2022, March

in #vyb3 years ago

Chinese Anchor Babies SOTU Tuesday the first day of March of 2022. Losing Friends Wednesday. Globalists WANT YOU to be ANGRY at Russia Thursday. Dave Silverman and Kristi Leigh Friday. Where Oatmeal Goes Video Saturday.

90 PERCENT OF ALL HUMANS ON EARTH TO BE DEAD BY 2030 Sunday the 6th. Check out Emerald Robinson Monday. RIP John Bartolo Tuesday. Bitcoin Forever Wednesday. Duck Duck Gone Thursday. GMO Mosquitoes Friday. Fire in Your Eyes Saturday.

Clip Me Sunday the 13th. Eagle Music Soul Monday. Real Fake Ukraine Vietnam Tuesday. Brutal Reality Wednesday. Captain Reset Will Bring Population Down to Zero Thursday. Robbery Game Friday. DMZ Shining Vale Saturday.

Rising Rain Sunday the 20th. Walking Dead Negan Redemption Monday. Child Porn Means Child Rape Tuesday. Battle Plans DOT News Wednesday. Picard Geoengineering Thursday. Fuck Coke Cock Friday. Nazi Nasa Saturday.

Will Smith slapped Chris Rock Sunday the 27th. Will Smith Fucks Free Speech Monday. My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You is on YouTube Tuesday. Words Are Not Violence Wednesday. Picard Sucks Now Thursday.

March | 2022
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Society Driving Off a Cliff

Oatmeal Monthly - 2022-03 - March of 2022 | Published in of 2022





Chinese Anchor Babies SOTU

2022-03-01 - Tuesday

1973 - China America 10 million Women safe_image.jpeg

1973 - China wanted to ship 10 million women into America to help them increase population. Actually, it's about infiltrating, AKA the Anchor Babies which does happen.

Highlights from the 2022 State of the Union by Biden today as follows. Build Back Better. I mean, build a better America. That's right. I'm not plagiarizing Schwab. A great reset. No. Just kidding. I mean, let's start over again. Let's Make America Great Again. I mean, let's make America better. State of the Union today by Biden.

I've been made fun of at times in life. I sometimes forget the times I've been mocked or the many hard times because I've been busy living life. The one thing that gets me through in life has been Christ. One of the best things you can do is to live life in harmony with creation and the only thing better than that would be to live in harmony and in living color with the creator.

Disney buys up YouTubers, Tik Tokers. They are bribed like politicians are. They get free stuff so they will promote the crappy Disney garbage.

Losing Friends

2022-03-02 - Wednesday


They want war and it serves as a distraction.

I've lost as many friends in real life as I've lost videos on YouTube and I've lost thousands of videos due to censorship. Honk Honk is a pun for Leftist Clowns and Freedom Trucks. What are you doing as inflation continues to accelerate? Worse type of leader is a follower.

Plug your channels, groups, etc, on my wall, on my Facebook, any time, as many times as you want. Or tag me.

Globalists WANT YOU to be ANGRY at Russia.

2022-03-03 - Thursday

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Check out Sav Says on YouTube, Twitter, etc.

Globalists WANT YOU to be ANGRY at Russia. It's a trap. You ARE ARE ARE ARE ARE ARE ARE a puppet. You're being manipulated. People are upset with Russia even tho the Chinese government MURDERS millions of people. Hypocritical. Plug your channels, groups, etc, on my wall, on my Facebook, any time, as many times as you want. Or tag me.

Dave Silverman and Kristi Leigh

2022-03-04 - Friday

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Dave Silverman and Kristi Leigh.

I believe evil can be stopped and that is why I talk about it. THE GREAT RESET OF 2030 REQUIRES WORLD WAR TO DESTABILIZE THE WORLD. THAT IS WHY GLOBALISTS LIE TO US ABOUT EVERYTHING. Same people who wear masks are now supporting only Ukraine. The truth is messy. But beyond that, the demonic controllers of the world want us all to fight each other. It's a trap. You are being tricked. This is a co-opt false flag. American Freedom Convoy leader was put in prison for doing nothing wrong in 2022 in the United States.

Jessica Mathis, you are an amazing and awesome advocate for veterans. I decided not to join the military years ago but thought about it strongly at times. Standing up for patriots, the defenders of the peace, military, police, law enforcement, is critical. Many veterans become homeless. Many committed suicide. Many were not taken care of very well at times. I strongly support your endeavors. You know things are bad when a Christian and an Atheist are united against a common enemy. Dave Silverman and Kristi Leigh are united against the control freaks who are going after your children.

