In my opinion voting with 1% it might be a bad thing for steemit users!

in #voting8 years ago (edited)

Lately, I have seen that a lot of people are using 1% of their steem power to vote on posts, and I think this is bad for the steemit users. Before I start to say why this is bad, I want to tell you all, that this is just my opinion.

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This is what I think about your 1%vote 

I have saw users with 500, 700 or 1000 SP voting with 1% and that means they are using 5, 7 and 10 steem power to vote for a post, while a new user is using 40 steem power, so I don't think that's fair that a new user, to use more steem power than an old user. There is no balance, so it should be vice-versa in my opinion.

I have almost 5000 SP and my vote doesn't worth 1 cent, so what if I use 1% of my SP what then? Think about this; 100 users with 5000 SP using 1% to vote for a post, that post will have $0,00. I want you to imagine the face of the person when he sees 100 upvotes and $0,00 will be a smiley face or a sad face? 

Is he on Facebook or is he on Steemit? 

What's the difference between one like or an upvote?

I want you to remember that Steemit is a social media platform that pays you for posting. So, where is the payment if all are voting with 1%. If a new user sees 100 upvotes and $0.00 he will think about how many people should vote his post to make 1 cent or 1 dollar or more. He will be frustrated and he will lose the interest for posting again on steemit.

Voting all the users with 1% ?

This is the worst thing that a user can do and I will tell you why. When you vote all the users, you are voting also people like:

@roary :

You can see here that people are upvoting this kind of behavior.

@iloveupvotes: he get flagged every time, and to be honest I don't care if he is right or wrong, how long he have made few accounts to downvote all the users. But, people are upvoting his behavior and you can see here.

The point is that @dan and @ned, they have made the downvote button for a reason: to fight against those kind of people and to fight against plagiarism. But, voting with 1% all the users you are also upvoting those people instead of fighting them. So, what's the difference between voting with 1% a good content or voting with 1% something that you should downvote or at least not to vote. When you are voting similar posts that you should not upvote at all, you are encouraging those users to keep doing it. 

How can you say that you appreciate a good content, if you are using only 1% of you SP to vote. Where is the appreciation on that? Do you believe the person who wrote that good content will feel any appreciation when will see a lot of people voting his content with 1%? There is no appreciation! Plus who are voting with 1% is taking the curation anyway and no credit for the person who posted and this is not ok!


I think that it will be great, if people who have less than 10.000 SP to not be able to use less than 50% when they will upvote a post. In this way people will start to appreciate the content, plus they will use wisely their SP and maybe they will not upvote people who should get flagged. 

I know there will be people who will say that they are trying to help the new users, but I don't think this is the way. If you really want to help them, then you should start to leave comments and interact with them and support them. Commenting on posts will have a bigger impact on them and it will be more helpful than an upvote. At the end this is a social media platform that pays you for posting. 

So, start making connections with people and don't be a robot!


I agree, a 1% vote is an insult.

I have my own system of voting:

  1. I never vote unless I have actually opened the post and read the first paragraph to see if it is of anything of interest to me. I do this so that I dont fall into the trap of click bait titles.

  2. If it show that a post is of interest to me then it means it is of value to me so I vote 100% power

  3. If it is NOT of particular interest to me: then I ask myself if the post adds value to the Steemit community - ie. is it original and well written/presented.
    If so then I use 100% voting power.

  4. If a post is from someone I follow then it must mean it is already of some interest to me. So Again I will open and read though and usually I will vote 100% power because I want to support this person anyway

  5. For comments I usually use 50% voting power in order to save some power for content posts.

  6. So far I have not down voted or flagged anyone and I hope never too, but I take the point of plagiarism. If I see that then I just don´t vote.

  7. As in life, there are always exceptions to any rule.
    For me it is that I will always vote for those who support me even if the post something that does not interest me at all. They supported me when I started and so I want to return the favor. It is a loyalty thing. I believe loyalty is a good thing to have in society.

  8. I do not restrict myself to my own rules and can alter then at anytime as is my right.

Generally this is my own pattern of voting and as yourself I have seen people voting 1% on some of my posts and I have to admit it left a bad feeling in my stomach. I thought to myself, why bother, just don´t vote at all. 1% of your opinion means nothing.

Upvoted using 100% power lol!

You have a good system of voting and people should start using this kind of system if they don't know how to do it.

Whatever the case. Anything less than a 50% vote in my view is a bit naughty unless your are whale then it makes sense to be careful with the percentage.

But of course you have to keep an eye on your voting power.
One reason why some votes might be very low is that perhaps some people are just upvoting like crazy and then their voting power runs out.
I did that error when I first started.

