Breaking Free from Depression

in #wafrica6 years ago (edited)


I have been thinking a lot about depression, probably because the pressure in my head seems so overwhelming, it feels like it will burst from the mental stress I have been going through lately. Who knows......

Anyways, this got me to do a little research about depression.

Depression is a psychological disorder, which affects the physical and mental health of a person. It can be treated.

It is normal to have low days, where we feel sad or moody. However, when these periods extends to weeks, months or even years without any apparent reason, then depression has set in.

Depression doesn't start overnight, usually the symptoms are there, just that we fail to recognise them early enough.

Maybe seeing the right doctor would make things clearer. However, visiting a psychiatrist is a taboo for africans, because they are generally believed to be meant for 'mad people'.

That is what has led to an alarming increase of mental cases, even among children. We forget that a stitch in time saves nine.

Most people who suffer from depression are usually in denial and refuse to accept the needed help.

What Causes Depression

There is no particular known cause for depression. However, there are certain factors that trigger depression.

1. Certain events that have occured in the past or that are ongoing

Examples include- Sexual harassment, Violent attacks, Abusive relationships, Loneliness, Death of a loved one, Unemployment, Chronic or excessive stress. For children, it could also be unrealistically high parental expectations, perhaps in regard to scholastic achievement; bullying, lack of parental love, and unstable homes, etc.

2. Personal factors

Examples include- History of depression in the family, Life threatening circumstances, changing hormone levels, Personality trait or individual makeup, dealing with medical conditions, uncertainty about the future, alcoholism and drug abuse, general addictions, etc.

Symptoms of Depression

The symptoms vary for individuals and could be more severe for others, depending on the stage of depression. They may include:

☆Changes in sleep patterns
☆Loss of appetite
☆Weight gain or loss
☆Feelings of despair
☆Intense sadness
☆Social withdrawal and isolation
☆Trouble concentrating or remembering
☆Suicidal thoughts or actions

As soon as more than one of these symptoms are noticed in a person, especially when it persist for weeks, disrupting the daily life routine, help should be gotten immediately.


Breaking Free from Depression

The first step to solving any problem is identifying it as a problem and getting help. Sometimes medication is required, but major changes in our lifestyle must be taken.

I leave the mediaction part to the professionals, but will mention certain tips that will help with lifestyle changes.

♡Taking care of our body - Our mind and body are closely connected, therefore paying attention to ourselves will make a major difference.

¤ One of the basic needs of man is food. Eating wholesome meals at the right time, keeps the body properly nourished and active.

¤ Getting the right amount of sleep, relaxes the mind and improves our mood.

¤ Exercising regularly releases chemicals that can lift our mood, increase our energy level, and improve sleep.

♡Understand your body - Studying your body will help you understand your system better. You will be able to identify triggers, which will help you know the things you should avoid doing.

♡Surround yourself with good companions - A lonely mind is the best fuel for depression.

¤ Association with people who have your interest at heart helps you conquer isolation and negative feelings, which comes with being depression. Trusted friends and family serve as a pillar and provide the right kind of support you need during recovery.

¤ A journal can also be a good companion. It helps you record your thoughts and feelings. This makes it possible to evaluate your actions and identify areas you can improve on.

♡Make yourself happy - This can be done by engaging in activities that make you happy. Find a hobby, acquire a skill, do volunteer work, build your self esteem, improve your personality, give yourself treats, avoid kill joys, avoid negative thoughts, engage in wholesome recreation...... be happy!

As much as we can cross the line to getting depressed, we can also easily get back on track.

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