The 2 Biggest Enemies of Success, Happiness and Personal Fulfilment.

in #wafrica4 years ago

Today I'll like us to look at the two biggest enemies of Success, Happiness and Personal Fulfilment. They are; first, the path of least resistance and secondly, the expediency factor.

We are going to be examining these two factors as serious obstacles to growth in different sectors of our lives like finance, health and fitness, business endeavors and so on.



This as an enemy of success involves people always looking out for a path with the lowest huddles or better still you could say people looking for the easiest way out in every situation.

This has compelled people to get involved in get-rich-quick schemes after which they will be scammed.

In fitness and health, you see people who prefer taking concoctions to lose weight instead of actually doing the work of eating healthy, exercising or hitting the gym.

The problem with this approach is that shortcuts do have lots of unseen strings tied to them and the always come with adverse long-term side effects.

Learn not to rush the process but to trust the process and do the actual work for long term benefits.


This as an extension of the path of least resistance is even worst when leading people to failure and underachievement.

This means doing not what is necessary and required but what is expedient and convienient for you at the expense of long term results.

The symptoms for the expediency factor includes procrastination, excuses, laziness, and choosing to permanently remain in your comfort zone.

Success and growth begins the moment you decide to step outside your comfort zone.

Again, you could complain, procrastinate, doing things that are not relevant at the moment or you could just get to work and do the actual work which is required as a prerequisite for your growth.

Thanks for reading. See you again soon.

"We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work" -Thomas A. Edison


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