Ruminations on Steem

in #vote8 years ago


Post, Comment, and Vote
what I think I know

I'm a Social mean Social Media Veteran of over a decade. I've been on FaceBook for at least ten years , before that AOL and before THAT message boards on FidoNet. I had some preconceptions when I came to Steemit.
They were wrong.
For one thing Steemit is about as user friendly as a Bear with a toothache. Almost as unforgiving too.

I've already had to start over once due to a glitch. Dunno what caused it but I lost a month of work.
That's water under the Bridge.

No need to dwell on it.
If nothing else I think I may have learned a few things from the Experience.
Trial and Error.
mostly error
Can be a harsh Teacher.
When I first came to Steemit , as I said, I'd been on FaceBook for many years. I was conditioned to automatically like an article or comment if I approve. Naturally I thought voting on Steemit was the same thing.
Yes and No.
or rather yes it is but it's a whole lot more.
If I understand it correctly, on Steemit, when one votes approval IS expressed. But there's more. A vote on a post is tabulated then fed to an Algorithm where it is spindled and mutilated to eventuate several results.
For one thing the author get's paid (based upon many variables).
For another thing the VOTER might get paid. It's called Curation Rewards
(voting increases the voter's reputation and stuff and curation is based on reputation ....and stuff)
That would be the results of voting on a post.
there's more.
Similar unto Facebook you can 'like'(vote) on a comment.
Unlike Facebook you can get paid for THAT vote too....and it affects your reputation as well.
We now interrupt this presentation for an important message
Voting: Vote early and vote often
As I understand it 20 votes per 24hrs is built into the system. That would be the minimum.
It works like this. Think of vote power in hydraulic terms, similar to water pressure.
Water pressure is a result of 'how full is the tank'.

IF you have a faucet connected to the tank the water pressure is dependent on how full the tank is.
In our case the windmill is regulated such that if you vote 20 times in 24 hours the water pressure remains the same.
If you vote more...the water pressure drops...and the vote is worth less. It's always worth something because the tank is always being filled. But the pressure is down.
HOWEVER...if you don't vote ENOUGH..the tank over flows and the water is lost.
that's a BAD thing. So remember.
Voting more does NOT penalize you it just rewards you at a lesser rate.
I'm a Krill. For Krill and minnow's it doesn't seem to matter. It's all good.
vote, vote, vote, vote, vote.
we now return you to your regularly scheduled rant
Which brings us to the third thing.
If you make a comment it does many things.
For one thing that's what we're here for isn't it? Commenting is the Social__part of Social Media. It's the interactive part. If all we wanted to do was to be a couch potato we'd just watch TV

The commenting is what makes it fun.
but WAIT!..There's more. We get PAID to comment. (see above. It's called curation)
and there's one more thing...I think. Based upon personal experience and observation I am beginning to suspect that the commenting counteracts vote power loss. In other words if you comment you get more voting POWAH...faster than if you just let the vote power regenerate. Think of commenting as more wind in the windmill's sails. It pumps faster. The tank fills up faster.

I think. (I could be wrong)
In conclusion___.

Here's what I think
  1. Write as many posts a day as you can. Each one of them has the potential to generate SOME value. Remember however that the first four are worth the most. After four posts the potential value falls off.
    That's probably not a problem. Writing TWO quality (emphasis on quality) post in a day is fairly hard. A GOOD post takes time. I'd guess about an hour.
  2. Comment as much as you want. There is no downside. There is no limit. Be social. Commenting MIGHT bring a curation award and it MIGHT put more wind in your sails. But the act of commenting has no downside. (What you SAY might..but that's another topic)
  3. Vote, vote, vote, vote ,Vote, vote, vote, vote ,Vote, vote, vote, vote
    Twenty times a day AT LEAST. Krill and Minnow's it doesn't matter. Our votes are insignificant individually. Only by us ALL voting many, many, many times do the matter. Eventually after doing all the above.
    We'll grow to be fish.

    you got to eat to grow.
    On Steemit, Posting, commenting and voting is how we feed.


Don't forget followers. If you're here for the long term, followers are your real measure of growth and success.

Absolutely. Followers are the most important.
HOWEVER...I have no direct control over them.
All I can do is post the best content that I can write and hope for the best.

Nice post.

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