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RE: Trying out vote-bying

in #voteselling6 years ago

This is so good and interesting that you are trying this @katharsisdrill, as last year I did the same thing. I saw that some people I like did it and so I tried it and then posted about it asking opinions and BOY talk about heated opinions! After all the discussion I just stopped doing it as I couldn't be bothered to talk about it any longer. I did think it was good at the time ( I did one or two posts can't remember) to see how it was.

I was happy with the result as I thought it fair, because being an artist we always make money in odd ways and any way we can, so it just seemed normal to me, but I decided to not try again because of all the debate.

HOWEVER, I will say all those that were so adament NOT to do it and that they just wanted to support good posts who work hard, they quickly fell away and I'd say not many of them even follow me anymore, so I mean are we meant to just wait about for the 'whales' and big wigs to just deign to drop a coin our way? But, if we want to take control and try ourselves that is somehow seen bad? I can't ever understand the human animal.

But, I tell you what, I respect you and if it looks good I might give it a try myself and make another post about it. I'll have to see how it works out for you as I would love to increase my earnings to give me more time to work on projects FOR the steemit world/online world as it allows we creatives to be, well more creative and then of course we make MORE good content for the platform, right?

When I try it, I'll use the same service you did and see what is what.


being an artist we always make money in odd ways and any way we can

Haha, there's some truth in it ;-)

are we meant to just wait about for the 'whales' and big wigs to just deign to drop a coin our way? But, if we want to take control and try ourselves that is somehow seen bad? I can't ever understand the human animal.

I neither like a culture, where it is all about kissing the rich man's ass to survive. Maybe it's just a matter of not exaggerating and leaving the cake to the little ones as well. I'm pretty sure, everyone is trying to take advantage of some sort of gambling, in one way or another. Even those who sell themselves as morally impeccable. "Who is free from sin, should throw the first stone..."

"Who is free from sin, should throw the first stone..."

That wasn't said to imply that everything is moral as long as others do it too.

That's right, it's about not judging others. At the moment I can understand anyone trying to survive on Steemit and it would certainly be a bigger loss if people like @katharsisdrill couldn't be so active anymore because they had to do a real life job. In the end, even the most beautiful morality won't work, if you can't survive.

Vote buying won't help Katharsisdrill survive on Steemit because ultimately, such action undermines the very community he depends on for his survival; this is generally why morals exist in the first place. "Erst kommt das Fressen, und dann kommt die Moral"  is quite short-sighted; often, without morals, the food will stop coming, as we all depend on groups.

Anyway, only a few win in the current game, the rest gets peanuts; vote buying only accelerates this; might as well do the right thing.

But all that is a bit to deep and heavy; it's only Steemit, after all 8-).

I don't judge Katharsisdrill for buying votes, not because I have ever been afraid of throwing the first stone as hard as I can (not that I am without sin, but nothing ever changes for the better without judgements), but because I am beyond caring about such things on Steemit. Steemit isn't about content, but about making money with money, so he should do as he sees fit, and he will.

True, it would be a shame if he stopped posting on Steemit, but I doubt his buying votes will be of any help with that, and as long as he survives financially, and I can see his drawings somewhere else, I would be fine with his leaving Steemit too.

such action undermines the very community he depends on for his survival;

I didn't propose vote buying as a good thing in general, but for people, that are good for the community, create quality content (that is undervalued) and don't overdo it.

That won't hurt the system imho, what destroys it, are whales, that only upvote their own shit-posts, don't curate and don't help minnows.

nothing ever changes for the better without judgements

I'm really not sure about if judging is the root of all evil in first place. I try to avoid judging others as much as I can. Isn't that the whole point of a liberal, free speech network? Instead of trusting other's, I try to develop and adjust my own moral.

Steemit isn't about content, but about making money,

If it wasn't about content and the people, that create it, I certainly would have gone already. Meeting @katharsisdrill and being at Steemfest prooves, that Steemit has powers beyond "making money".

I doubt his buying votes will be of any help

I doubt not doing so, will be of any help for anybody

I would be fine with his leaving Steemit too

This would be a great loss for me personally and for the Steem blockchain in general. So at least, he shouldn't be judged for trying out ways of optimizing his rewards. I won't.

Great :-)

Steemit is only a faucet. Not much moral attached.

But I am an art faucet, and my art can be found here, even when crypto is created by national states:

No wonder your daughter is in a warlike mood.

She has her reasons I presume.


Yes, this touches upon some of my thoughts about this platform. I have seen people win politically because they played foul and then... nothing, they get away with it. People seem to think that they are smart. And meanwhile we artists are out there with the lumpen proletariat anyways and are considered dodgy and half criminals and freebooters. So my only regret is that the owners of the bots get away with all the money.

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Yesterday 11486.0 STEEM POWER delegated or invested gave payout of:
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Please note that your profit can be slightly different (depending on the payout time).

Check out to compare @tipU with other services.

Just checking what you would get if you delegated all your SP to Tipu. I'm curious that way 8-).

I am always curious, but one thing I like to do here it is voting directly at the good posts and comments. I haven't really delegated anything yet, but just tried to upvote all the funny people. The boring investors can vote for themselves.

And they do!

But yes, there's nothing like manual curation, but it is losing the numbers game.

It's a design flaw really. Fork this shit! What is your view on this proposal?

Quoting myself:

"As long as a large percentage of the big wallets want to optimise their ROI and tune their algorithms to that end, and prefer to be content-agnostic, you can fiddle with the percentages until the cows come home and bend the reward curve into a bow tie, but nothing will change for the better. They will just adjust their, um, doings  accordingly and carry on. Steemit is now for making money with money, not for making money with content, and I don't believe that will change anymore."

I don't believe it will work at all, but then, I am a cynic. I'm all for trying it though, as long as it can be rolled back when it doesn't work. All these discussions based on economic theories are fruitless, as there are no economic models that predict well; it's all just an exchange of opinions without progress in knowledge. Only trying  things will get us further.

I think @nonameslefttouse's proposal could be more fruitful; I don't know if you have seen it in the past?

Nothing cynical about that. Libertarianism isn't working as an economic theory. The best societies are European social democracies that uses taxes to circulate the wealth and power a bit. Even the US has to do it, but instead of public healthcare they give their population sleeping guards at the many military facilities, obsolete war machines and War.

I have seen @nonameslefttouse's proposal and felt about the same about it: doubting but interested. And we are not going to see a tax that sends money to the poor newbies, so i am interested in whatever comes up :)

There are no working economic theories, I think; all unscientific bollocks best left to people with religious inclinations. Trial and error is all that we have, but I agree social democracies and the Rheinland Model seem to yield the most happy people.

BTW I wonder what percentages and curves Weku uses. It has many flaws, like the initial distribution, just one witness, a lot of scamming and spamming, and it is uncertain if Weku will ever be traded, etc., but despite all that, my experiment with posting there shows a more pleasant and reasonable set of rewards; the numbers somehow look better and more even. Nobody knows where Weku is going, there is that, of course, but still.

They don't have an open API so there are no bots, maybe it is just that, and attempts at bots have been squashed by the powers that be so far.

Note that this is not an advertisement for Weku; post there at your own risk, and a risk it is. It is just worth having a look there to see what happens and compare it with Steemit.

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