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RE: Holidays and walking.

in #walkwithme6 years ago


Wrong title!

Should have been

Dinosaurs & Chickens

lol - your daughter has sure grown over less than a full year!

I have also been wanting to open a casual meal and coffee place, but on different rules from the normal. For instance, I want to name it

The Agorae

(The agorae is where the ancient Greek philosophers argued and taught.)

Or else, I would name it: The Crazy Philosopher

I want to get a piece of land big enough for me to have lots of fruit trees, a big veg garden, chickens and so on. Maybe some ponies, goats etc for the kids to have some contct with the natural world. I want to provide food at low profit, but using, where possible, non-GMO ingredients. I want it to be for university sutdents.

I also want screens on the walls and at each table, speakers and a remote for them to switch to whichever debate regarding ethics or philosophy they wish. I would want this to be expanded so that similar places can join in from all over the world....I would also like for parents to bring smaller children, 3 years old to 14, for an evening meal. At least we might help a few more non-wealthy children grow up healthy and not brain damaged.

Yeah, I know, everyone laughs at me and I am told I am not being practical.

I must be practical for what? To make the children I do not have, rich? To me, even if it is not a success, as long as it is not a complete failure, I will have achieved something worth having lived for.


Ah, now you got me thinking, you may well be onto something there.

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