
in #walking6 years ago

I was a walker, with the emphasis on WAS. My stiff old legs need support in the form of this gadget.

old man with zimmer  cartoon.jpg

It helps me get out of the house and to the shops every day. Thoughts do come into my mind of the great times I had with a rambling/trekking group for about 20 years.

Walking is a multi-benefit activity. I can’t think of a downside. Even the days when you’ve miscalculated the distance, the difficult terrain, or got lost, there is always the feeling of relief and sense of achievement when reaching the end of the walk

Getting lost is a source of much story swapping, banter, and happy socialising as a walk goes along.

It can cost little to enjoy the pleasures and benefits of walking. When I started the oldest patched rough clothing was worn, but now many walkers are kitted out in the latest expensive designer gear, but only necessary if you want to ‘Keep up with the Jones’s’.

Great views which can only be reached on foot are another joy as these pictures show.
1 ramblers by lake text we know where you're going (2).jpg

mountain top 2 ramblers dreamstime_m_28764033_opt 580.jpg

It is so good for health too. Here’s how to get started -

If you haven’t exercised in a while or are looking for something easy to do every day, walking is the perfect low impact way to exercise.You don’t need special equipment and you can start at the fitness level you’re at.

If you’re not in the best of shape, start by going for a 10 or 15-minute walk around the neighbourhood and work your way up.

If you’re already in great shape, power walking will provide an effective workout. Walk fast enough to get a little out of puff but still able to carry on a conversation. Incorporate some hills. Mix up your route and walk in different areas of town or parks. Invite a friend to come along. It’s always nice to have someone to talk to and it makes exercise more enjoyable.

If you haven’t worked out much it is best to start small. Maybe your doctor suggested that you move around more, or you just want to improve your health and well-being. In either case, walking is the perfect way to start.

Find a pair of comfortable shoes and go for a stroll through your neighborhood. Go to a local park with interesting paths to walk. If the weather doesn’t permit walking outside, head to your local gym and walk-on a treadmill.

You can even walk in place at home in front of your TV. Here’s an idea to get you moving more. As you're sitting on the couch watching TV, get up during commercial breaks and march in place until the TV show returns.

The main thing is that you get some exercise in a way that’s gentle on your joints, your heart, and the rest of your body and that’s what walking will do for you.

Just give it a try and begin to feel better, happier, and stronger after a few weeks of regular walks.

Then look to join a rambling/trekking group. Walking alone has its pleasures but companionship heightens and enriches them.

You will hear many a good joke too -

I like your new book.jpg


Walking is healthy and I'm glad you're getting out to the shops. I walk in my neighborhood but the nearest store is too far to walk and the roads don't have sidewalks anyway so its dangerous. I'm sure you have great memories of fun walks you've been on. Nice joke at the end to wrap up a good article!

On this very topic, have you seen the new @actifit craze going on here at Steemit? It's an Android phone app that tracks movements and basically just shows a number that increases as you move your phone. At the end of the day, you can post to steemit from the app and show everyone your fitness report for the day. You can add a description of your activities.

It's a fun way to increase your post frequency on here, and if you get a number over 5000 then you'll get a bunch of extra votes from the @actifit voting team. So its a small way to monetize movement!

I take it with me when I walk, but I also simply do a bunch of arm curls and overhead presses, and those register as well. So even someone who has an issue walking can use the app if they have arm mobility.

You can check my blog for my recent @actifit fitness reports to see what I write, or look at what others are doing. It's becoming a thing on here, and I support it. I think its good to stay active and this app encourages it!

Thank you Kenny for the comment and introduction to Actifit. I've been on the site,its impressive.I would join but I am Apple Ipad Ios.I see they will be launching an app for that OS soon.I'm not sure if the Ipad is suitable for the exercises you mention.

I think it works due to an acceleration sensor (accelerometer) that is in most devices these days. Commonly the sensor is used to know what orientation you are holding the device at, so the screen changes to keep things right side up. But it also detects movements. I don't have any Apple products but I bet your Ipad has this sensor. You can try it out when they release the iOS version if you want, and see if it works as expected. The only problem I foresee is that your device might be difficult to hold as you move around, if it's as big as I imagine it to be!

Thank you. Yes,I think the Ipad will be too bulky for the exercises,but it will be interesting to try when they launch the Ios app.Will let you know at the time.

I've always loved walking. And i love it even more now that I'm running ultra-marathons - because I get to stop running for a bit hehehe.

There is more and more science coming out that the key to longevity is social connection and moderate exercise.

Which is exactly what you are suggesting :-)

Being the young at heart lad that you are, if it is getting bit hard to walk to the hops, it might be time to get a skateboard and zoom past all the kids hanging out on the corner ;-)

Hi ya Trevor.How ya doin! Thank you for your comment. Yes, I think I found and follow the formula for LIVING,and I think you are like minded too. It's Good Food.Exercise.Company.Interests.Purpose.

Not quite skateboarding, but close - My 7 year old great grandson kneels on the seat of my wheeled zimmer facing forward like riding a chariot. We pretend race with my grandaughter pushing his 2 year old brothers pushchair, with all the vroom vroom noises and the children's hysterical laughter. Great fun.

Oh, we need photos of the Roman Zimmer chariot! hehehe

Thank you Trevor. I know My Granddaughter took a photo. They are back from holiday today.I've asked her to email me a copy.I'd like to see it as well.

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