Where Oatmeal Goes Video

2022-03-05 - Saturday

2022-03-05 - Saturday - 01:00 AM PST LMS JA Discord YouTube - Oatmeal Art From Space Rose - oatmeal.png

Made by a fan of mine. For more info, go to my Discord.

They say people died not from Covid Vaccines but from a variety of things which are in fact Covid Vaccine side-effects. Many people are dying from cancer, blood clots, brain seizures, heart attacks, Autoimmune Dependency Enhancement (ADE), AIDS or HIV, etc, etc, right now and ongoing through the next several years into 2025 and beyond, and all of these things are caused by Covid Vaccines. I don't listen to Republicans or Democrats or Q. New Zealand and Australia are prisons. Watch out for the Brain Net.


2022-03-06 - Sunday

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90 PERCENT OF ALL HUMANS ON EARTH TO BE DEAD BY 2030 IF WE ARE UNABLE TO STOP THEM. Pentagon funded bio-weapon labs in Ukraine according to a new Greg Reese video report published yesterday at the one place they don't want you to visit, you are not allowed to go to this secret website which is not on Facebook. The science fiction Soylent Green is movie made many years ago and it was about a future in the year 2022 which was once far far in the future like 2030 might seem like today.

They get it and then their liver liquified. It is happening to children. You should be very angry. You should tell people. Some MRNA tech can eat cancer but then within months will liquify the liver.

Check out Emerald Robinson

2022-03-07 - Monday

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Check out Emerald Robinson


Check out Emerald Robinson on Lindell TV or Frank Speech. Media paid to keep quiet about the ewwww ewwwww reactions. Russia is a temporary distraction. Climate-Change-Deception is a major campaign going back to at least the 1920s. Trap-19 may be fading for now but will be back again soon, it will be rebooted, rebranded, renamed, etc, in the fall of 2022 or as soon as possible. They're lifting mask mandates but will try to bring the mandates back via other excuses before you know it. That is why we must not stop exposing the tyrants and everyone who wore a mask. If you wore a mask, you must apologize. I never wore a mask one time. I will not. Your job is to embed inside the minds of everyone around you each day seeds of truth which will someday sprout. Be patient and try to water your seeds each day. Don't rush it. Just simply throw those seeds. If the seeds don't work, then try to find different types of seeds. Maybe you need to give it more water. Maybe it needs more sunlight. Maybe it needs more oxygen. Maybe it needs more heat. Maybe it needs more time. Maybe it needs more soil. Maybe it needs more fertilizer. Maybe the seeds are dead. Maybe you should try other seeds. Maybe there are too many rocks for it to grow in that particular area. Maybe it's not the right season to grow those seeds there right now. Maybe it's too windy. Maybe it's too cold. Maybe it's too wet. Maybe it's too dry. Keep trying. Don't let anybody stop you as Jim Carrey would say in The Mask, "Somebody stop me."

Trump spoke to the nations of the world 3 years ago telling them how globalists wanted America to be anti-independent on her own oil.

We went from a false flag is a conspiracy theory to let's do it on Russia in less than a year. James Lovelock said we must have less than one billion people. You are here in the middle of these organizations and groups. Mark Zuckerberg most people will spend over 90 percent of each day in the Metaverse in the next ten years. Globalism launched in 2020 and will eventually explode like a rocket. It's a more a question of collateral damage as pieces of the rocket comes down to hit us in the face. Every day the rocket flies higher and higher. The longer we wait, the harder and faster it will eventually fall and crash upon us.

When good guys fight among themselves, whether that be attacking Alex Jones, Trump, etc, who are not perfect but have helped, that is like Michael Jordan playing basketball. Imagine he suddenly stops to criticize a freckle on his hand. Why? That is what we do when we are distracted by minor details. In the bigger scheme of things, we should work together against the globalists. The freckle can wait until half-time or maybe after the game.

RIP John Bartolo

2022-03-08 - Tuesday


Distraction Gone Wild


I did not wear a mask. Not even for one second. Why would I? Hollywood Children Sex Trafficking Rings is absolutely and undeniably a conspiracy theory, there is no evidence of anything strange going on with celebrities and their totally normal kids.

