in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)

The most spectacular game in all corners of the country, the game of soccer times, on that day I walked with the footballers FC ALEN JAYA, VS FC. DARSA. On that day I think there is no resistance, because of the FC. ALEN JAYA has very short players, but the FC teams. DARSA is very high-level player. But the allegations are not always true, because the first goal in print by FC. ALEN JAYA, 1 ​​for ALEN JAYA, but not long after 13 minutes, printed song by FC player. ALEN JAYA, the audience began to wonder, but in terms of posture is very unlikely there is such resistance, and not long after the FC teams. DARSA. scored the first goal through a breach of football and the atmosphere started getting hotter, and 10 minutes later the goal was donated again by the FC DARSA team. The match gets balanced. And desudah pause FC team. DARSA scored the third goal, to lead to 3. 1. At the last minute FC team. DARSA. melakukN own goal, be 3. 3. until the end of the game. And was confronted by a penalty. And at the time of the audience penalty was getting hotter, short story, the end of the game was won by the FC team. ALEN JAYA, on penalties.

Permainan paling spektakuler diseluruh penjuru negeri, yaitu permainan bola kali, pada hari itu saya berjalan bersama para pesepak bola FC ALEN JAYA, VS FC. DARSA. Pada hari itu saya rasa tidak ada perlawanan, karna dari pihak FC. ALEN JAYA memiliki pemain sangat pendek, namun para kesebelasan FC. DARSA sangat tinggi-tinggi pemainnya. Namun dugaan tersebut tidak selalu benar, karna gol yang pertama di cetak oleh FC. ALEN JAYA, 1 untuk ALEN JAYA, namun tidak lama kemudian selang 13 menit, dicetak lagu oleh pemain FC. ALEN JAYA, penonton pun mulai heran, padahal dari segi postur tubuh sangat tidak mungkin ada perlawanan semacam itu, dan tidak lama kemudian kesebelasan FC. DARSA. mencetak gol pertama lewat sepak pelanggaran dan suasana mulai semakin panas, dan 10 menit kemudian gol disumbangkan lagi oleh tim FC DARSA. Pertandingan jadi imbang. Dan desudah pause tim FC. DARSA mencetak gol ke tiga, hingga unggul jadi 3. 2. Pada menit-menit terakhir tim FC. DARSA. melakuk gol bunuh diri, jadilah 3. 3. hingga akhir pertandingan. Dan diakahiri oleh sepak penalti. Dan pada saat adu penalti penonton pun semakin panas, singkat cerita, akhir pertandingan dimenangkan oleh tim FC. ALEN JAYA, melalui adu penalti.

imageThis is a field game, I take a picture from below, during the game. imageWhen again the rest period, they are very tired. imageWhile releasing fatigue with the coach imageThe penalty shootout session, the audience was very enjoying, and very enthusiastic image imageAfter winning, and doing a photo together

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