The kind of prayer that opens the heaven

in #wafrica6 years ago (edited)

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The prayers that will open heavens are not the ones you pray on the pulpit for men to hear and shout "Amen and Alleluia". They are not the ones you pray standing in the synagogues and in the street corners. You know that such show-off prayers are never deep. They do not deal with the fabrics of a man's soul. They only entertain the hearers and promote the 'PRAYER-ERS'..."...Enter the closeth; and when thou hast shut thy door (on the world, on friends, on relatives and on your distractions) and you have shut yourself in, alone with God...facing God and yourself with the facts of your emptiness; then pray to thy father which is in secret." The disciples new that the only place to find God is in the secret place: thy father which is in the secret, and thy father which see the in the secret shall reward you openly
. Real encounters with God actually occurs in the secret place. Those that dwell in the secret place of the Most High are those who touch the secret of His power. The result of prayer is always in the open, just as the result of prayerlessness is also in the open.... images (32).jpegBut genuine prayerfulness is in the secret; and the emptiness of prayerlessness is also revealed in the secret. Most prayer less men are seen to be prayerful on the outside, but follow them into their secret places, they are gluttons.
If all the loud prayers we pray into the loud speakers, and our loud night vigils were prayers to God who sees in secret and who seeth in the secret, we should have secured much open heaven.
Do not deceive yourself: your secret praying is the one our Father sees, to reward in the open. As many as have no secret discourse with God, God sees nothing to reward them openly. Withdraw from these public arrangements! Put your mouth to the dust. Come inside. Shut your door upon yourself and upon your prayer partners and pray for God to open the heavens over your head.

Culled from the book: "When The Heavens Are Close"

by Bro Gbile Akanni -
Peace House Gboko

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