They want more money for "FUTURE CIVOD" for the bill they're voting on tomorrow. Civod is an anagram and that is what they call it. RSBN is live right now in DC with truckers and Greene. Monsters are trying to bring the lockdowns back. Tell your friends and everyone that they're trying to bring it back in the fall of 2022 or as soon as possible in 2022 or 2023. The more we talk about, then the more and more new people begin to remember the patterns that tyrants operate within. Once a person begins to see the patterns, then they can never unsee it. Once you become a dog and pull away the curtain in the Wizard of Oz, then you will always know that the little man is behind that big head of a wizard. Oh so scary of a big head but a very small man behind a curtain. Our job is to simply point at the curtains again and again. Sometimes, we may even give people a sneak peak as much and as often as we can to show them previews and leaks of what lies behind those curtains of deception.

I love beef jerky. I would add to that and say the broken logic the left has is insane. People are told to wear a mask when walking into a restaurant and then they take it off a few feet over at the tables where they eat. Same thing with planes. If there was something deadly in the air, then it would get on the food. So, putting the food in your mouth is deadly if there was actually something bad in the air as the food we eat are not wearing masks. We should food on our masks. Just kidding. I mean, we should put masks on our food.

The mask thing is a violation of really old commerce laws in that public trading within markets are not supposed to be hindered. Requiring a mask is a form of obstructing the buyer. In a transaction between a buyer and a seller, there is not supposed to be discrimination or things that can interfere with those types of transaction. I am not talking legally within private settings on private property. But if a store is open to the public, then they are not legally allowed to discriminate based on anything which includes masks. In some states and in some places, they have laws and rules which forbids masks. That is right, masks are illegal and not allowed in some places. Now, sadly, some people don't know this. That is why we must teach people law. We must teach children law. It doesn't have to be complicated law training. It only takes five seconds to see a picture of a mask law. When I say mask law, I mean when a store bans masks which has been the case for decades or longer. They don't know if you want to rob the store or bank, that is why they ban masks. Robbers wear masks. So, they ban masks. But also, requiring masks interferes with commerce laws. The free market is supposed to be governed by international commerce laws which has been around for thousands of years. If a place is not compliant with these ancient international commerce laws, then they are in violation therein and therefore not a part of an actual free market. So, any place that requires masks are not only in contrast with places that banned masks many decades ago but they are also in contrast with free markets.

Facebook put me in virtual prison for a month in January 2022. Now I'm being punished again for the same alleged crimes which don't violate community guidelines. They lie and say they do violate them when they actually don't. You get in trouble and put on timeout for posts you share or like. After you are punished, then they will come back and violate Double Jeopardy to punish you again and then again for the same posts they already punished you for even if you've removed those posts. I was punished for posts. They removed some of the posts but will then say I am being punished for posts which no longer exist. I've been punished and censored and banned and shadow banned and many things off and on over the years since at least 2010. I've been in this kind of war for the past twelve years or maybe longer online.

I will probably be put in Facebook Prison for another month really soon.

Bitcoin Forever

2022-03-09 - Wednesday

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Resident Alien

Facebook keeps track of people who don't have accounts. For example, one way they collect data is when you send an email invite to your brother to join Facebook. Even if he does not join, Facebook will collect your brother's email and put that in a Shadow Profile which is named whatever your brother's name is. They collect data of not just people on Facebook. It does not matter if you have never been on Facebook. It does not matter if you leave Facebook. You can delete your account but they will still have your information. Next up will be Meta Matrix or AKA the Brain Net. There will be shadow profiles of people built for Meta as well. Brain Net collects thoughts. Imagine what they can do with your thoughts. Meta will also attempt to gather the thoughts of those not plugged into Terminator's Sky Net.

But beyond that, even if you can't spend Bitcoin, that doesn't mean Bitcoin will never have value ever again. It will have even more value in the future after we get over these major wars and such. Globalism will either decline for 20 years or longer before rising back up again or it will take over and Agenda 2030 and The Great Reset will end most life on this planet as we know it. But assuming the good guys win this round, then crypto can help us out on the other end of this current storm in the new few years or decades. Think long-term.

Duck Duck Gone

2022-03-10 - Thursday

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A show called Upload which wants you to kill yourself.

