there was another group that came when we were leaving. So we were there alone almost all the time.

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ISO 100 1/125 sec. f/8 24 mm

ISO 100 1/125 sec. f/8 24 mm

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Now we are coming to the most precious gem of the entire exposition - a wooden church from Nová Sedlica.

This church was the first building ever transferred to the museum. It was built in 1754.

This kind of a three-space East Carpathian type of sacral building with a log structure is characteristic for our region. The construction might appear simplistic, but it truly is a great carpenter work. Only wooden nails were used for the construction!

There is a beautiful iconostas and altar in the church, but it is too dark to take photos without flash. You can however enjoy the exterior 😊

ISO 100 1/160 sec. f/8 24 mm

ISO 100 1/160 sec. f/8 24 mm

ISO 100 1/160 sec. f/8 24 mm

And to finish our tour here is our little monster looking dangerous 😊

ISO 125 1/200 sec. f/5 70 mm

I hope you enjoyed a tour of this museum.

Thank you for reading!



Thank you for your support!

Your welcome! Beautiful photos and a splendid tour. 😀

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