in #wafrica5 years ago (edited)


While i was listening to some people's discussion today, a thought struck me and that thought is "What is truth?" At first i wanted to dismiss this thought, but then i realise that this is more complicated than it looks. I quickly googled "what is truth?" but the results i saw didn't even help matters.


One of the widely accepted yardstick for measuring truth is through presentation of data, facts and evidences but these things can be manipulated. We see this everyday in court rooms clearly as lawyers battle to prove a person guilty or not guilty. In the process facts are manipulated and this leads to irregularities like an innocent person being jailed or the guilty person walking free.

Even when evidences are very clear, it does not always qualify as truth because intentions can be misunderstood and people can be set-up and framed too, pictures could be edited and video footages can be tampered with. In fact, even if we have the ability to see what a person is thinking, we still can't be 100% sure we know we are right because people most times think and imagine what they can't do.

Another way i have seen people try to measure what's truth, is by arguing that it is the opinion held by majority. But majority can be wrong too. For a moment in history, everyone thought that earth was flat in shape, until Eratosthenes of Cyrene proved that wrong... Read More. Even though you and i have no way of confirming that or understand his explanation, we just accept that as Truth.

Mahatma Gandhi was once asked "What is truth"? And he replied thus;

This is a really tough question but i have solved it for myself. Truth is what that voice within' tells you it is.
Quote Source

I still don't feel comfortable with this definition of truth even though it's coming from someone so much respected. I assume you all know know of the Placebo Effect, but if you don't, Check It Out Here. . This shows that even when you accept a thing as true because you are fully convinced within you, there are chances it's not true and you are the only one that doesn't know that.

I wanted to conclude my thought on the notion that it is difficult to define what truth is because truth keeps changing but then i thought of death. The statement "death is ennevitable" is very true and i am 100% convinced and i am sure you agree with me.

Yet the question is still unanswered, what is TRUTH?


#thoughts #phycology #science





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What a thing to ask: what is truth! If you take it seriously, it's such a radical question, that everyone should be confronted with it from early on, on a regular basis. Truth is what corresponds with facts, right? But proving the earth is round didn't help convince potential sponsors to fund ships exploring the western waters. They were probably still afraid their ships would fall off the edge. So it's what's generally accepted? Sure, and thus you're limiting yourself by the superstition of others. And as for that little voice inside... How can you be sure it's speaking the truth? I can imagine many war criminals claimed they were listening to it, just to come to terms with their horrible actions. Ultimately, it seems like each of us is on their own figuring out the truth for themselves. We can help each other, but the final decision has to be made by us. I guess that's what being human is.

Yeah you very right. At last those criminals blame the devil. Thanks for your elaborate contribution.

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