Minnow voting power from the record $30 000 "makeup post" perspective.

in #voting8 years ago (edited)

This Week-end we saw a record payout for… wait for it… of all things.... a vlog about makeup.

This was not actually the highest $ value post by a long shot.

That title goes to the first ever post on steemit that was something ridiculous like $140 000. That one was never paid out though, because it was during the non-payout phase of steemit’s evolution. It was diluted down to size by the other posts and votes that came after it.

If you have just joined steemit recently and are wondering how on earth posts are earning so much?

Here is a simple explanation.

The price of steem rose 2000% since the 4th of July

From about 20 cents to around $4.

The pricing of posts is calculated in STEEM but displayed in STEEM dollars. The STEEM to STEEM dollar display rate uses a 7 day smoothed average. So basically the massive rise last week is only visibly apparent now… that’s why we more commonly have posts with values in the thousands and tens of thousands of dollars lately.


The rise in $ values of posts is not only due to the increase in market capitalization.
Believe it or not it has to do with the minnows, shrimps and krill of steemit ecosystem.

All those votes that some new users are complaining about as being useless are not that useless after all.

They just need to be used more wisely.

Many new users are piling onto any post they see with a dollar value beneath it. As a minnow, that is one of the worst ways to use you vote.

I will discuss a better voting strategy for new users at the end of the post…. but for now back to the makeup to explain a few more details of how things work.

Steemit is male dominated by a ratio of roughly 9 males for every 1 female visitor.
-- So some of the voting is just based on testosterone voting for a pretty face, body or what have you.

Whales (heavily invested accounts) know that in order for steemit to truly grow this gender imbalance needs to be rectified.
-- Some whales will vote for female contributors to encourage more female participation and spread STEEM power to create female dolphins.

Steemit is dominated by a few categories that earn much more than others (the circlejerk)
-- Some whales will vote for contributors that have the power to popularize new categories and diversify steemit content.

Some new users are internet celebrities, have many followers or are highly respected in their respective communities.
-- Some whales will vote for celebrity contributors to encourage more celebrity participation and spread STEEM power to create celebrity dolphins.
-- The new dolphins are now invested and are more likely to bring their followers to this platform.

Essentially what you are witnessing with very high payouts is a demographic differentiation, category expansion or sometimes marketing share drop to influential or necessary new users.

This is not the space for minnows to spend their votes.

Once a whale or dolphin has voted a minnow vote only adds to the payout value of the post but does nothing for the minnow.

If the post is really good, by all means vote for it…. But if it already has a very high value that is not necessary but actually defeats the ideals of the platform.

For steemit to grow optimally all users of the system need to be rewarded based on the value they bring to the platform. Everybody pilling in on already valuable posts (bandwagon voting) concentrates the rewards in small areas and excessively high payouts is just one of the consequences.

A new user's votes rewards them the most when they are not pilling in late but finding good content early.

Minnows should look, not at the trending tab, but at the new and active tabs to find good content that has $0.00 or very low values. Finding and voting for good content that has not been discovered by a dolphin or whale will earn minnows much higher rewards if they vote before the big votes come in.

The really big secret for minnows

When we first get to the platform we often think we need to write the best post and get it seen… we see this in the record number of posts being uploaded every day.

However… the real value a minnow can add and be rewarded for is to be found in the comments section.

  1. Comments get author rewards too
  2. You can also be the first to vote up your own comment
  3. That will give you curation rewards for that comment
  4. If the comment is meaningful, insightful, adds value and is not spam, you are likely to be upvoted by others, even dolphins and whales
  5. If you write good comments, it is easier to get them seen in popular posts than to write your own popular post and get it seen.
  6. This will help you to build reputation and be more likely to have a viral post one day.

Good commenting proves you have engaged with the content and are adding to the conversation, not spamming. Spamming will only get you downvoted and result in reputation loss.

