
I don't agree, I tried it and what it does is that it ranks your comment a little bit higher so it gets attention, especially if you are late in the game. But other than that sure it is lame but don't forget it has some good purpouses too!

Ok, i see what you are saying...but, if we foster a community where comments are content relevant and not up-vote beg spam like "great post". If we each take the time to write meaningful comments and actually contribute to a discussion then the comments section becomes a value proposition for the reader. People are more inclined to pay attention, read, and up-vote quality comments. If the top comment is a self up-voted misspelled irrelevant piece of garbage, chances are whoever is reading will simply stop right there. Consequently the only use case of self up-voting would be if you are certain your content contributes something meaningful to the community, which one person simple cannot determine you=/=the steemit community.

I enjoy the community I am investing in Steem and putting time into the platform. It has huge potential as you are well aware of.