Voting like crazy doesn't sound good, but it happens to most of the new users until they learn how it works. That's why people should use wisely how they vote.

That's a really great system you have. I still have to little power to divide my voting, but I will be there soon also. Voting with 1% is like saying "Sure, you posted, but I'm not going to give you more than this slap on the cheek so you can perform better next time".

I didn't like the idea when it was presented a few months back, and it seems like my worries was real. It wasn't good to put a slider from 1-100% on votes. They should have stuck to a few simple steps for those that wish to vote more per day. I would say 1/4, 2/4, 3/4 or full power. But I don't expect anyone to listen to that.

I really like your ruleset.

It makes a lot of sense to me, and I think I already follow a similar version.

Thanks for the logic.

I know there will be people who will say that they are trying to help the new users, but I don't think this is the way. If you really want to help them, then you should start to leave comments and interact with them and support them.

I definitely agree with you on this part (and actually, on the post as a whole). I don't really understand the 1% votes, except maybe for whales that actually give some earnings, even with 1%.

A 1% vote that does not give any earnings will not help keep a new member here. Didn't we all start here for the money? So make sure they get a few pennies and then help them fall in love with the community. If you really enjoy a post, reward it. If not, leave it alone or give pointers on how to improve...

Yes, I completely agree with you.

Feel free to resteem it if you want to spread the word!

Resteemed and upvoted! You hit it right on the spot.
We need more interaction with users! :D

As I posted in another comment here, regarding the slider for voting

I didn't like the idea when it was presented a few months back, and it seems like my worries was real. It wasn't good to put a slider from 1-100% on votes. They should have stuck to a few simple steps for those that wish to vote more per day. I would say 1/4, 2/4, 3/4 or full power. But I don't expect anyone to listen to that.

I agree with you!

First of all, I think the problem is not that people are voting with 1%, the reality is that maybe 90% of 1% votes comes from autovoting. You add a huge list of users to autovote upon and set the voting power really low.
I have made a post concerning this issue.
I don't think the problem is in the platform itself but the way most users (ab)use it. Votes don't matter that much if there are no views and interaction.
I'm also very pissed about this situation.

Resteemed to get the word around.

Yes, interaction is missing because users use auto-votes, but when it comes to appreciating someone's work, 1% is not the way how it has to be appreciated.

Yeah I think all these 1% votes are from automatic voting, you probably now who invented this?

Anyone with programming skills can build apps to interact with steemit. For instance, @cheetach is such an app/bot. He scans the web like a search engine and posts in the comments if the article was taken from somewhere else.
There are numerous services like @steemvoter or autosteem that enable users to autovote. Also a huge chunk of the autovotes come from guilds.

yes exactly, that is what i mean and know from conversations - not good in my view

The view of % of the vote is only accessible to people who can use a third-party application, so not the newbies. posted the % one day. Thus, 1% shows that there has been a vote. It's strategic : someone voted ... and if it's a whale!It's good for ego but no payout! It gives the image that there are many activities, many voters.

So, it will be like a like on facebook and not an upvote how it should be on steemit!

So you think newbies are not able to use third party apps? Well, when i started in August first thing was to look and get these apps! That was the reason I stopped - now back since 5 weeks again after some more understanding but so many apps how the percentage - and if i bring people to steemit i want them to know such things upfront!

Great post! In my opinion I post quite great posts but struggle to get upvotes that matter...usually it is 1% which is really bad...if i like a post I dont give 1% seems to be total waste...just my opinion! Have a great day @the-future
Best regards,

Thank you @survivebubble, I appreciate your comment and at the beginning, ​ we all are struggling. Thanks a lot for the comment. Cheers André!

You're not wrong. It's deep issue.

Steemit is going through some big changes now. Socially and in users and user habits. 1% voters are not doing the platform or their bank account any favours.

Thanks for the support @solarguy, much appreciated!

its a deep topic. really. I used to make decent rewards but than one day I spoke up and uncovered a dark side of Steemit and I have not gotten a whale vote since. Do tread careful.

I just shared my opinion like everyone else, and I don't accuse anybody of doing something wrong.

I know there will be people who will say that they are trying to help the new users, but I don't think this is the way. If you really want to help them, then you should start to leave comments and interact with them and support them. Commenting on posts will have a bigger impact on them and it will be more helpful than an upvote.

Thank you. I agree very much with this.

Thank you very much @acidyo, I appreciate it a lot!

Yeah, voting with 1 percent is rubbish. 100 all the way and don't worry too much about voting power either!!. If I like it I vote for it, nice and simple!! :0)

That's the way it started and now people start going in a wrong direction.
Like you said, if you like it you vote for it nice and simple! Cheers man!

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