If God is real, why is there so much evil?

in #wafrica6 years ago
It is a question that has transcended from generation to generation hammering the minds of many of us who are unable to tolerate human malice.

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If God is real, why are there so many evil people in the world? If God is good, why does He allow so many children to be sexually abused? If God is real, If God is good, how come there are so many people in the world suffering from hunger? And like these many other questions that we have asked ourselves looking for an answer but let me tell you something, despite all this GOD IS SO GOOD AND SO REAL ; much more than ourselves.

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From Genesis, God created a wonderful world where evil did not exist, where man's heart was innocent so much that nudity was normal; unlike now, seeing a person in such a state is often quite shameful. But something happened. Satan made his own seduced the woman; she in turn seduced the man, both of them falling into the greatest and most painful error that until today's sun, its consequences rest upon humanity. The evil was this being produced on Adam and Eve the curses that for life we have to lament but why if God is good? How is it that being a God of love cursed the two people that by then were all humanity? Simple, disobedience and something called free will.

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God had said:

And God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant that gives seed, which is upon all the earth, and every tree in which there is fruit, and which gives seed; they shall be for you to eat. Genesis 1:29 ~ Holy Bible Queen Valera 1960.


And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Genesis 2:16-17 ~ Holy Bible Queen Valera 1960.

Likewise the woman recognized;

but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God said, 'You shall not eat of it, nor touch it, lest you die. Genesis 3:3 ~ Holy Bible Queen Valera 1960.

It is of our knowledge that Adam and Eve, knowing all this, disobeyed; they ate of the forbidden fruit. No, it was not an apple. The Bible does not record anywhere what fruit it was, it could have been a peach, a grape, a banana, any fruit, we don't know that. But having the previous biblical passages as the basis of our study, we see that these two individuals made the decision to eat it without taking into account the voice of God.

And this is where the answer is given to this question: If God is real, why is there so much evil? Everything is summarized in one word: Decisions .

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God doesn't command us to be bad, on the contrary:

Thus you shall walk in the way of the good, And follow the paths of the righteous; Proverbs 2:20 ~ Holy Bible Queen Valera 1960.

Pay no one evil for evil; seek the good before all men. Romans 12:17 ~ Holy Bible Queen Valera 1960

God has given us the opportunity to be free to make our own decisions, that's called free will. He doesn't force us to do anything, it's us who choose whether to be good or evil, however; in his mercy he always suggests that we follow the good so that we live happily. He wants us free.

Let's see these examples:

If a man runs over a child for drunk driving. Whose fault is it? God's or man's bad decision to drive while intoxicated?

If a girl is raped by her father. Whose fault is it? God's or man's for his wrongdoing and his evil, perverse heart?

If a woman is stabbed to death by her husband by an attack of jealousy, whose fault is it? God's or man's wrong decision to be blinded by jealousy?

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Simple to understand my dear readers, God is not to blame for the bad decisions we make. The world is as it is because of ourselves. God is and will remain good, at all times, at all times. Evil will cease to exist when all humanity prostrates itself at the feet of Christ allowing Him to rule and direct its life and decisions. God is real, yes it is, man's evil is also real and it will continue to exist until we all surrender our lives to Christ who makes us live aspiring to have a good conscience and a heart conformed to God's.

My Tip:



Luke 1:37: "For nothing is impossible to God."


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