#WalkWithMe (us) to Find Breakfast & Wifi | A-Channeling-Our-Inner-Hunter-Gatherers-PhotoStory!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)

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I do believe that even with all of our oh-so-modern advancements these days, we are all still very much hunters and gatherers. At least @TeamHumble and I are...

Mostly hunting for eggs and gathering a decent 4g connection in the middle of nowhere, but the sentiment and motivations are the same....

This morning, the heroes of our story awoke from their interrupted slumbers with sniffles in their noses and a bit of a cold in their collective chests. It’s that time of year after all. After Dayleeo’s failed attempt to retrieve water from frozen taps, the gang decided it would be best to cut their losses, hop on a bus and journey into town, where they could procure eggs, coffee and some sunshine!


The excitement was palatable...

It was at this point, where Dayleeo noticed that her lower third wardrobe choices matched the bus' interior EXACTLY.

Sure our heroes were tired and hungry, but apparently not TOO tired and hungry for artsy long shadow morning shots, as they got off the bus and walked to their go-to breakfast/wifi spot....

There was a bit of confusion entering the establishment, as the glare factor was REAL. But our heroes got there in the end...

You see, the desire to seek shelter and nourishment has been an integral part of survival for all primitive species...

Soon, beautiful orange life elixir arrived...

And the oral absorption of the elixir was mutually enjoyed...

Thankful that the Sun gods decided to shine their golden rays upon them, and grateful for the greenhouse-like space to work in, the pair waited patiently for their breakfasts...

Some less patient than others....
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And then, the caloric-clouds parted... and from seemingly nowhere, our heroes were blessed with manna from above!


After the subsequent inhalation of nutrients, the duo set aside their plates in place of QWERTY powered endeavors.

And they lived Happily Wednesday After!



I hope this little #walkwithme brought you a few smirks on hump day- hang in there folks, and if you can, switch up the scenery and grab some fresh air! It helps TONS-

Key on keyboard warriors...
<3 Dayleeo


please note people these were veggie sausages! :) suitable fuelled for the day now, little trip around the corner for soups for tonight and things are all go. even got bit of a confirmation about my car tomorrow, feb is certainly moving, i love doing laptop club with you baba. even thou you are sitting opposite from you are working away as fast as your keyboard will allow.

let's get those coffee refill life! :) --- so glad to get out today.

daw me too love- good executive decision.. great sprint- now to gather ingredients for SOUPS!!! YAAAAAAAAASS

hahah this matching the bus - that's a pretty funny surprise! Happy Wednesday!

The lighting makes it a bit hard to see but I'm telling you it's EXACT lol

I was about to say I want that full English inside me, but then read something about veggie sausage, oh well. Since I am eating them virtually Ill just turn them back into locally sourced grass fed well cared for pig sausage.

The blue in your hair is really lovely in the sun, darker than I imagined when you said blue in your other posts, I really love it.

I'm exhausted only having my morning coffee now, as I was up all night with hatching eggs...

I like that you ticked your box that reads 'work less for clients' well done you.

LOL - I had the idea last week for a breakfast food truck in the UK named "Full English BrEGGxit"- too soon?

Soo cool you got to wake up to little "cheep cheeps" though!!

It's half by choice and half by the fact that they've all gone quiet after the holidays, but I'm doing what I can, and trying to make up the difference blogging haha let's hope the price of steem keeps going up!

Nice breakfast! Sustanence for the morning! Great way to start the day off. And look at all that glorious sunshine!

Its SUCH a big part of my energy levels for the day- i end up missing sun TONS when I don't get enough, i dont care how cold it is but i always need those rayyys!

Me too. I need sun! For my family, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

Another epic and artsy adventure! I love it!! Were those screwdrivers you were drinking, mimosas? hahahhaa! I hope so, and that's why there were no photos of the way home because you were too drunk to remember to take any :) :) :)

hahaha they were just straight up OJ on the rocks I swear!

I will confess however, the time that we spent waiting for the bus after our shopping was finished was DEFINITELY spent in the pub lol ;) So you weren't too far off <3

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