in #vrill6 years ago

So, for days now I have been on the look out for different sources and facts of information on the subjects, whistle blower Donald Marshall exposed about the Illuminati cult which are thus; Human Cloning and VRILL parasites
Although, I like researching about facts especially when they're pertaining to history and archeology but this time around I will be sourcing for materials and relevant information on this subject for @fulltimegeek

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“Droning” is a process where the Vril injects its proboscis into the human eye, hence the lizard parasite takes control of the human host brain. This is a terrible experience for the human being because the human consciousness will have to die before the vril parasite consciousness is in full control. Often times, (not in all) cases memory and ability of the former human is retained & the lizard consciousness will be replica to that of the former humans' behavior. The former human is now depict as a drone.

Basically, these are the set of 'people' used by vril or the occult secret called Illuminati to infiltrate governments, religious, legal & financial systems, organizations and/or corporations. The background of this particular individuals - Illuminati is dated back to the end of World War II during the emergence of Adolf Hitler as the president of the Nazi race. Most people have it in their research that the missiles launched by the Nazi group on their allies during the war was a reflection from the image some astronauts discovered in the cloud which birthed the vision of the cult. History has it, that they refer to themselves as followers of the Black Sun & the Inner circle of Thule.
An early stage of baldness can be a great way to discover a vril reptile living in a droned human as it host. Because it is common for male or female drones to lose their hair at a younger age. Although, for malformed offspring it is typical that they're devoid of intelligence to understand - with a minimal capacity - if any, to understand sarcasm and dry humour.

“In 1871, under anonymous cover, the writer-politician Edward Bulwer-Lytton published the novella Vril: The Power of the Coming Race. Bulwer-Lytton is now most famous for coining the phrase “The pen is mightier than the sword” and the opening line “It was a dark and stormy night,” but Vril, too, has had a long afterlife. A conflation of Verne-esque hollow-Earth sci-fi, proto-occult theories, and Darwinism, it’s narrated by an American who stumbles on an underground race, descended from ancient Aryans, that’s harnessed a source of infinite power called Vril. Its possessors, the Vril-ya, have transcended war, envy, and even democracy to establish a classless utopia. But of course, they have a dark side; lacking the imperfections of humanity but also its empathy, they may one day destroy it.”

From New York News and Politics, excerpt link

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Drones often times seem incapable to understand feelings - empathy or sympathy and quite often display psychotic behaviours. Drones like perversion, sexual deviance and self gratification among other things. The drone i.e the human possessed by the vril lizard will seem to be an ill human until he/she fully recovers from the parasitical infection which takes varying degrees of time, but is usually minimal.
The human eye i.e the droned eye with the proboscis will be affected and sometimes never fully recovers, leaving the affected eye to seem different from the other. Most drones appear completely normal and walk among us undetected.


The Vril proboscis connects with human eye and releases a foamy substance where the parasite injects itself into the human brain. The victim suffer from temporary agony. Once the parasite is effectively droned in the brain, the human ceases to exist and the Vril is in full control of it's host body. The age-old 'eye of Horus' symbol represents the age-old droning process that has been so effectively concealed from the history books.

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