Duck Duck Go went Woke. Global social policy is being made by unelected technocrats. First, they'll release biological warfare in Ukraine. Second, they'll say Russia did it in order to trick us into global war.

They tell politicians, celebrities, etc, there is an unstoppable ongoing economic collapse which will kill most people on the planet or too many people and that they would be protected which is also a lie. They're behind the collapse and they'll stab them in the back. They're not protected. It inspires and justifies them to do evil.

If you want to know if a Facebook account is fake or real, compare it with the URL by hovering over the name. Facebook changed their terms to say you can say bad things as long as it is against the Russians.

I'm accepting friend requests. Tag me in your memes/posts/etc. Write on my wall any time you want. Post and share anything you want onto my Facebook. Join my groups.

Plug and share your content, channels, groups, products, services, ideas, videos, memes, photos, links, etc, on my walls, groups, pages, etc.

I make videos/articles/memes/etc on many websites online. Find me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, on the Internet. My username on many of the apps and social media networks is normally or sometimes generally JOEYARNOLDVN and you can always use search engines to dive deeper into all of this, just use the right combination of keywords when searching. Good luck. Searching requires luck and lots of time.

When I'm banned and suspended off Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram, Snap Chat, etc, I may try to make new accounts/pages/channels/etc in order to come back. Sometimes I do come back and sometimes I am unable to. Feel free to share my content and everything I share. Feel free to come find me someday when I may be long gone off big tech and what have you. I try to be everywhere I can both offline and especially online.

I've been suspended and removed online many times over the past decade or longer off many websites. Censorship only makes me stronger. I encourage you to find me on Discord, Telegram, email, etc. I encourage you to join my groups on Facebook and other websites. I encourage you to make your own groups and everything. Plug and share your channels, groups, etc, on my accounts, pages, groups, etc, on Facebook and elsewhere too. Feel free to steal my content too. I don't care who gets the credit. I only care that it gets shared. If I am totally banned off Facebook/etc, feel free to find my content and to share it onto Facebook/etc. Don't let anybody stop you. You are a light in a dark world.

GMO Mosquitoes

2022-03-11 - Friday

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For more info, check out Friday Night Tights on Nerdrotic

GMO Mosquitoes released in Florida and California. The reason Facebook is able to get away with so much is because people put up with it meaning it gets worse and worse as people do nothing. The fault goes to each other for not standing up. Millions of ants divided will drown in the flood. But together, they can overcome catastrophes.

The gold standard was adopted in 1816. The British pound sterling (GBP) became the world reserve currency. It was later replaced in 1944 with the U.S. Dollar. But they ended up printing more dollars by the 1960s than there were gold which then turned the dollars into blank checks. Because when you get a dollar, you were supposed to be able to go to a bank and get gold for the dollar. That is what the dollar was. An I owe you coupon. It was a check or a placeholder. Going off the gold standard is dangerous. They're moving us towards a great reset.

SUNLIGHT or UV rays penetrates skin and interacts with the brain. Healing. Therapeutic. The sun helps create oxygen. The sun also helps cultivate health. In the winter, you turn deathly pale like Snow White. The sun is a miracle worker. That is why people worshiped the sun.

Fire in Your Eyes

2022-03-12 - Saturday

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Imagine not remembering what you do at work or at home.

Be wise on your feet. Have the itch to stay strong. Have the humor to at least smile. There is fire in your eyes. Stand your ground. Be there for people. Let confidence be your guide. Let grace be your counselor.

Clip Me

2022-03-13 - Sunday


Do the research or shut the fuck up.

Don't clip my videos. Don't take me out of context. Just kidding. Clip my videos. What are you waiting for, baby? What are you waiting for loser? Where your heart at dude? I said 77 words in 77 videos. One word per video. See the playlist below.

Eagle Music Soul

2022-03-14 - Monday

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Be the eagle inside your dreams.

Where in the world are the U.S. bio-labs, please show me on this map. They said this map indicates where the one and only lab is. They said it's not dominated and controlled by the American government or globalists therein. I'm going to throw away this worthless map here because I see nothing unusual on it. I definitely don't see a bunch of weird bio-hazard icons all around Russia. But please do show me where these mysterious labs are. That's right, they don't exist. The you know what didn't move from North Carolina to China in 2015 under the order of Obama. That didn't happen. You're a crazy Conspiracy Theorist. You probably don't like Bill Gates who is just trying to reduce carbon which is code for humans ahahahaa.

