Walk with me and Alaska

in #walkwithme7 years ago

So I haven't been out much these last few days since I hurt myself are work. But today Alaska insisted that I take her for a walk to get some fresh air and chase ants...

We headed out to the park right up the street for a quick walk.


This is normally the trouble spot for Alaska... she either wants too play with the kids or shit in the sandbox... it's about 50/50 which...

Took a brief rest about halfway thru to sit in the shade and take a couple pictures...

Had to argue with her when I walked past the trail we normally take...
After much coaching and coaxing we continued down the sidewalk... I got a couple good pics of the leaves turning... plus some wood for @lyndsaybowes ...
We headed back up along the fence line... me limping along and her dragging me...
We go thru the gap in the fence and on the home stretch back to the house...
Apparently Alaska has never seen wild life before because she spent 5 minutes investigating a couple ants...
Meanwhile directly across the sidewalk about 20 feet away 2 prairie dogs play and talk to each other while Alaska is oblivious...
Finally we get home and can let Alaska go knowing she'll go straight home....
This is the injury that has me half crippled...
Thanks for going on a walk/ drag with me. Peace out y'all. Dave



Doing the @walkwithme in spite of the injury. Damn, that is a nasty gash.

Great pics those....the leaves changing are awesome. Something I dont get down here in Florida....it is the one part of the NE that I do miss (not the cold though).

Alaska is priceless...what a gorgeous dog. She part husky?

Yeah part husky part shithead.... results aren't in on percentages yet tho.

I would imagine that is a sliding scale. LOL

She is a gorgeous dog...I guess we all can have our moments.

Lmfao... definitely a sliding scale

He feared greater injury from the bear killer, @lyndsaybowes if he did not accede to her demands of walking and photography.

I love Alaska! And the natural prarie grasses too.
OW on the leg. Guess Alaska is big on physical therapy for injury, huh? Sports medicine!

I wish she would grow out of the hyper all the time phase.. and the destroying the couch phase. ..

How old is she?

Oh, still a puppy, yeah. She should grow out of it. If your couch survives!

Yeah!!! I love the colours, soooooooo exquisite, beautiful photos!! What a cool neighbourhood with those mountains in the background, just love seeing your world Dave, thanks!

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