@votu sponsored by @beanz has made an announcement about the banner contest to be used by VOTU
In the previous entry. There are still some weaknesses in the banner, @stephanus and @beanz have given some advice to me, I'm really glad they said it.
In this 2nd job, I still use adobe photoshop cs6 Portable, I don't know if I can send more than one., at least I've tried to give my best.
Here is my work:
468 X 60
2684 x 334 GRACE O'Malley 'Queen of the Pirates', bounced back to lead the troops to victory
I am a very open person, If anything goes wrong about this, please let me know
blackpearl... nice one..
Yeahh..thank you
Good job 👍
Ahahahahahaha..I'm a noob...
Thank you @maleek
It should be VOICES OF THE UNDERGROUND. Just a little help friend. Otherwise an outstanding banner!