
I understand where you are coming from, but at the same time I do feel blessed to live in a place where we do have the right to choose and honor my grandfather who fought so we could maintain that right. Not voting is not an option for me, but trust me the thought has crossed my mind.

I simpathize with your position but how does voting for either of these 2 help our country. To me a vote for either is betraying our freedom. I used to vote regularly I even ran for state house in SD but I am completely disinfranchised . I am contemplating voting for Johnson if I vote at all. No master no slave

It is interesting that of all the people who have responded none has been a staunch supporter of either, which is not what I expected, although I did expect some to say neither.

I don't see it so much as helping, but hurting it less. I can't recall a time when I've had such trouble deciding who I'd choose between two front runners. It's possible I will vote for Johnson, but if I really break it down I feel that votes for Johnson essentially take away votes from another candidate who again leaves me at voting for the lesser of two evils.

Agreed. Neither.

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