This worked for me... I have had some comments earn $500 and its a great strategy for those starting out small. I usually only vote for the already popular posts if they are exceptionally good or the consistently popular authors if I find their stuff early.
I always vote up good comments whenever I find them, and I make sure I look for them in my own posts too. I know other dolphins, whales and super whales do too.

You will also be spreading the love and rewards more evenly to posts that need it more than the already discovered popular ones


One of the important things here is to maintain honesty . Vote for posts and comments that are really good, or similar to your personal preferences. Many strategies made just for making money, are destined to fail, probably work a while but the community will go towards equilibrium.

The best strategy is generate value and find good posts or comments before the rest.

Great post!

You are a perfect example....of the mentioned good approach!Well done!!
I feel like a fool because I'm fighting with the wind by posting gifs and other monkey game stuff and I can not even achieve $1 and... you just come along and post a logic comment based on your observation and here you go...you're going to make a RECORD comment!

This is exactly what I was talking about, a great comment that attracts a whale vote because its just that good....

I saw a gif worth that much.

It must have been good

What a great post. Thanks for encouraging new users to seek out and support quality content. Informative and clearly laid out; you have dispelled a lot of initial confusion for minnows with this sharing. Thanks :)

Great post.

However, I disagree on one point. Writing valuable posts is far more profitable when time is considered than writing comments. A valuable post in a popular tag can credibly make $100-$1,000, from what I've seen with at least a 20% probability.

If so, this means by writing 5 valuable posts a day spread out across the day in peak periods, you will on average make $100-$1000 a day.

Crafting a comment with a high $ value is far more difficult. Certain posts require levity, in which case memes are highly rewarded. Others require more serious reflection.

This means the average payout for comments is not only subject to greater variability but on average would probably be far lower than that for valuable posts. Which means to make a reasonable amount of money per day by commenting , you have to write a lot of comments.

In fact, an optimal way to make money through comments is through automated shitposting, in other words by scaling production of comments as with a large enough sample you are likely to 'strike gold' ,as it were - to produce a well rewarded comment.

This can be observed by checking the wallets of memes-shitposters, and comment bots.

However, if you don't think you write valuable content, commenting is certainly an optimal approach. With enough iterations of rubbish comments, a few will be well rewarded. And those that aren't will collect dust which accumulates (i.e. a cent here a dollar there).

Well written.... this adds aspects to the discussion I didn't have space to expand on.

Content contribution is definitely more rewarding once you get it right, but some battle to get it right initially by nor reaching or finding their intended audience.

Content is highly rewarded because after all you are creating great value in the form of original content.

However when you are starting out it feels like votes are worthless and that is the other half of creating value on steemit. I made the mistake of ignoring voting initially because I felt my $0.00 vote added nothing to the ecosystem.

I have since found out otherwise.

Upvoting your own comment and post can earn you more STEEM Power than herd voting or blind voting to the point that your vote becomes more meaningful. Thereafter you will be more able to reward others good content with it and become a true curator.

"Many new users are piling onto any post they see with a dollar value beneath it. As a minnow, that is one of the worst ways to use you vote."

This is exceptionally important, and looks to be the case with many minnows. If a post is already worth a few thousand dollars it can be exciting to see that and quick hit the upvote button to join in the fray, but it's likely at that point the curation reward ship has sailed. Look for the diamonds in the rough, surf the "created" section for excellent articles that are new and haven't yet received the attention they deserve. This is how to truly maximize your curation rewards.

Fellow minnows, your voting strength is important! Use it wisely.

There are enough new sign up's everyday that, like deer in the headlights, can't help voting for a $10 000 post. Users that have been around a bit longer do not to have to do it!

I know I did it for quite a while when I first started before I realized it's actually bad for me and all other small users, because of reward centralization.

Very insightful, and very true, I was lucky enough to be graced with an upvote from @berniesanders , which totally made my day, and multiplicated my steem power (i'm still a minnow, but a growing one) :)

I do believe it is the best way to "start" and build reputation, as it involves less luck then hoping to make a viral post.