NOT RUSSIA. Globalists are murdering billions of people. Not Russia. Globalists. They want less than a billion people left on the planet.

The second world war ended in 1945 officially but Russia or the USSR was still cleaning out stay-behind networks into 1946. In 2022, Putin fell for a trap globalists sprung on him through the Ukraine. Now, Putin is firing people in his government. He is in a tough situation. Some might say Putin was not smart enough in choosing to go into Ukraine. People can understand the perspective Putin has but that doesn't mean stepping into a trap that might launch a third world war is the best choice. The third world war could launch due to Ukraine or it could break out due to the conflict between China, Hong Kong, and even Vietnam.

Ukraine supplied a quarter of the grain supply to the world. Food rationing cards will likely be launched before 2023 forcing humans in many countries to have the cards. Ukraine is a trap that Russia fell into sprung by globalists. Sadly, some people are mad at Putin. But they are unable to see the bigger picture.

2 parallel economies are rising, one being of fake people forced to buy fake food and the other being farmers, gardeners, trading and exchanging organic food with their friends and others. The civod relief checks people got in 2020 are evolving into food rationing checks designed to trick people to stay in the fake food economy. You are being programmed and brainwashed and tricked down a drain of Kanye West Slavery.

U.S. government is planning to come to your house to demand you hand over your food. Obama signed bills permitting exactly this. The ongoing plan is food shortages due to Ukraine. 2020 civod lockdown programmed people to comply with fake rules. They were not laws. They were fake suggestions. They designed the chaos to set humans all around the world up for the Agenda 2030 Great Reset. Remember that we told you for years about Agenda 21 which was related to launch lockdowns in 2021 or what ended up being 2020. The next big year in their plans is 2030. Knowing their future plans is half the battle. The more we talk about their plans, the harder it becomes for them to do those plans. When you choose to shut up, you are choosing to help monsters. Have a beautiful day helping monsters. There may be no monsters under your bed but there are some in your heart when you choose not to tell people about the monsters taking down the world. Don't just pray. Spread the word. Do something. You have more power than you think you do.

If you want success in life, it's critical to compartmentalize jobs into individual tasks. In the grind of the work, you must coach yourself mentally through one step at a time. The overall journey will always overwhelm and eventually paralyze you towards the wrong path or worse would be inactivity. You must whisper in your own ears to do one single task and that is it. If you don't divorce and compartmentalize yourself in the heat of the battle of living life, then the winds of life will surely blow you away.

Real Fake Ukraine Vietnam

2022-03-15 - Tuesday

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Ukraine is Vietnam all over again in that there is a Real Ukraine and a Fake Ukraine. Fake News supports Fake Ukraine.

Ukraine is Vietnam all over again in that there is a Real Ukraine and a Fake Ukraine. Fake News supports Fake Ukraine. Change a person's perception to change their reality. He gave an example of a boy going to the magic show. He believes the magician cut a woman in half. Don't yell at him to say he is wrong. That is his reality. Instead, suggest a conspiracy theory that perhaps she tucked her legs in and that there were fake legs inside. Walk him through the illusion.

Police are stopping traffic from entering into Washington DC. Cars are trapped on highways while police block off exits for the second day in a row in the United States of America in 2022 right now.

Find Patrick Lancaster on YouTube for the latest as he is in Ukraine right now. Too many people are parroting fake news about Ukraine. You can find out what is really happening.

Brutal Reality

2022-03-16 - Wednesday

Being in the moment requires some pain. Take it all in because no pain no gain. Embrace reality and use it to gain a new perspective or two.

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Those happy moments.

Captain Reset Will Bring Population Down to Zero

2022-03-17 - Thursday

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Captain Reset Meme

Civod was made in 2016 in a lab. There are videos where top officials confess to their crimes. It's all out in the open.

I'm neither on the side of Ukraine or Russia. Instead, I'm against the globalists who are behind the conflicts. CIA was training Nazis in Ukraine. Russia did not do it. NATO violated contracts relating to Ukraine. The problem is NATO. This Ukraine Russia thing is the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis but in reverse. Was JFK wrong? Because Putin did the same thing. Bad people are hiding behind women and children in Ukraine. Russia was sucked into a trap by NATO similar to Jan6 but on a global level.

Robbery Game

2022-03-18 - Friday

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This screenshot photo is from Friday Night Tights, a weekly podcast you can find on Nerdrotic on YouTube.

