Overlay yellow-green Rice Field in My Village / Hamparan kuning-Hijau Padi di Desaku

in #walkwithme6 years ago


Hi steemian ...Good Afternoon.. .
Let's walk with me and see what i see... greetings from me for you who are there..

Hai steemian.. .Selamat siang.. .
Ayo jalan jalan bersamaku.. . salam dariku buat kalian yang disana..


A very hot afternoon, sun is so hot in aceh or Indonesia precisely in my village this temperature reaches 35C, this is very hot, for those of you who are not used to temperature like this certainly can not withstand the heat today.

Siang yang sangat terik mataharinya terasa begitu panas di aceh or Indonesia tepatnya di desaku ini suhunya mencapai 35C , ini sangat panas, bagi kalian yang belum terbiasa dengan suhu seperti ini tentu tidak sanggup menahan panasnya hari ini.


I am now walking around looking at my garden of course my rice field, but I am now in my friend's house, all see their rice paddy here.

Aku sekarang berkeliling melihat kebunku tentunya kebun sawahku ini, namun aku sekarang sedang berada di rumah sahabatku, sekalian melihat padi padi mereka di sini.


Rice in my village is now starting to turn yellow or it can be said that it is time for the harvest but there are some rice that looks still green.

Padi di desaku kini mulai menguning atau bisa di bilang sudah saatnya untuk di panen namun ada beberapa padi yang terlihat masih menghijau.


Because the weather is so hot makes rice turn yellow faster, you can see for yourself yellow and green overlay is still mixed here.

Karena cuaca yang begitu panas membuat padi menguning lebih cepat, kalian bisa lihat sendiri hamparan kuning dan juga warna hijau masih bercampuran di sini.


But we farmers expect this kind of heat because the rice is quickly mature and can be harvested immediately.

Namun kami para petani mengharapkan panas seperti ini karena agar padi cepat masak dan dapat segera di panen.


Other Beauty


Guava you know this one fruit, uemm look delicious but the guava is not yet ripe, when it is cooked it will be red, it tastes very good, sweet mixed with acid is very good when it is enjoyed in this scorching afternoon.

Jambu kalian pasti tahu buah yang satu ini, uemm terlihat nikmat namun jambu ini belum matang, apabila sudah matang dia akan berwarna merah, rasanya sangat enak , manis bercampur asam sungguh sangat enak bila di nikmati di siang terik seperti ini.


This is kamboja flower, flower that easily grow in hot place

Dan ini adalah buanga kamboja, bunga yang mudah tumbuh di tempat panas.


Beautiful wild grass.

Rumput liar yang cantik.


Thank you Allah , thanks for all of you, my best friend who still remain faithful to accompany me and follow the beauty of this nature...Thanks you...

Terima kasih Allah, terima kasih untuk kalian semua, sahabat sahabatku yang masih tetap setia menemaniku dan mengikuti indahnya alam ini... Thanks you.. .

Thanks @paul-gillbanks and @bullionstakers > @whalepower

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Beautiful walk! I have never seen the guava plant before, it's really a special sight. All of the flowers were so gorgeous too. The rice fields look in great health. Thank you for sharing. I hope you can stay cool.

Thanks @lyndsaybowes , I have a variety of guava in my house and now they are being fruitful, tomorrow I show you ;)))

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