Think for yourself.
I have been watching into some few videos about the #walkaway movement in the US, and I must admit it is an eyeopener - and I urge everyone to look into it. If I am supposed to compare it to something, I would compare it with people who choose to break out of religious sects that has been brainwashing them for years with their fear mongering propaganda.
As we have recognized in religious sects when a person break out of it, they close all ties connected to this people and leave them alone with existential questions. I guess it is because they probably hope that by doing it they will come back since this individuals will struggle to handle the loneliness that such a decision will bring with it.
However, bear in mind that a political party should not be a platform built on the same foundation as a religious sect. Neither should it be a tool to harm people who choose to think for themselves outside a collective, instead they should reward people who is able to think for themselves - not punish them.
I have been raised in a so called Social democratic family myself in Norway, and they are not different from what I see from the #walkaway movement in the US - choosing to put an evil eye on you when you criticize their political view. For the last periods I have chosen to not give my vote to anyone, which is also a way to make my standpoint - and I guess it is because I lost believe in the people who is involved with politics in general.
If the price you pay to have different political views on what the collective has told you to have is the same as exiting Jehovas Witnesses, or another religious sect - I do not find it interesting to be involved in it, and neither should you. I remember a guy from the town I grew up in - who had a great talent being a politician. He was frozen out of the Labour Party for years until he changed his view, and could come back continue developing his talent.
With other words, there might be many of you who want to get into Politics because you have a dream about changing the world - however, by involving you just end up being changed for what is the best for the political party. My advice for you is not to join a political movement, but try to find people who share your view on a personal level and take it from there. It might be that you develop a business, or a charity company if your dream is to help people - but do not let yourself being brainwashed into oblivion by this corrupt politicians.
Thank you for your words Vanessa, as a world's citizen I appraise your openness and your necessity of express yourself. As a heaven's citizen there is more to look after. If you speak Spanish might have a bliss with Fidel Delgado on youtube, I think you will enjoy listening to him.
don't worry, speak up, be happy.