Don't let life rob you. Go out and live life. Do to others as you would want done to you out of the spirit of anti-robbery. Life is a tiger.

DMZ Shining Vale

2022-03-19 - Saturday

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Shining Vale

Take the time to understand people and be with them in the moments they need most. Which moments would that be? No idea and that's the point. Not that you can't never know. But life is torrent of adventure. Be there for the ride and see where it takes you.

Rising Rain

2022-03-20 - Sunday

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Screenshot of Simpcast which you can catch each Sunday night live on Chrissie Mayr on YouTube.

Express the rain till the cats come home. Cry me a river with expression. The eye of the tiger is in the eye of the needle of the storm of moments like that, you rise up and step into position, an ongoing parade. When your time comes, you won't need to be dragged out. You will simply float into position. When that time comes, turn the music up and let the beat be your guide. Feel it and embrace it fully.

Walking Dead Negan Redemption

2022-03-21 - Monday

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The son of Glenn aiming a gun at Negan in Walking Dead.

Take the time to smile with people. Embrace the beauty within and without. Just sit down and spend a moment once a week with them. You can go back to who you are afterwards. But in that moment, smile and take it all in. It's truly worth it in the end.

Child Porn Means Child Rape

2022-03-22 - Tuesday

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Sav Says

Child porn is bad but child rape is very bad. Child porn is a product or symptom of child rape. Focus on the source of the problem, the rape. Stop the rape.

Battle Plans DOT News

2022-03-23 - Wednesday

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Sidebar with Jenna Ellis! Viva & Barnes LIVE

Battle Plans DOT News. Wrong Opinion dot Net. Don't waste time taking notes. Just do it. Just get it done. You got places to go and people to see. I created an agenda log to keep track of my agenda.

Picard Geoengineering

2022-03-24 - Thursday


Picard is NOT Fun.

Picard Show is all about climate change which is caused partly by geoengineering. which is a product of bad people. The problem is the bad people and not we the people by the people for the people.

Fuck Coke Cock

2022-03-25 - Friday

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Fuck Canada Tyranny. Check out Friday Night Tights on Nerdrotic and the Geeks + Gamers of the Fandom Menace and Tuesday's Main Event on YouTube and other websites too. You don't know what you are missing. I need more Coke. The cock meme. Culture on drugs. Hollywood sucks. Disney is fucking with Star Wars.

Basketball star Ervin Magic Johnson mentioned how race was a problem in the 1970s back in high school. But truth be told, what you find more often than not is not racism but culturalism. People are tribal. It's a culture thing. It is not strictly based on the color of your skin but your culture. You will find different colors mixed in certain groups because like cultures unite. That is not a color thing. Sure, racism is real. Yes, racism is bad. Yes, it can be very bad. But there is more to life than just that one particular problem. And that particular problem in the world has been decreasing. And slavery is also a problem. But slavery is similar to the racism problem in that it is not a racism problem or a slavery problem. It goes beyond that. It's not racism, it's culture for the most part. It's tribal. Also, it's not slavery of just black people but of all kinds of people since the dawn of the time. On top of that trafficking is a problem. On the top of that, so many different things. But long story short, tribal culture plays a big role in what kind of people we choose to hang out with.

What if I told you that you could put other operating systems onto your phone?

Nazi Nasa

2022-03-26 - Saturday

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Movie with Steve Urkel in it.

Thousands of Nazis were absorbed into America in the 1940s. We're talking about Operation Paperclick. Many went to South America to places like Argentina. Many were hired by NASA.

Will Smith slapped Chris Rock

2022-03-27 - Sunday

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Will Smith slapped Chris Rock. Not sure if this was staged or what.

Will Smith slapped Chris Rock. Check out Toby Rogers dot sub stack dot com. Black Rock Larry Plink is saying globalism died. Actually, globalist control freaks are doubling down on their tyranny in the 2020s like never before in history.

