Something Funny about HF 18 and Not Getting Paid Anymore. IF you are asking yourself why you are earning LESS, the answer is HERE.

in #votu7 years ago (edited)


B.T.E. ( Before The Experiment ) 1 Month Ago

I was making 3 cents per post.

Failure to earn never looked so cute

D.T.E. ( During The Experiment ) 2 Weeks Ago

Started making $5.00 per post

When you start making money, things change. Mainly you. You become an asshole

A.T.E. ( After the Experiment ) 1 week ago

Right when I thought it wasn't going to get better..It did. I started making $10.00 per post even reaching $20.00 somtimes in payout

Tears of Joy..

A.HF18 ( After Hardfork 18 ) Now

I had made some money on post, but now it is gone..I was informed that I wouldn't be making money anymore..Not like I use to at least.

So I guess it time I do the most sensible thing

Move to a 3rd world country

Break down my English

and start posting copyrighted content for a living

puts handout Please give me money.

A perfect design if even by accident? Make us rich with the experiment & take it away with HF 18..Beauty..If even for a second..

I can see @smooth now..

and maybe you are right @smooth I do need to relax..

and maybe you and STEEMIT Inc can

So that we don't need to..

Please just give us our money back @hardfork18


this post is not endorsed by anyone except by no one agree at your own peril!!


I got to 15 cents but got flagged by smooth and abit to 1 cent 😭
This is a hard fork to swallow

I don't know why but your post reminds me of the movie, "Dogma" and I laughed so hard at that and yours too

I don't even know what to say to all this yet.

Not gonna lie, posts that were made YESTERDAY you would not think would basically all reset to $0 or thereabouts.... but I can see if the payout happened after midnite last nite or today when HF kicked in.... maybe. IDK if they are fixing the glitches or everything...

I hope so. All or most of us are missing a whole day's worth of post payouts and blogging and formatting nitemares that clearly we all struggled thru taking 3x longer to make a decent looking post


Have a nice day! I sent your post/commercial for me to a few people last nite, they thought it was very nice of you guys.

Thanks again!!

quit funny <don't make jokes about Money Lol

I understand. I made this up and it is in a new post moments ago. (:

Cool, I made this post reach 10 cents. cheers for double digit payouts. This was pretty funny bro, and family friendly. It hits all angles, nice work! Please Check bro

What is going on with this sh*t? 1551 votes = $0.12 WTF!!!!!!!!

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