How can we help with poverty in Africa?

in #wafrica6 years ago (edited)


Hi friends!!! I would like to speak in this post about Africa, when we think of Africa, the first thing that comes to mind is "Poverty", so I started to do some research about that, but in the middle of my research I stopped and thought " We all know that there is poverty in Africa, but how can we help to reduce it? " So I changed my research approach to "Why is there poverty in Africa?" a "How can we help with poverty in Africa?" So without further preamble, we will see below what we must do to help reduce African poverty.

You must research about the aid for its development

For my part, in my research I have made a concrete plan to help, save and overcome poverty in Africa:

  1. Agricultural income could easily double if farmers received good advice and some resources such as irrigation, fertilizers and high-yield seeds.

  2. To prevent larger crops from being consumed immediately, population growth must be stopped by specific family counseling and free distribution of contraceptives.

  3. The funds must be managed democratically by the communities themselves so that they do not disappear in the corruption of the government.

  4. The debts of poor countries must be forgiven, so that they have money and can overcome poverty.

  5. There must be adequate infrastructures, that is, schools, roads, hospitals, electrical infrastructures, etc.

Orient yourself based on successful models

There are examples of self-sufficient ecological communities that can serve as a base for humanitarian workers. Actor Karlheinz Böhm showed that sustainable development works in Ethiopia. He has personally supervised four villages and has raised donations in Germany. Established a system of organic agriculture, helping to conserve a large area of ​​land to prevent people from going hungry. It took more than a decade, but nowadays, the villagers can meet their needs themselves.


Help link with self help

The main solution to the problem of hunger in the world is the principle of self-sufficiency through your own country. Each farmer should have the right to have his own piece of land from which he can live with his family. The government must grant fertile land to the landless peasants.

The owners must give part of their land to the poor. The problem of hunger in the world can not be solved without an agrarian reform. New lands can also be created for agriculture, through the afforestation of desert areas. Deforestation must be stopped. Instead of creating monocultures (palm oil, biofuels) for export, each country must provide enough land for its population.

Small farmers in developing countries should receive assistance through advice from experts in agriculture, effective organic agriculture, cooperation structures and fair global trade.


Promote common sense

It is important to promote common sense in the world. We can not save the world if we do not return to the values ​​of frugality, inner happiness, universal love and mutual help. If selfishness dominates happiness, the world has no possibility of salvation. We need a global family made up of many small families, where everyone helps each other so that everything goes well.


Work to achieve the cooperation of all positive people

We need a global change. This can only happen through a global alliance of all the positive forces of politics, science, religion and society; Through the great efforts made by many people, each one in his field and according to his possibilities.


Do not stay without doing anything, the truth of the people is not in their words, but in their actions. Let's help children, men and women who struggle every day to face the difficult situation, Pray for Africa!


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