The army of moms is a powerful thing. You mentioned MK Ultra which is a powerful thing. You talked about having problems with videos, with going live. I was able to stream and record video at the same time using the OBS program I downloaded on my computer. There are websites that lets people simultaneously go live, to do live streams, on different websites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, etc. I use Proton Mail because they don't censor. I upload videos to different websites and try to keep copies of my videos on hard drives. I encourage people to build and develop backup plans in regards to videos, articles, etc. Take baby steps if you're a content creator, etc. One step at a time. I like what you are saying. I am against taxes. I prefer minimizing tyranny and in maximizing freedoms, private property rights, free markets, etc. Look up local city board meeting information, bingo. They have their websites. We can keep an eye on what they are doing and then we can make videos about it. We can write about it. We can talk about it. A starting point. I keep a blog and try spreading awareness to what is happening. There are many ways to spread the word, to raise awareness, I encourage people to simply try to spread the word. It's that simple. You simply share. If you're reading this, just share stuff. See something, say something. Doing something is better than doing nothing. Get the ball rolling. Head towards the right direction in life, simple as that. Don't worry about failure. Just simply do something. If you fail, don't worry about it. Get back up again and try again. Pray and thank God for the opportunity to get back up again. Yeah, the stuff they put in water. That is why we have a water distiller. We filter our water.

Will Smith Fucks Free Speech

2022-03-28 - Monday

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Will Smith Smollett

1776 Coin dot com. Biden said Putin cannot remain in power. Will Smith hitting Chris Rock is their way of saying "Attack Free Speech" via "Actual Physical Violence." Trying to remove Putin is an act of war that could escalate and accelerate global war. It could lead to the end of life on the planet. Red alert. Oscars had over 80 million views on average in the 1980s, it was as big as the Super Bowl. In 2022, it was probably less than 10 million and over 80 percent of that was probably just people watching and rewatching Will Smith slap Chris Rock meaning they didn't watch the entire Academy Awards telecast. Joe Rogan has more average users each day than the Oscars.

Could be Will Smith trying to take control of something as he has little control of who his wife fucks.

My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You is on YouTube

2022-03-29 - Tuesday

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My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You - It's Okay To Slap People For Telling Jokes | Will Smith & His Apology

SLAVE YOU ARE. Back in the day, slaves were not allowed to read books. Nowadays, the general public are persuaded not to read books because that's not the cool thing to do. Only geeks do that. Not only that but they also offer fake books and distraction on top of that to allow those who do read to read things that will make them dumber. This is layer on top of layer. Forcing you not to not read would be too obvious. So, their tactic is to be secret about it, subliminal, subconscious, covert. They get you to want the slavery. They keep you from being aware of the slavery and addiction. Smith means strike.

My biggest thought regarding Will Smith hitting Chris Rock at the Oscars is how that scene is used to not only justify, dismiss, rationalize, sympathize, excuse, tolerate, but also encourage people to commit acts of violence against anybody who says anything they don't like, period, regardless of whether it's a joke or otherwise. Some people use these types of situations to their advantage, it is being weaponized as one more thing added to a long list of things designed to destroy culture. Choosing not to engage in the discussion will only make things worse in the long run. These types of situations become embedded in culture at a subliminal or subconscious level which means they don't know a thing like that is in fact programming them to be snappy at alleged hate speech. It is designed to maximize your ability to be triggered to do the Will Smith Slap yourself. Regardless of whether or not the slap was real or not, that is what it does to you. Regardless of whether or not Will rehearsed the slap before the show or not, that is not the most important thing here. How this affects geo-culture is the bigger concern, period. It is affecting culture all around the world in a variety of ways. This is being used to teach people it's ok to attack free speech if it makes you or people around you to feel emotionally uncomfortable, angry, sad, confused, upset, sick, triggered, nervous, anxious, depressed, suicidal, etc. Use these kinds of situations as teaching moments with people around you. Take it as an opportunity to talk about things. These situations can either push people away or connect people together like a magnet. When these moments come in life, treat them like much needed leverage. You need all the leverage you can get. Believe it or not, these kinds of situations don't come all the time. They're a blessing in disguise. It's now or never. Do something now or miss out on a chance of a lifetime to truly influence people away from the desire to attack free speech as that is what this is.

Words Are Not Violence

2022-03-30 - Wednesday

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Suck On This.

Weird lady uploads a video where she says there were 3 acts of violence, the joke, the laughter from the audience, and Will Smith slapping Chris Rock in front of the world as the third act of violence. Actually, it was the only act of violence. But the left says silence is violence. They say words are violent. That is how they twist society towards decline as they weaponize a form of bad anarchy and hatred against free speech.

Picard Sucks Now

2022-03-31 - Thursday


Will Smith on the wrong side.

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