Walk With Me on a Toddler Led Adventure

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)

It's 12°c! Though very windy the breeze is warm and feels so fresh. Ash and I decided to do some yard clean up and then ended up walking around exploring things for over an hour! Even had a visit with one of the neighbors as we poked around in their yard. I don't think they mind that we were exploring on their property, and I like to think that they would tell me if it was an issue. I try to allow Ash to take the lead whenever possible and not put too many limitations on him. I steer him well away from the road and away from areas I think people might mind him being, but I think its so good for him to be able to take charge.


Ash loves his chickens and likes to check out what they're up to. It seems today they're helping me in the fall planted raspberry patch. I have three varieties here, Royal Purple, Nova Red, and Fall Golden. I planted seven pots of raspberry canes all together and I can't wait to see if we get fruit this summer. Slightly down the hill from this I planted a pear tree as well. Slowly but surely expanding my perennial food forest.


Up Up and Away go the chickens and Ash with them.


He quickly changes his mind and we head back around the other side of the house.


Ash insisted that I drag his new slide over to the wood chips left over from chainsawing and splitting 10 cord of wood this fall. I've been trying to clean up the wood chips when I can by loading them into my wheelbarrow and bringing them up closer to the chicken coop and the garden. They'll be a great amendment and mulch once they are composted a little bit.


When we are down in the neighbor's yard we see another tree has fallen in the big wind storm we had.


We spot a little wooly bear caterpillar motoring along on some moss. What's it doing out here in the middle of winter?!


Our rain barrel ended up in the ditch at the bottom of our hill. It was completely full of ice and somehow the kids knocked it over, after which it rolled down the hill. Now that it's warming up a bit I'm going to try to get the block of ice out and bring the barrel back up where it belongs.


Back up the hill into our own yard picking up toys as we go. We see the chickens hard at work in the raspberry patch still, what special little creatures they are. See you later for now you wonderful chickies you!

Thank you for coming on a walk with us today, I hope you enjoyed the adventure.

banner by @soulturtle


Great pics! Thats cool you let your little man take the lead! Boys need that

Thank you :) Yes I think if he has the freedom to be in charge he'll grow confident and not feel the need to push back against me later on, you know? At least I hope, haha

Oh they will push back ha ha! You have the right strategy tho.

Oh yes, I'm well aware, haha! I just got wacked cause I wouldn't put a cartoon on!

Haha what a cool idea to let the little one the WWM today! Enjoyed his perspective and "route" hehe <3

Thanks <3 Yes he's a very good #walkwithme buddy, always brings my attention to interesting things :)

WOWWWW!! Great shots today!!!! :) :) :)

Especially this one...it could be in a magazine!! Frame worthy for sure, gotta blow this one up...

Thank you Lyndsay! Right place right time :) The off and on fog today has been cray! And the downpours... I'll take this lovely warmth though. <3<3

I love this photo, it is a keeper for sure

What a sweet boy ❤
12° and caterpillars in the winter?? Craziness. Beautiful pics, so peaceful.

It was a very peaceful day. We came inside and he napped while I wrote this post. We had some crazy rain and power flickers and then lots more foggy misty haze :)

a very good post @amymya i like with your post thank you for sharing with us. i want to follow you @putra.arjun

Thank you @putra.arjun, I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures :)

I love your banner by the way at the end of each story. I must copy that :)) I particularly love the chickens roaming about the yard. So colourful. Not to mention Ash in his little read suit and I adore his wheelbarrow. I might just borrow that one day. Cute story

Thankyou! Yes the banner is great, my new friend @soulturtle made it for me :)
Ash is a great helper with his wheelbarrow, we found it on the side of the road! His slide too. Lots of treasures thrown out on the PCR on garbage day, haha. Thanks for reading :)

Hee lol. Amy...sometimes you need to edit your writing. lol..and what is the PCR.. you mean the 333?

Oh you mean tgey? My silly old phone is always autocorrecting the or they into tgey. Thanks for the heads up! Yes I mean Peggys Cove Road, I never call it the 333,haha.

oh hee. I am learning...BTW. the wheelbarrow is like what European kids had. I love it. and yes people throw out so much.

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