VOTU Presents: PIRATE OUR MUSIC! D0NU7Z, 5733M17 & K0FF33 Podcast Album. Translation Donuts, Steemit and Koffee Album! Looking to to earn some extra Crypto? Review and Resteem the album, details inside!

in #votu7 years ago


Here @votu Studios we work very hard to bring you quality crap, well sort of. Its not really crap we just like to call it that, gives it a nice aroma. With that being said, we have finished up the STEEMIT FUNDED Podcast Album! That's right, today is the day we release the great tunes heard only on the VOTU podcast/Commercials.

2017-05-26_12-17-55.png Anyone looking for a Formal Version of the Album ( Cover art and Digital Booklet for download ) Let us know in the comments below.

The Jist of It All

We carefully crafted this album to reflect the mellow yet nice vibe of the price rise STEEM is experiencing. Put on your headphones and take the Pirate Journey through the blockchain and beyond! No need to send t he kids out of the room, because this album is rated E for everybody. Grandma and Grandpappi might even get a kick out of the tunes.

Why Are We Letting You Pirate Our Music?

Because we are Pirates! Also we believe that everyone should be able to enjoy good music without the barrier of having to pay for it, but if you can, upvote and donate and even resteem!That's how we earn back what we put in. thumbs up

Ways You can Earn $$

Upon giving out FREE music dusts our shoulders off we also like to offer steemians the chance to earn some crypto by resteeming,tweeting & reviewing the album via making a post after a good listen. So if you are trying to earn a little crypto on the side, consider yourself hired! All you have to do is Listen and review the album, make a post about it ( Make it good! ) and then drop a link in the comments below. If we like what you've done we will shoot you a little SBD for the efforts.

Listening Suggestions

  1. Use Headphones or a Nice Sound System
  2. Laid Back /Chill Environment
  3. Cleaning or doing quiet task
  4. Trading and Posting
  5. Enjoying Life and what it means to be alive
  6. With some one you love
  7. Watching Bitcoin Rise
  8. Making Love
  9. Creating Art and Original Content
  10. Steeming on

Without Further Wait Here It is! Pirate Away ( If You haven't already! )

Track 1- VOTRO

Track 2 - Angel Of Death

Track 3 - Death Of a Podcaster

Track 4 - Birth of a Word

Track 5 - Death Of a Negro

Track 6 - The K4T

Bonus Tracks


TH3 GR00v3

Shout outs to:

And the whole Steemit Community! Enjoy the music.

Check out our latest Vlog, we sit down and have a convo with a Homeless man Here

Find us on MusiCoin.org and use our Ref Code! https://musicoin.org/accept/c832f99c ( kinda like genesis mining with music! )



Because Life in the City As a Donut can get a little Insanity.


Have these new tracks been added to the VOTU account on musicoin.org ?

Some have, working on adding the rest of them today.

Cool. My playlist of VOTU tracks is pretty slim atm.

jacobts jAcΩb tweeted @ 26 May 2017 - 23:11 UTC

Donuts, Steemit and Koffee Album!
@VOTU_Studios on @Steemit

steemit.com/votu/@sirlunch… / https://t.co/CMEJiWjfs4

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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