Have a most excellent day @gavvet !

@berniesanders is the man... votes from him when I was new to the platform really motivated me to keep trying, even when many of my posts were not very good.

New users shouldn't vote too often, beacuse with every vote their voting power will reduce a little bit.

Your voting power looks like about this: Steempower / Your daily votes.

Steam has a moving avarage to calculate your daily votes. If you don't vote for 24 hours you will get your maximum voting power.

Spot on. Many people are trying to make a quick buck and don't see the real value of the platform. You've got my vote:)

The above comment is the example of a great comment, which should get lots of votes.

Thanks, I wanted to add something useful to the subject. :)

And very useful it is. Both from a content perspective and also to illustrate the point.

Ironically, now I'm scared to vote on it.

I don't agree, your own voting power doesn't matter as a minnow, all that matters is to upvote something before some dolphins or a whale does so ... which means; vote as much as possible, but still selective of course, it still needs to be something good, otherwise it's not going to get any whale votes

it's basically gambling ... doing the math; only vote for good content, but the more the better

You are right. Spoting the trending articles before the crowd is essential.

5 weeks ago I didn't know about it. At time there were new users who upvoted everything, to receive curation rewards, they had about 20-30% voting power. I reflected to this behaviour.

Thank you for writing this. You have pretty much read my thoughts!

This is what I've have been doing.

I've also made it a point to vote for posts that are beyond payout time from authors who have put serious effort into it. I understand it may not yield me much or any $$$ but there are many great posts that have not been discovered by whales and dolphins. It benefits the authors and doesn't cost me a dime!

So as a Sea Monkey (in between lil' fish and big fish) I've made it a point to encourage authors who feel let down because they haven't gotten any votes. There are hundreds of them out there. Few I've had the pleasure to know through our interactions.

  1. If I like a post (don't have to love it) I simply leave a comment because as a content creator myself, it gives a confidence boost to see someone replying on your post.
  2. If you are on slack you will find me upvoting requests from other krills. I'm here to curate good content and and often it's not possible to discover on your own. This community could do with some help and if someone requests you to upvote on a post with good content go for it. You don't lose anything!
  3. If I ever get to the point where I have substantial $ in my wallet my principles will largely remain the same. More krills need to be big fishes and so on..
  4. You need to look for great posts that go beyond the core interest of the community to find gems. Core interest is everything related to crypto but not everyone here is an expert on crypto.
  5. People need to vote beyond trending pages on Steemit! That's where some of the gems of the community lay hidden!

Go discover some today!

You are simply awesome @firepower and your slack chat tips so sweet and helpful ! Thank you !!!

@mammasitta Thank you so much. Hoping to stick around and continue helping out. :)

Thank You ! I just woke up and saw your message after posting a new story ! 1 min after it was out , the system went down again 😭

Snapchat type garbage posts get my downvote every time. If you appear to be "selling" yourself physically I am not impressed. Content is what is needed, not kim kardashian type self promotion. I encourage everyone to flag garbage. Even if it is mine!

Here we goooo .That's exactly what I tried to say . I would even except to be flagged down for my boobs photo but thanks God I was 9 months pregnant in the photo ...hahaa ...your comment got my upvote !

Thanks for the insights on how comments to good posts can help minnows. Always up vote your comments!

Glad I could help! I focus most of my curation efforts on comments.

That's an intresting strategy. I also give it a try!

It works well!!! I have been testing it more and more since the 4th of July when I discovered my vote could actually give someone a reward.

Great write-up. Read it all. But I have a question..who came with this fish denominations?! Are steemit-canon now?...

Fish analogies come from market trading circles...

Interesting! Are you a trader?

Interesting read. Keep it up.

You've already made the comment, it may be noticed and rewarded more if you say a bit about what aspects of the post you found interesting.

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