Walk with me,Siapa Suka Yang Seperti Ini/ Who Like This?

in #walkwithme7 years ago

Good night steemians. I hope you guys are always in good health of course.


Beach is one of the best choice often in select by the tourists





Pantai yang saya singgahi ini terletak di salah satu sudut bandung indonesia yang juga merupakan salah satu pilihan utama pengunjung lokal.

The beach that I singgahi is located in one corner bandung indonesia which is also one of the main choice of local visitors.

Lumayan menarik bukan?
Biru laut yang memukau, dan juga dihiasi pecahan ombak yang menghantam karang yang sangat kokoh.

Quite interesting is not it?
The sea blue is stunning, and also decorated with fragments of waves that hit a very sturdy rock.

Kenyamanan pasti akan bersama anda, bila anda singgah di tempat ini.

Comfort will definitely be with you, if you stop at this place.
walkwithme travel

Ikuti saya @baliaethan

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